Already 470k Viewers for New World NA Servers Aren't UP Yet, How Will Blizz Respond

Gonna be an epic day of a major new MMO releasing. Good luck to all the new adventurers out there. Wonder if New World will hit 1 million viewers at peak. Sitting here with my coffee waiting for servers to come up.

I hope Blizz can capture some excitement again with their games. I hope the Blizz team plays FF and New World and learns how to create good games again. Where players are excited to have fun instead of force them to do chores. Get rid of gear ranks, rating for gear, convoluted systems, time-gating, chores and endless resource grind. Let the players have fun. Devs are supposed to create a game for the players to play how they want.

Anyways will be interesting to see how Blizz reacts to the competition because at the moment 9.1.5 isn’t it. They got a long way to go if they are going to compete with these new games. Blizz will have to drastically change their philosophy on gearing and how an MMO should be played.

Blizz needs to get rid of the ranks on gear, rating for gear, great vault, time-gating, endless resource grinds and convoluted systems. Keep it simple, just bring back vendors and targeted gear. Let players have fun gearing and let them do it fast.


Go away already


Go troll in the NW forums instead of here. How sorry is that? WoW players never had to do this.


I’m still waiting to get on the damn thing.

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They wouldn’t react to the launch after the game launches. They would preemptively act to raise interest in their own game. Why give people time to taste the competition?

They are not going to change anything… unless they follow 8.2 style you can expect more garbage systems at best.

This isnt anything related to wow… they already sent a topic like this into off topic where it actually belongs.

People is naive or worse if they expect big big changes on whatever is left of shadowlands they don’t do huge system changes when the expansion is on going the exception was BFA and it was still really bad.

Next time this is where you post for games:


Yea likely the Conquest change was that. They know a lot of PvP players will be going to New World so they likely threw that bone in there and are implementing it today. However PvP gearing is still the worst in history so it’s not enough.

Yea but it’s gonna be fun. A new open world MMO where I don’t have any chores. Just play how I want.

Why is it that every time some new game comes out people have to come to the WoW forum to trumpet about it? Why cant they post on that game’s forum or Twitter or FB or something? Is WoW GD now the discussion spot for every other game out there for that five minutes of very minor fame?

PS, your post will end up on

in a very short time anyhow.


Likely cause this game is in such a bad state and discussing other games could help fix this game. I also think people sometimes like to talk about the elephant in the room. I don’t know why people get upset about discussions that could help WoW.

10 mins till New World for NA East. How will Blizz respond? Will they make the changes needed? We shall see.


Why should I care what others are playing?


Coming here to talk about some game put out by Amazon and saying you think it could help WoW is nonsense. Thats not why you made this post, is it, really?


Where are those viewers, Russia? I’ve heard literally nobody talk about this game except for you lol

Game must be struggling if they have to send you to troll other game forums for it.


Probably smugly laugh and look at a plaque somewhere on the wall®-Shadowlands-Becomes-Fastest-Selling-PC-Game-of-All-Time

I imagine Ion sitting in his office drinking a cup of hot cocoa being generally unconcerned :laughing:

That is how MMOs work. If players perceive that an MMO is dying then people won’t play it and that game will die. That is why MMOs don’t release Sub numbers to try and control the narrative. So when a hype MMO comes out it’s only natural for everyone to gravitate there because players will go where a game is growing.

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If the wow dev’s actually care for the future of this game in general they should have eyes on how to revert this dumpster fire and not get distracted by watching other games.

The rest is up for everyone else…

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dude, nogaf


Both FFXIV and New World should help WoW. Since Blizz will have to fix WoW if they expect to compete with these games. Otherwise they will just be devoured by them.


Everything dies. It’s foolish to think otherwise

Not space :stuck_out_tongue:

You know dang well what I meant you dork lol

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