Exactly WoW suffers from an extreme player retention problem because they kinda scam players out of money. I hate using the term scam but it’s accurate and it’s caused the problem they have. They release and expansion, 6 month sub packages and lure in people with an unfinished bad product. The players have buyers remorse and hold resentment so Blizz promises fixes but doesn’t deliver.
Thus the cycle of the last few expansions. Which isn’t a sustainable business model especially when there are just other games to play that don’t “Scam” the players.
I have been absolutely addicted to the professions. I mean just absolutely the best an MMO has ever done. I just been gathering, crafting new upgrades and tools. Just incredibly fun and in depth progression from crafting. Then the fishing…omg! You have bait, you actually cast your line and reel in the fish keeping tension on the line. Fantastic!
Then cooking…like the professions are just so immersive I have almost hardly done any main story or faction quest. If you like your activities to have meaning then New World is a place for you.
This sounds like a lot of fun to me. One of my favorite things in games (if done right) is professions. Unfortunately that’s another issue WoW suffers from right now, they are just so meaningless at this point.
I’m leaning more and more towards giving it a try. I have been loving Guild Wars 2 (actually been playing that on and off since the first closed beta), but always on the lookout for a new game to try. Been waiting for Pantheon, but looks like that one is a long ways off yet. I might have to give New World a try. What you described definitely sounds like the kind of game I enjoy.
The professions are top notch, then there are Town Materials needed where you can do missions like gathering or crafting materials the Town your in needs. When you skin and animal you take out your knife and skin the animal. The professions all synergize with each other and are so in depth.
I need to break for lunch but now I’m chopping down trees again. I just crafted an axe that has a perk for % chance to find rare items while harvesting.
When you craft bags you can add perks to them for certain needs you want. Just so much customization. I’m hooked on professions alone.
Think it’s Stockholm syndrome. People are so used to being held hostage with chores here they don’t know what to do in an actual good game.
The game was designed to not have mounts. When they add new zones and the world becomes bigger maybe that will change. I think mounts could be done very uniquely down the road with stables etc.
Well just logged in over 70 hours since launch. Just having an amazing time. The corrupted portals are really crazy as these demonic enemies invade. Looks amazing and great loot for open world content.
I’m still grinding professions as well and they are by far the best of any MMO.
I just got to level 29 taking it slow on leveling to enjoy and tinker with everything. However the game has so much depth you can really change your gameplay latter on.
The gearing is pretty crazy kinda like PoE ish type mods. So there are a lot of ways to alter builds and abilities to change gameplay. There are all types of perks and mods, gems that latter on will have people making fun unique builds.
PS - New World new record again today 865k people playing. Might catch up too WoW by the end of the weekend.
Blizzard has struck gold dozens of times in this game and each time they scrap it and start over. They literally have already made the game the best it could be many times over.
You’re looking at things in the wrong perspective. WoW from 2005-2010 was a media phenomenon and at the time of its launch the MMORPG market was in its infancy. So WoW easily had its dominance on the market because there was no game like it.
The reason for the drop off is because all the college-aged kids simply stopped playing due to real life changes and simply being burnt out. I played WoW everyday from 2005-Cata launch and just stopped and never touched the game again for a decade. Pretty much everyone else I played with stopped a year later and my original guild was dead.
Flash forward to now and the MMORPG market went from 40-60% market dominance to being only 10% now. New gamers aren’t interested in MMORPGs like they used to be and it’s mostly the older die-hard fans still lingering around. The genre in particular is filled with mostly dead MMORPGs and the amount of new MMORPGs being released has decreased significantly over the last 6 years.
At the end of the day though its now how many subscribers they get, but how much money they pull in. Modern WoW pulls in double the revenue they did with 12 million subs because of things like the cash shop + WoW token.
So the games smaller, but it’s still the most profitable MMORPG on the market. And when it does die eventually it’s legacy will live on forever as being one of the most influential games of all time.
FF14 is the example of this hype trend as well. The game saw a +50% surge in players due to hype in July and has already lost half the amount of those players according to Steam charts.
New World is simply a new game so people are trying it. I personally have never seen an MMORPG launch with so much stacked against it. Not even SWTOR, GW2, and other big budget MMOs had this kind of resentment. At the end of the day though Amazon doesn’t care as they probably sold 3+ million units already.
I’ll disagree here. I think the MMORPG market if growing and will be the biggest gaming market in the future. Sometimes movies predict the future, insert “Ready Player One” where with all the craziness going on in the world. People are looking to immerse into an MMO world to get away from pandemic and a long list of things.
Couple with new technologies and growing interest in MMOs we can eventually have it where they are the dominant factor. Games like Fortnite are a fad and died now. They aren’t forever games, where MMOs are. You stop by to play FPS or MOBAs but you will end up eventually trying to find a home in MMOs.
Not to mention more than 1 billion people came online in the last few years there are just more players that will be interested in MMO around the world. Especially if some of these 3rd world countries living situations aren’t ideal, what better way to relax and enjoy an MMO.
I’d say we will be at a “Ready Player One” type gaming situation in the next 10-15 years. That is if AI doesn’t take over and enslave us first, the singularity is near.