Dear Blizzard team, hello. Regarding the “Friendly Llama” located in Uldum, I have continuously fed it for more than 7 days without interruption. I am certain that I have not missed a day, and I visit it every morning around 12 am Pacific Time. However, I still haven’t received the “Llama Buddy” quest. Could you please explain what the situation is?
It’s been broken for an unknown length of time and no help from GM other than “please report this in in-game bug report” AGAIN, because I had already written that I HAD reported this bug.
No telling when or IF they will fix this. Sorry. I was able to get this on my main acct several years ago, but my new alt account is SOL for now and for the foreseeable future.
Maybe sheer numbers of in-game bug reports will help, but I won’t hold my breath.
The quest is broken for me too, I have fed him 9 times, I also have opened a ticket and they said they send the most reported bugs to the dev team so only thing we can do is report the bug and pray that they care enough to go fix it.
I have a thread on the quests forum about this and one here in the bug report forum.
Please put in bug reports when you run into this issue.
Edit 6-17 @ 4:25pm central time
Ok. so call me a masochist. I went and fed the alpaca again today (6-17 @ 3:50 server time), did the daily quest. Warned everyone in the zone that he’s borked and it’s a “known issue” that’s being “worked on”. Told them all to track when they feed him and asked them to put in bug reports if the quest doesn’t work for them.
If someone who knows how to do the scripts could take a look at the one I had found on wowhead and sus out why it no longer works that would be a step up on blizzard.
/script print(GetQuestObjectiveInfo(58881, 0, false)) is the script that is supposed to count how many times you have fed him. According to the wowhead comments dragonflight broke it.
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(58879)) is the script that verifies you have done the daily. This one still works fine.
Final ticket response to the chain of tickets I had in.
Hi Hermione, I hope you are doing well.
I’m Game Master Sanotihia and I’m here to help you,
First of all, I would like to thank you for your patience and apologize for the waiting time. We have received numerous requests over the past few days.
I’m glad to see you’ve been continuing your epic adventure, nevertheless I understand that you cannot obtain the quest “Alpaca It In”. I can see how weird this can be, if you have fed the Alpaca a large number of times, and more than necessary, so I appreciate you reaching out to us to take a further look into this with you! (ง •̀_•́)ง
Actually, we’ve been receiving multiple reports regarding this matter for a few days, and at the moment a workaround/ resolution is yet to be provided. By reporting a bug from your part, you are able to help the developers to gather more information regarding this matter and help the community to investigate it better. That’s why I thank you for your report. This quest already had issues a few years ago, so it looks like they’re back.
While looking through the odyssey you’ve been leading with your mage Minimií I’m sorry to be the carrier of this news, we are unable to start the quest “Alpaca It In” since this is currently being investigated by the Development team. Although the answer is different from what expected, I hope you won’t take this as a setback from the epic adventure you’ve been having so far.
The development team will be in touch regarding updates on this quest through the forums, so I’d like to kindly ask you to keep an eye for further news.
Despite a different outcome, it was a pleasure assisting such an epic player as yourself and I hope you are having the legendary journey, you’ve signed up for!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions,
Have a great day and take care.
Game Master Sanotihia (◕‿◕)
Blizzard Entertainment
I reported that I did not get the Alpaca after feeding it seven times and got a rather curt reply from a GM. Rather than explaining that the quest is broken.
========================================================================Hey ******,
My name is Game Master *********. I’m a Blizzard Entertainment GM and I am answering your support ticket about the quest “Alpaca It Up”.
I am sorry to hear of your confusion over this quest
I investigated your Monk *******-Stormrage and can see you completed the daily quest, “Alpaca It Up” and then opened support ticket US99785618 around 40 mins later.
It is intended that there is no further quest available. I would recommend reading the comments for the quest for more information:
Customer Support will not grant you the mount involved here. We will not be able to provide you with quests, or quest completion, or any reward associated. It is intended that you discover how to earn the mount by researching how it is earned and completing the requirements.
We would like to thank you for your understanding and wish you a good weekend ahead
I did research it on WowHead, I just didn’t know that the quest was broken and no matter what you do, you can’t get the Mount. Too bad Blizzard won’t take the time to fix it, or inform the GMs that the quest is broken so that the GMs can inform people that the Quest is broken and you can’t get the Mount.
In this case, the Devs really need to give the GM’s the ability to mail out the item to learn the mount as long as all the prior daily steps have been completed properly. I am sure that they can see how many times the llama has been fed and act accordingly. It’s the least they can do until this is actually fixed.
I too have fed the Friendly Alpaca more than 7 times and did not get the quest Alpaca it in. When I went to fill out a bug report today I found this article:
Alpaca It In
Updated: 4 days ago
Article ID: 258043
World of Warcraft
Common Problems
I completed the Alpaca It Up quest but was not provided with the Reins of the Springfur Alpaca
We’ve received multiple reports regarding the quest Alpaca It In not offered after feeding Friendly Alpaca for 7 or more times and is investigating the case.
Currently we do not have a workaround for the issue.
Customer Support does not assist with obtaining the mount.
Now while I appreciate that they are investigating things they have known since 10.2.7 that this was an issue. I understand it is not current content but it is time consuming. And making people have to wait for a work around or fix for this because their priority is the War Within isn’t right. If you reset all our quests it will really upset a lot of people. There are many people who have done this quest repeatedly only to have this happen and they failed to inform people it was an issue in the first place so people didn’t spend time working on something that didn’t end up with the mount they were supposed to get. Please fix this. There are many people who are mount collectors and removing it will definitely upset people greatly.
UPDATE: Started Feeding the Alpaca after 11.0.2 and it retained that I fed it, even though I didn’t do it consecutively, and was able to get the mount on Tuesday 8/20/24. Right now it appears to be fixed. Using the following script on the chatline should show your progress, if it doesn’t keep it then there would still be a problem. It did keep my progress however.
/script print(GetQuestObjectiveInfo(58881, 0, false))
I’m just on one ticket with my account too, I ran the script wowhead provided, it seems bugged. I have fed mine for 7days too. And still sitting at 0/7.
So how long now and they still haven’t fixed it?
Actually, the least they can do is exactly what they’re doing now. Nothing. As much as I love the alpaca mount (on my other account, which Blizz won’t merge), I will wait until they fix this quest. It would be interesting if anyone has actually gotten the mount since the quest became broken - how many years ago now.
This is what I was expecting when I put in my ticket. GM’s used to be able to look at your account when you were having quest issues and if needed poke the npc to give the quest. I’ve had gm’s help out several times during my wow time. GM’s not being allowed to help is just stupid.
Does anyone know if this quest has been fixed yet? Hopeful, but still not holding my breath.
It would be very helpful to have a database accessible to paying customers of the quests that are being worked on, those that are fixed (even if only until the next time they are broken), and those quests still unusable. SO AS NOT TO WASTE OUR TIME AND WOW RESOURCES.
Did not receive my mount despite being on 8th day of feeding the friendly alpaca greens, so it is still very much broken. Would be great if any even small kind of attention was to be given to this bug.
This one and many others!
As of today I have fed this alpaca 13 times and have not received the Alpaca It In quest.
Microsoft help method. Zero.
seems to be fixed now, i tested with a macro i found on wowhead to see progress before i attempted i had 0/7 and after i fed him it went to 1/7 so i think it’s fixed but we’ll know for sure in 6 days i guess
I’ve been around the alpaca “block” four times now and nothing. I wonder if they messed up the spawning…
What is this BS blizzard?
I saw on another bug report that this had been fixed. NOT. I’ve tried 3 days now going around to known sites 3-4 times each and no alpaca at all. At least we could SEE one a day. Thx Blizz.