Already 470k Viewers for New World NA Servers Aren't UP Yet, How Will Blizz Respond

I don’t know…we got MANA HANDS. It’s gonna be lit.


Take your own advice: You don’t have to read them.

Some of us are hanging on for this xpac to turn around cuz guess what? We still like the game enough to play around all this horse manure and hope our input will be heard. Not stepping on your toes :roll_eyes:

because all abombs posts are exactly the same.
every. single. one.

if all the input was heard, this game would be gutted. making it better for you would ruin it for others.

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I already requested a refund. The combat is terrible. Here’s some gameplay videos. I’m sure some people will like it. It’s just not my thing.

Well, Abom, I don’t think it will change whatever trajectory they’ve already decided. I think they’ve already got the message. The next expansion, not patches, will tell the tale. We’ll see then, but not before.

So, “You think you want it but you don’t?”

its “i want this because its fun for me and i dont care about how it effects others”

nonsense rift destroyed wow.


Yup, seen a lot of that. Started a topic a few months back - “how would you help another’s playstyle?” Never saw a topic drop like a rock so fast.

Unfortunate that not many pay attention to all four legs of Wow’s mmorpg.


its hard to balance it out, right now, sadly.

wow is too tied down with its systems/gear grind and a lot of people find it fun. i hope to see something change for next expac, but for right now i hope nothing really changes. i like the grind. but i understand some dont. i dont have any ideas how to balance it out.

He wants it on vendors so he can just buy tokens and skip the effort. Nothing surprising.

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As I said elsewhere OP, hope New World ends up being amazing. But it doesn’t seem like it will be. And I imagine those people are watching hopefully with the same mindset as my own.

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Aside from developing a time machine to undo the bad will that their progressively more fussy and restrictive development decisions have caused for the last…geez. Seven years or so? I don’t know that there’s anything that Blizzard could magically pull out of a hat to distract people from Shiny New MMO Syndrome.

Likely, they’ll try and push out 9.1.5 out the door ASAP to lure a few people back from trying it out. Which isn’t really good news for us, if they’re pushing it out the door as fast as they can the results will likely be a buggy mess. But unless New World manages to be revolutionary levels of better than WOW or FFXIV or finds a widely popular niche that neither game has managed to address, the interest in it will taper off fast due to the sunk cost that people have in their games of origin. Given that they’ve already changed the fundamental design from a hardcore full-loot PVP game to something with softer bumpers because it turns out that MMOs are like coffee and even though everyone says that they want a robust, superdark roast really they actually like a bland light roast like everyone else, it’s unlikely that the game has an angle that is completely different from the existing games on the market.

New World doesn’t seem to have much fantasy to it, and all the characters are human, so a big pass from me.

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But the person you’re replying to is talking about going to another game’s forums and singing WoW’s praises.

Right now I’m really enjoying the gathering and professions. The crafting system seems top notch. Also just crafted a fishing poll and found some open water and fishing is absolutely amazing. Honestly hardly doing any quest just exploring and enjoying the view doing different things.

You missed his threads about twinking in Battlegrounds forum. :wink:

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I know. I know many had issues with Bfa and I was fine with it (except last patch.) Just enough grind/purpose/reward, and the world building was fantastic. I understand PVPer’s and highend players had problems. The overarching story was … trying to find a word that won’t get me banned lol

Unfortunately Blizz listened to the wrong stuff or the right stuff and still managed to make this expansion so convulted with systems and forms of currency I was almost spending more time on wowhead than playing. That’s too much and it did lose a lot of players. (the game’s not dead or dying either!)

I tried to work around it. I messed with alts and my main hunting rares… just eventually felt lonely. (also can’t spend more than 2-3 hours playing & that was never a problem before) Problem wasn’t solved by trying ff14. Just because I’m solo casual doesn’t mean I don’t like playing around others with the similar feeling of “our game.” Sappy, I know.

PS - I guess that’s why this topic doesn’t bother me. I tend to harp on a few things myself. All in the hopes it will be magically fixed for everyone (no one will ever be completely happy regardless)

PPS - one last thing. When people start acting like normal & heroic dungeons are M++ that’s a people problem and maybe the “new normal” some of us just have to accept.

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I have to laugh at the incompetence of New World right now. This screen shot is kind of hilarious:

Who thought capping servers at 2,000 people was a good idea?! And this is only EU.


Sucks to be the last guy in line on the top server with a wait time of 236 hours

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