Already 470k Viewers for New World NA Servers Aren't UP Yet, How Will Blizz Respond

There are people sitting in queue for anywhere from 5-8 hours only to get disconnected and sent to the back of the line. So even if you manage to get close to logging in, there’s a chance you’ll get denied and sent back.


I like rift dang it!

Haven’t gotten to play it yet but from what I’ve watched on twitch:

-The graphics looks great but the gameplay looks dull.
-The opening ripped off Zelda Breath of the Wild.
-You cant swim which is odd to me.
-You get taxed a lot which seems annoying.
-No mounts

Love WoW. Have multiple accounts with active subscriptions. The article you posted was written or edited December 08, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. We both know it is extremely disingenuous to put forth the outlook of the game is the same now as it was back then. We also both know that wow does not have the numbers that it had last year compared to this year as multiple fiscal quarters have passed. You are either purposely posting this with the knowledge to misrepresent the state of the game/community right now, naïve, or incredibly stupid. Hopefully you are just naïve.

The argument was about launch day performance, no one is talking about hopes and dreams for the game

I have no idea what numbers wow has as Blizz doesn’t release their sub count.

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LOl, this guy gets so many people upset. Why get mad about someone talking about another mmo? relax…


I’ve got a secret for you…

No one here cares… people are allowed to play whatever they want and bragging about a launch day against a 17 year old game is stupid…

If you make an MMO for 5% of MMO players it won’t be able to sustain itself. WoW already lost 75% of it’s players in SL do you really want another mass player exodus this year? Blizz has to change or face it’s inevitable downfall.

New World already hit over 700k concurrent players today which is half of SL current subs. As I said WoW will be the #3 MMO very soon behind FFXIV and New World if they listen to players like you. Blizz better start rolling out drastic changes and pulling every rip cord they got.

WoW has everything. It has Normal, Heroic and Mythic on Raid. It has Normal, Heroic, Mythic 0, Mythic+2 to +15, and beyond.

It has been all dungeons and raid since the beginning. Are you playing WoW without dungeons? You must be running out of content. My niece has grown already and she stopped playing kid’s game like World Quests although she loved it before when she was a kid. She’s grown up and she was into dungeons then but she has to leave becoz she cant commit her time to MMO.

Do you think WoW is a kid’s game?

Half? Do you know that Shadowlands broke the record for biggest launch day for any PC game, beating out 3.5 million copies Blizzard’s own record from Diablo 3 back in 2012? And there are returning players on WoW including Asmonpoop. ANd New World is just on hype becoz it’s new but when people reach its end game, they would realize that game is an awful pay-to-play. Good luck.

I dunno, maybe NW’s devs saw all the posts on the Classic forums grumbling about the server size in Classic and went “Well, we won’t make THAT mistake!”

Perhaps, though 2000 is not a great count when they had full view of the preorders. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know I shouldn’t be responding to another Abombination thread…

Yet, you post threads under General discussion forum which allows topics about WoW and ONLY WoW and your threads of New World keeps getting moved to here because its not keeping topic of the forum you are posting in.

Well its a shiny brand new game, I will give a couple of weeks till people see some issues with the game and the playerbase declines thus viewer ship declines. The game has mixed reviews at the time of writing this, after watching during closed beta, launch and did some research I get the feeling the game is not going to last long enough considering it is a PvP centric with PvE elements tacked on and its basically Runescape but third person and realistic graphics.

Well rip OP again. I don’t think he doesn’t get the hint that Blizzard disagrees with him talking about New World on the General Discussion. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also, where did all my and some of Rhielle’s comments went? There’s like 1 for each of us now… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Blizz is not going to react to a game that have just released and is benefitting from ‘New game’ syndrome.

New World is an entirely new IP, it will of course have a lot of viewers and players close to it’s release date, it is to be expected.

Final Fantasy Blizzard should correctly fear. Final Fantasy XIV have existed for a very long time, releasing about 6-7 years after World of Warcraft. The two are extremely similar, even in regards to content and the release of it. The FF playerbase have undergone a long content drought now, much like WoW, yet the main difference between the two - Final Fantasy STILL continued to grow despite the supposed drought, whereas WoW shrinked.

Some people have estimated that New World will be popular for two weeks time, I will be more charitable and say six weeks, from what I have seen. At first glance it looks fairly entertaining, but I imagine the combat is going to piss of a lot of people, and the lack of endgame content is definitely going to hurt down the line.

Hopefully New World has some features in place to encourage more of a social aspect, that is how it is going to continue to not only live, but thrive.

How will they respond? Same as they always respond, by doing nothing knowing that everyone who bailed in between patches when there is nothing to do will eventually come back.

I was too busy cleansing Sanctuary of flayers today in D2:R to care.

Well Blizz is already desperate so this is a kick while they are down.

I understand what you are saying but understand this. FFXIV isn’t the type of game for everyone. I didn’t buy or start playing FF because I was waiting for New World which is a game for me. While you are correct that FF has grabbed up a bunch of WoW refugees also understand that New World is going to appeal to a different player base and also PvPers.

Which coincidentally on the day New World releases they just so happen to increase Conquest gains by 70% because they know PvP players are pissed and have an option in New World where they don’t in FF. Isn’t that funny how that works.

Well too little too late, that ripcord and many others should of been pulled a year ago with many threads that have 1,000s of upvotes complaining about gearing. So you better believe Blizz is scared but their response is going to have to be better than that and their 9.1.5 plans.

Agree that FF is a seasoned MMO and most popular MMO going into a new Expansion which should really take many remaining players from WoW. However the people that aren’t into FF will find a home looking for something different in New World.

You severely overestimate the amount of PvP players that exist within the already small MMORPG playerbase. It is something near 80-20 split, between PvE and PvP.

I have followed New World for a VERY long time. I followed it when their original design was a hardcore survival PvP, a concept they had to change because hardcore survival PvP just isn’t profitable enough, not to mention they would fight for a very, very small amount of players with games like Ark: Survival Evolved, Rust, Conan Exiles and Mortal Online 1 and 2.

You are missing the point. There are a lot of players that would never go to FF but they will go to New World. Different strokes for different folks. This is a One/Two punch that hits Blizz when it hurts. New World will appeal to a wide range of players and scoop up the ones that don’t like FF style.

Blizz will have to start pulling every lever they got to win back players.

If this were true, this game would stay around the 12 million sub mark, which were the numbers during Wrath when the game was at it’s peak. During Vanilla, BC and Wrath, the numbers continued to climb. Sure, they lost some players, but they gained more than they lost, which caused a consistent increase in player numbers.

From Cata on, WoW has been losing more players than it gains or retains. The numbers only go up for a short while during the launch of a new expansion and dip drastically in just a matter of months. To be expected, but the issue is more leave than come back or join. If all these players “eventually come back,” this game wouldn’t be down to the low numbers it’s probably at at this point. My guess is 2-3 million (maybe, if they’re lucky) subscribers in live and Classic combined.

I rarely play anymore. A couple other people I know play on occasion and both of them mentioned in the last couple weeks how empty the game felt and wondering what happened to all the players. They were used to seeing a packed Stormwind on their realm and they just kept noticing a very low amount of players. The one person mentioned it a couple weeks ago, the other one noticed it last week. I have only logged in one day in the last 2-3 months. I’m having more fun on Guild Wars 2, much more fun.

I might give New World a try, I haven’t decided yet. But I do know that many people are going to other games right now, and have been for some time. Either New World, Guild Wars 2, FFXIV, ESO, and I think live has actually lost a lot of people to Classic. The game was just better then. But if all these people eventually came back as you say, this game wouldn’t be in the state in numbers that it’s been in in a long time now. More and more people are leaving and not coming back at this point. I’m sure Blizzard wished they would come back.

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