Alpha Wolf/Physical build seriously underperforming

Which top players? You say top players and post a build, but there is no one in top m+ using this build…at least not on warcraft logs.

Ok so they pulling differently so they don’t use Alpha wolf, your pulling aswell differently that you don’t use alpha wolf, literally all parses of 20+ keys all are pulling differently so they don’t need Alpha Wolf.

But you say it should be doing better, but you don’t run it, nor the Doomwinds primordial wave combo you keep mentioning how strong it is.

So your defending buffs happening to such an amazing build that you yourself isn’t running, but clearly knows more then everyone else

Perhaps it’s sooo good you wanted to give yourself a handicap from reaching all those 20 keys and beyond.

From top player for you…

Physical AoE builds are somewhat less competitive because points are tighter, forcing a sacrifice in one area of damage for another, sometimes but it can still work and outdo Elementalist in the right conditions. There is also some wiggle room to hybridize more depending on the dungeon being run.

In comparison to the single-target build, this pulls away a lot of the tools aimed at achieving that goal to grab some of the AoE options available. Crash Lightning and Crashing Storms are taken alongside Alpha Wolf to provide AoE damage and leverage the high Maelstrom Weapon generation alongside Feral Spirit. Primordial Wave is also taken to pair the Splintered Elements Haste window with Doom Winds allowing you to get a high number of Crash Lightning casts in for uncapped AoE burst.

Here from your top player. Pretty much EXACTLY what I was telling you. Don’t have to be a genius to understand builds man lol.

Amazing he said the same thing I was saying…

Wait so it’s bad for me to mention and speak to the actual number 1 player currently in m+ Enhance which actually you tried to call me out on, but for you to do the same thing it’s all fine? And it’s not even from the number 1 player currently just a copy and pasted half an article from god knows where.

Little bit of a hypocrite arnt ya bud. Haha

You’ve also mentioned several times about mythic raiding, YOU HAVNT EVEN STEPPED FOOT IN MYTHIC, heck you act like such a guru in keys you havnt even completed tyrannical or fortified all 20 at minimum lol.

You defending this build yet you yourself don’t run it all, literally not once in any of your 20 keys. Alpha wolf aside, you didn’t even go Doomwinds primordial wave in any of your timed 20 keys…

Your literally completely talking out of your behind this whole time. Literally the only truthful thing you mentioned, is you don’t run Windfury totem. So atleast you said something that’s true and I can see that.

You are an actual troll, your talking about all these builds, tried them, no you havnt, you havnt done it once not in any of your keys.

Providing proof for your own claims is too hard I guess.

Wordup posts the most viable builds for both sides of the tree. Even with there being a “viable” physical build, and even with it having uncapped AoE, no top performing shaman run it.

They run elementalist.

Wordup is also currently not a top performing shaman in DF. He’s a theorycrafter, that you seem to hate so much. He also doesn’t need to be a top performer, because he’s been around forever, and the community knows that he knows what he’s talking about…unlike you.

(the only lvl 70 named Wordup: )

  • I am unsure if he is even playing Shaman this xpac

And even on his wowhead ( Best Enhancement Shaman Talent Tree Builds - Dragonflight 10.0.5 - Guides - Wowhead), he points out that despite the higher dmg potential of physical builds, they are gambling — elementalist performs better overall, whereas RNG luck can give you a high dmg profile if you want to gamble.

Bro STOP!!! You have no idea what you are talking about!!! Elemental just balances better for mythic!!! THAT IS WHY IT IS TAKEN!!!

I already said I ran the build and tried it out!! I just perfer Elemental because it is more balanced. You still havn’t even tried anything you are just crying and don’t understand WHY talents are picked and WHY builds are picked.

When you are looking at “logs” you are looking at the top percent players who are going to take anything that has an edge to it.

You would be trying to balance a 1.5 min CD around a tank… If they are doing small pulls they are wasting a CD which means they are wasting DPS. Do you get that part???

take NOK… When you are getting 94% right before last boss. Tanks can have two mobs of 5 right next to each other. Generally right now tanks grab them separate. It would be a DPS loss to run physical. In general this is how all dungeons are going because tanks pulls ehh. I am going to take a more balanced build.

You just don’t have any point and lack brainpower to understand anything.

Legion when Savage Roar was a talent. Top players ran it, others did not. Using your logic, Forest talent needed a bigger buff because top players ran Savage Roar looking at your “data”.

You don’t understand comps being run. There are SO many reasons why builds are picked. Doesn’t mean something needs a buff when math shows it does more damage. There are reasons you have to think about yourself WHY it isn’t taken. It is called dungeon lay outs, pull size, CD tracking, comp builds and encounter designs.

SO again, go with the build that is MOST versatile and balanced. Doesn’t mean the other build is garbage… I mean pulling overall 80k in a 20 with the physical build as enhance is very good…

I don’t think physical build is good. But this is not at an unplayble level.
If ASC’s proc increases to 8%, I think the physical build will be meta build again, but in fact, Blizzard will not fix it because the difference between the two builds is not serious. Builds with this level of difference are in any spec, and contrary to what the users think, Blizzard doesn’t fix this easily.

Yeah and when did you try this build you’ve mentioned with Doomwinds, alpha wolf and primordial wave, firstly can’t happen off you invest 4 points to get hailstorm lol. Secondly not one high key that you’ve done in a long time had this build you tried.

Literally your a sheep, your like saying “ohh this movie is bad” and I’ll be like “ohh did you see it??”, “nah I just read a review online so it’s definetly bad.”

Literally your whole counter arguement is what some theorycrafter wrote, not what the top players think, which truely defines the meta, or guilds, or logs. HECK you havnt even tried it in any high keys.

You are a joke, literally a troll, just arguing for the sake of it, I should of looked up your builds and keys and all a lot sooner would of saved me a lot of time.

Heck you boast about mythic raiding builds, YOU HAVNT EVEN BEEN TO MYTHIC and parse as a joke in heroic.

Even in keys you underperform for your ilvl. Like seriously for such an all knowing person you arnt very good at WoW. You are literally all bark no bite.

reading /10char


It is right here… How can you say you CAN"T do it lol…

Bro that is you… LOL. I said it is VIABLE. You are saying it isn’t without even trying it. I mean you are right here says I CAN"T make the build I just linked… So you didn’t even try it. So how is

that not you… You are such an idiot lol.

Show me where I said this…

I haven’t raided in over a month… Probably 2 months by now. I just raided at start for gear and tier then stopped… So I hope my “parses” are low because they are way outdated. Good argument on your part… lol.

You don’t even have one bro! You are arguing over a ST RAID BUILD in Mythic plus. You don’t understand synergy with physical build and how it works… You don’t understand WHY a build is picked down to the dungeon and comp that is running. You don’t understand why people pick balanced builds in mythic plus.

You are trying to use date of builds from the top .1%…

You are someone who is running around 10-15 keys… You can easily run the physical build and carry your weight doing damage where it does not matter. You don’t even have an argument. You have never even replied to ANYTHING that was a solid point.

you go to “data” as your defense when you can’t even understand the builds.

You can’t use .1% players running mid 20s are a data point for builds. Especially when you are running WAY lower keys. It is apples to oranges. You have literally given no points at all. You can’t even use the correct build lol for physical.

Xeoaledk, You are doing yourself no favors by continuing to post your vitriolic word salad. Go ahead and play shaman. That’s fine. Play it your way. That’s fine. But it is literally you versus everyone else in regards to most of what you are claiming. Based off of what you write, I think it is safe to assume English is not your native language. Again, that’s fine. But when a native speaker calls you out for using words incorrectly, you should probably heed their input.

Regardless, the name calling and finger pointing you are doing is literally about to get you banned. Keep it up. Keep it up.


Physical Build Improvement Ideas:

-Elemental Weapons: This currently increases all elemental damage done by 5%/10%. Which, as far as the Elemental build is concerned, is essentially the same thing as saying increases your mastery by 5%/10%. While this does help the physical build, it helps the elemental build much more. Now, what if this talent just gave a flat increase to mastery of 5%/10%? What’s the harm in that? This does little-to-no change to the Elemental build, but vastly increases the Windfury and Stormbringer procs of the Physical build.

-Legacy of the Frost Witch: This currently creates a damage window of 5 seconds. While not bad per se, it is rather difficult to keep that buff rolling on a single target fight. I propose increasing the buff duration to 10 seconds for a 2-point investment in addition to what it normally does.

-Elemental Assault: Currently gives a damage increase to Stormstrike and turns Stormstrike into a more reliable Maelstrom Weapon generator. I propose the Maelstrom Weapon generating properties to remain, but change the buff to Stormstrike to be a Haste buff instead. Elemental build gets relatively easy access to Haste via Primordial Wave and further talent investment there. Physical build, while having access to the same Haste, loses too much to take advantage of that. An easier to acquire Haste buff would help the Physical build. And perhaps that Haste could be tied to a 2-point talent investment as well. Say, first point gets a small Stormstrike damage buff and the second point gets you a large Haste buff, with both points retaining the Maelstrom Weapon Stack generating.

-Static Accumulation and Thorim’s Invocation: I feel there is a way to add cool down reduction to Ascendance in here somewhere. Not sure on specific ideas, but this is obviously where to do it. In addition, if someone takes Deeply Rooted Elements, then the same talents that give CDR to Ascendance should instead increase the duration of the DRE proc somehow.

-Elemental Blast:
—The Physical build, and to a lesser extent the Elemental build, are reliant on procs to really get going. Adding another proc with each cast of Elemental Blast feels bad. I’d rather be able to choose what Elemental Blast increases vs having the random chance to be one stat over another. How to implement this? No idea. But it would be nice.
—A good way to make a Physical spender for the Physical build would be to include Elemental Blast as a physical damage too. That way, it doesn’t matter what wolves you pick, they will ALWAYS buff your Elemental Blast.

—Cooldown needs to go back to 1 minute. Yes, that means it would de-sync with anyone running Doomwinds in conjunction with Primordial Wave. Almost no one does this though, so I think it would not be a problem there (Although apparently Xeoaledk does, but again, no problem losing that, lol). If Doomwinds needs to be toned down in power to compensate, then fine. I vastly prefer the timing of it being 1 minute versus 1.5 minutes.
—In addition, when casting Doomwinds, it doesn’t feel very “Doomy”. There is a pitiful amount of damage it does on it’s own. I prefer the old method from Shadowlands where it was a buff you cast and then was able to do damage with it. Yeah, it had it’s own problems, but I digress… I feel a lot of my bad feeling when pressing this is also related to the strict melee range of the current iteration vs the ability to get it rolling from range from Shadowlands. A good way to resolve both of this would be to have Doomwinds physically cast Windstrike when you press it (I mean doomWINDs and WINDstrike, they synergize, amirite??). This way, it can be used from range, it can feel a bit more potent when pressing it, and assuming you already have a Crash Lightning buff going in an AoE situation, that initial Windstrike will also cleave with Crash Lightning.
—Lastly regarding Doomwinds, the buff should go back to around 10 seconds long. Again, if that means overall power needs to be toned down, so be it. It feels bad to have such a short window on the buff where you lose a large portion of the buff just within the Global incurred from pressing the damn button itself.

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What would I do if I got banned from WoW forums… It that like a punishment lol???

I will LOVE this. Find what word choice was wrong. We can use definitions to help. CAN’T WAIT to see this lol.

I mean the guys who doesn’t know what ability is? Or a talent is? Then his defense when he figures out an ability is something USED is that it is in a talent tree… I mean might as well say they are spells even passive because they are in a “spell book”.

Then uses the definition of gameplay and has to use a made up scenario that would NEVER happen just so he could be “right”. Then use the word indefinite wrong… Yeah I was using words incorrectly lol.

But yes lets also defend the OP who is trying to run a DRE build in mythic plus with NO AOE. Because you don’t take Hailstorm, you don’t take PW… He just wants Alpha Wolf to equal the damage of BOTH of those abilities to “balance”.

Then using the .1% of players as a data point who min/max everything. Would he come back and cry on forums if they made changes and now all top .1% players run a different build saying it needs to be balanced back? It is the worlds thinnest argument. It has no points and isn’t even valid.

Physical build in mythic plus is viable… It is that simple…

Also might want to correct the idiot who said the build I described and link CAN"T BE BUILT because don’t have points for it!!!

You want to try and point me out for being dumb lol. Sounds like you are going to be just like the other two who have no idea what they are talking about and don’t understand the game as well as they think.

Getting you banned from the forums, or rather, getting yourself banned, would serve a greater purpose for the betterment of humanity on the whole.

Do you find it odd that you chose to highlight the first paragraph of my comment, yet completely ignored the remaining 90% of what I wrote? I gave ideas and suggestions for the Physical build, yet no comments from you on that? Why? I’ll tell you why, it is because you are butt hurt and are here for the Forum-PvP, and not really here to better the Shaman Class.

You lack nuance.
You lack intrinsic knowledge of the game, the game’s history, and how the talent system works.
You lack the ability to discern what English words mean in relation to the game.
And, you use these words in ways where “I don’t think that means what you think it means” would fit very well.

No, I am not going to “show” you where these things exist in your word salad. That is for the rest of us to enjoy and for you to remain in the dark about. If you were a kinder and more reasonable soul, then perhaps I would.


Yes, the physical build is good for Mythic+. Yes the Physical build lacks in ST. I am not here to say otherwise. I am here to say that the Elemental build is generally better in all aspects of the game, save for a very few niche situations where the tank pulls appropriately and the stars align. The Elemental build allows for greater flexibility on how you do damage which is it’s greatest boon, and the Physical build’s greatest issue; Flexibility.

Having said that, I legitimately hate Lava Lash. Well, not so much that I hate Lava Lash, but that I LOVE Stormstrike. I love the visuals. I love the sounds. I love the LIGHTNING. So, because of that, I will hold out for making a Physical build worth playing and will not play the Lava Lash build, even though I am doing worse than I “could” be otherwise as I play the Physical build.

Also, why does Hailstorm have to be locked behind Lava Lash??? I would love to play a Physical build with some added Frost Shock cleave. But alas, nope.


I’ve said what I needed to say regarding the Shaman Class. I’ve said what I needed to say regarding Xeoaledk. Signing off to actually go play the game.

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Because physical is viable… It doesn’t really need to be changed… If changes are made are and it by passes elemental, are you going to come back the following week and say changes need to be made to elemental? Then after those changes come back? Something is always meta and will always be that way. Physical mythic plus build is VIABLE. So why does it need to be changed? Just because something is meta doesn’t mean it is performing 20k+ difference. The difference can be 7% which isn’t a lot.

Yesterday I was running keys most of the day to get my last portals. Few of those were with the physical build. SO I CAN SPEAK FIRST HAND EXPERIANCE. It is VIABLE. It can drop the higher you go because of things like dungeon layout, mobs, pulls and so on. Then asking for a change that effects the .1% coming from people who are running low keys is dumb. Unless again you are going to complain about another build when the meta changes…

THEN DON"T USE IT!!! Bro you are not pushing cutting edge content… Asking for a change when something is viable for your playing experience is dumb. Wanting changes to happen because YOU don’t like something is 100% narcissistic. You have other choices right now that are viable. You don’t like them because it isn’t “meta”. That is on you.

Really? I already gave the link like 5 times that has that build… And you can push LL about every 15 seconds once just to reapply dots…

Can be your opinion. I would rather narcissistic people and people who lack ANY type of brain power to think for themselves not be able to reproduce. Want to talk about what is better for humanity…

But I am glad you lack to see homeboy saying something does “low damage” because he didn’t take talents that synergize it correctly and refuses to spec into AoE abilities because he doesn’t want to.

But yes lets have EVERY spec in the game redone just in case someone doesn’t like an ability. Lets make sure they all do the exact same damage because if one build does 2% more damage the .1% players will all take it and the low players will cry that a build they don’t like is meta.

But like I said this doesn’t even include Legacy of the Frost Witch, you a literally losing 25% added physical dps, you don’t run Windfury Totem either neither Ele Blast.

But this goes literally against everything you’ve mentioned in the past. YOU EVEN SAY HOW GREAT THE SYNERGY IT HAS.

It’s even now changed completely from literally the first so called Physical Build you so desperately said you tried and tested on a 403 Alt, so I went to check you Alts, but I didn’t even see a 403 ilvl Shaman that completed a 17 NoK, I see you Warrior and DHs.

But this is my issue with you, you literally completely keep changing what you say every single time. You never say the same thing twice.

So before this was the build,

That apparently was run in a 17 NoK and tested on dummies,

But now it’s

Literally completely not using Legacy of the Frost Witch, which you say,

Yet you completely avoided the literal 2 reasons Windfury Totem and Legacy of the Frost Witch now which is basically all our dps and AoE especially in our Doomwinds window now.

Which is a complete lie now theirs no HoV you’ve run with any of the two builds you’ve linked that you did overall 86k dps.

But you don’t run legacy of the frost witch to get the 25% buff.

Like you honestly keep changing everything you say. Every single time and then just abuse us for disagreeing.

Like you’ve literally kept lying you are calling yourself out now. You can’t even keep your own story straight.

I can literally keep quoting you, going back on what you say everytime you do it all the time consistently.

Your are literally a lying troll at this point, making up stories to justify your point but then it changes everytime.

But I just told you it doesn’t work, you literally don’t have Legacy of the Frost Witch, you’ve literally gutted 25% basically all your dps, From Doomwinds with Sundering and Crash Lightning and your Feral Spirits for AoE. You don’t have enough points.

I’m not gonna go abusive like you, but I might call you a fool for saying this is the physical build, without running literally the key talent to make it work.

Honestly if you’ve just told the truth once in a while it wouldn’t be hard to keep your facts inline.

Did you look at the recent build you just posted? Theirs no legacy of the frost witch. Maybe you should go recheck that :joy:.

I can’t possibly read through 80 replies, a majority of which were your own, but Pepino is arguing to make a build more competitive and a number of your responses follow this line of thinking. You’re talking past the OP when the crux of your argument is “don’t be competitive” when someone asks to be competitive.

You can’t have it both ways. It can’t be a braindead spec when managing a single cooldown becomes overly burdensome to play.


Going over your timed keys from yesterday, no, this is a lie.

Ohh I looked, maybe you should. I’m actually eager to see your reply now more then ever.

I cannot wait for this reply, I wonder what excuse or story you come up with now.

Quick to respond to everything else, but once again you get called out and silence haha.

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He is not running competitive content… The build he want already exist he just doesn’t want to use it because it doesn’t have DRE/Ascendance. The physical mythic plus build is very viable running to 20 as a minimal. Which would be competitive for over 99% of players in the game.

Nope was trying to post on my other account but it is silenced. Cause again you don’t know much of anything lol.

Notice how YOU are not even responding to the physical build you said cannot exist. You still have not run it to test it out. You have been crying on forums about something that already exist in game.

So lets hear how the physical build isn’t working out for you. Or are you just going to cry because it doesn’t have DRE/Ascendance on it? Then cry because you want to use a ST build in Mythic plus and can’t find out why your damage is so much lower than everyone else because you think the only AOE spell you should need is alpha wolf…

Lets ignore these facts right? The problem isn’t you picking a poor build. It is the game design. That is why you can’t push keys right?

Bro even adding to it, you havn’t even posted your build!!! You legit could be 100% of your problem and crying it is blizzards fault.