Already bored of the patch

And i absolutely cant wait
I cant stand levelling through shadowlands again
Normal quests or threads of fate.
Never again.


as a casual/solo player, this patch gave me zero reason to stay subbed until 10.0. i thought maybe they’d bump up the ilvl on the Sandworn Relic gear so i could at least progress a little more and play around with the tier sets, but … nope. open world progression essentially ended like 4 months ago. i can’t remember any expansion ending with such a long drought for solo players.

Now that I’ve done it, I don’t have an issue with doing these bosses over again. It’s really encounter length.

Why can’t the bosses just have half the HP they do now? Is that really too much of an ask? The fight lengths are only slightly and I mean very slightly shorter than they were when it was current.

What is the purpose of this bull****? Why would I want to slog thru the bosses we’ve already done this expansion for a 2nd time?

Tbh it’s been like this for all more recent expansions

  • Legion: last season more enjoyable on advanced/geared toons
  • BFA: last season more enjoyable on advanced/geared toons
  • Shadowlands: last season more enjoyable on advanced/geared toons

Being a lowbie/barely-plays-the-game “LFR only” player has always been less enjoyable than playing the game on at least 1 geared toon. Some things never change.


Right, so 3 days instead of 3 hours… the horror lol


What reason did they give for removing thay buff anyway? Did they just do it to bring back players who were waiting until season 4?

When you’ve leveled to max several dozen times it’s not difficult or truly tome consuming, just annoying.


Presumably they don’t want people leveling, they want them doing their recycled season 4 stuff to show how “popular” it is and give them an excuse to make 50% of all expansions from now on into reruns.

(Although it looks like they’re going to do that regardless, so we’re already there.)


I was under the impression that most people had already leveled up any alts they were going to level by now (…it’s been almost 2 years of being in the expansion, afterall :face_with_raised_eyebrow: )

Leveling in retail is stupid quick even without the buff. 50-60 is slow by comparison, but that’s really the only “hump” you run into along the way

Shadowlands content droughts have been sooo bad I’m at 16+ level 60s myself, there just hasn’t been much to do this expansion lol

So all these people complaining about “alts still stuck at level 50” never played a single alt this whole expansion?? I’m confused, what exactly were these people doing with SL’s lack of content/content droughts?? :laughing:

Half my alts are still sitting at 51-52. I got them some cheap XP answering trivia questions during the anniversary, but that’s it.

As for content droughts, I’ve never had a shortage of things to do on Brewa, in Shadowlands.

Perhaps, but you’re also a Mythic raider/min-maxer type

I imagine more lowly/casual medium-tier players run out of things to do or become bored after playing “only one main character” for a while

The barely-plays-the-game “LFR only” casuals would most certainly get bored after a while

Then stop doing it.

Thanks Captain Obvious, I did.


Good job, I wish more people stopped doing things they find unfun. I dont understand why people put themselves through XYZ if they find it annoying or unfun to them. Seems nonsensical.

Return of the 50% xp boost when

Well if you have some toons leveled and you have 20 more to go, maybe you have too many toons. Anyone playing that much of any game would get burned out.

I’m curious, why do you have so many toons? Could you cut back to a level where it would go back to feeling like a game, not like a job?

What you’ve beaten before were Faceroll Bosses if you are pertaining to Draenor Dungeons.

You havent done a Keystone Master yet. Conqueror is okay but you havent challenged yourself to the next level.

Season 4 stuffs has new affix and different in a way becoz we would be using our Shadowlands Borrowed Powers not BFA/Legion Borrowed Powers. The game is different from what we’ve played before.

You do you. If you still want to do the lowbie gaming in Shadowlands til DF, go on. More power to you. Us who love dungeons and raid. We have a new playground. And we’re loving it. You dont need to criticize our new playground becoz you cant enjoy them. It’s your fault why you have no toons capable to play the new playground.

There wasn’t even a patch. Just a new season to help Blizzard’s income.

Because blizz makes a lot of those xyz’s mandatory for endgame progression

I didn’t want to do necrolord campaign multiple times in season 1 on my alts- i had to because honor gear was locked behind weekly renown and necro campaign was the only source of vers alts had access to

I didn’t want to run thorghast every week on every character in season 1, i had to because it was the only way to get legendaries which you couldn’t compete without having them

I didn’t want to do heroic+ Nyalotha in bfa, but i had to for trinkets and weapons that were just incontestably better than conquest equivalents

I didn’t want to do m+ in bfa, but it was the only way to obtain the titanic currency to get azerite traits that conquest gear did not have

I didn’t want to get exalted rep with archivist and deaths advance, but it was the only way to get conduits as a pvper and sockets

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What? I have like 4 toons mythically geared. Why would you assume I made a post and never had an “advanced toon” weird…

Buckle up, OP!! You’re in for a ride. Every season will now feature 4 older dungeons not made for M+ from now on. We get to experience dungeons with severely outdated mechanics on a platform that scales infinitely interacting with affixes that break those encounters. DragonFlight is going to be an interesting expansion to say the least.

This is what you get when they cut corners to save money.