Already bored of the patch

Yeah with the news that dragonflight is going to reduce leveling XP by 50% was it?

Why the heck was the buff no extended? You’re going to buff leveling in dragonflight already, just bring back the buff.

I had one toon left over from leveling and now it’s so slow.

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Season 4 goodies is not for lowbie toons. You spent 3 seasons in Shadowlands just to make lowbie toons? You never made an advanced toon.

Season 4 is a new playground for your advanced toons. Unfortunately, you dont have one so just enjoy the old content and try to make more lowbie toons.

For people with advanced toons, Season 4 is refreshing. It’s fun to engage on old dungeons updated with dangerous mobs that could pwn you. It’s time to show the game who’s badazz.

Honestly, i am having fun.

hmmm… luckily 9.2.5 is short, really short to wait for his disgusting woke expansion, so no problem inhaling copium, he already has an expansion and a half inhaling it.

Same. Can’t wait to have my KSM and slime cat so I can stop playing it. 2 weeks to go.

What do you suggest to get people to keep playing retail, then? People who don’t want to play any version of classic aren’t going to keep playing retail or switch to classic because of a buff in classic.

These were different people who were voting for it as a joke. They were pleased that even though they don’t do mythic+, they were being given the opportunity to troll players who do. And players who do mythic+ were pretty annoyed at the time.

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It essentially is permanent, the joyous journey buff lasts through pre-patch, and with WotLK release XP required from 1-70 should also be nerfed essentially mimicking the buff (after actual release)

Technically we should be double dipping during pre-patch with both the buff, and the reduced xp required.

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But it’s the elitists that are toxic not the casuals


I openly see people saying they voted for grimrail just in spite. Truly bad people. Can’t say I’ve ever been so mad at a video game I went out of my way to ruin others play experience and I’ve racked up hundreds of days played on this game. Some people really need mental help.

um… nope… glad you’re having fun, however, I’ve beat all those bosses before and would rather have an xpac contain new content.

Or… perhaps it wasn’t out of spite but to give the M+ community the challenge they were looking for. :thinking: I mean, the whole purpose of M+ is to be engaged in challenging content, right?

Well the joke’s on us now.

what patch? the last patch was May 31st, so 2 months seems reasonable to be bored by now.

I really want korraks revenge back and to be permanent.

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Malicious is too strong a word. Mischievous however… :smiling_imp:

Same here, I haven’t really logged in on retail at all since after maintenance on Tuesday.

I’ve played on Alpha through the new zone, did all the quests, explored all the new talent trees, bug reported what needed reporting, but I’ve done all I can until the next phase.

It’s been fun actually catching up on some PS5, been playing some new games as well, having a lot of fun.

I won’t have an active subscription on any of my five or six accounts until pre-patch, so it ends up saving me a lot of gold and money from game time that I’ve used to pre-purchase a couple of new PS5 games, so it’s a win-win for me.

Sometimes it’s good to take a break from this game.


key phase here, “your opinion”

Grimrail ain’t that bad.

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It’s not a patch, just a season change.

Also, as always the oranges bringing out pretty bad takes.


The season is fun. except the fact that my class fn sucks in keys.

yup 100% bored, just pvping now

yes. everyone knew it would be a train wreck which is why many voted for it. and i assure you, the very toxic combination of affixes in a train box was part of the decision making. ;D
(however i Voted for Sky Reach but alas, will have to relegate it to having not seen her in many years.)