Represent our communities =/= represent “a” community - it just means we come from different parts of the game (f.e. some are mythic raiders, some are casual players, some are very into a certain class … the list goes on).
We represent our opinion that is right, and I didn’t neglect it.
I don’t think this all entirely happened when I was in the CC, but regardless I am struggling with how it was dismissive over anything, as I mentioned both Discord and the forums, there is a big amount of CC members whom I haven’t seen posting on the forums at all. My personal view is that the forums are more important than Discord especially since the forums are able to be seen by everyone.
Sorry, this all happened, and I meant in no way to offend anyone if that wasn’t clear
Unless Microsoft changes their strategy, we will eventually see major changes.
Microsoft understands that happy gamers pay more. So they try to focus on making players happy.
Whereas Actiblizzard literally went on record with one dev that left the company, that they were explicitly told to disregard player enjoyment and focus on getting people to spend money.
That’s why I’m hopeful. Sadly it will probably not see any change until at least the middle of next expansion, since 11.0 is likely almost done.
That’s great but I still have my doubts since Chimes posted about rng for love rocket during 2022, Council talked a lot about the topic and then We didn’t receive any response from him, now he answered a couple of questions and I hope this happens more frequently because it seems like a response to the fact that even council members notice the lack of blue response ([Community Council] Feedback).
There’s threads with months and months without any response, there’s even post of former members, it feels like a GD with a smaller sample and I don’t blame Devs, they’re focus on doing other work, but the feedback tool that’s the council idea has some flaws due to lack of attention and how it’s being managed.
Likewise. I would really appreciate more frequency overall. Hoping that some of the posts made by Community Council on behalf of the community will be part of Blizzcon announcements. But yes, it is super validating to know that you are being heard, and by proxy, the community you represent.
I don’t think we should put our hopes on Microsoft, there have been plenty of articles about Microsoft having a bad management structure and not being good for the people who work for them.
All in all, there has definitely been a change within Blizzard after those awful articles came to light.
We can all say that the community council and what they’re doing are all PR stunts, which might be true or false, but we can see they are trying.
The problem is, is that we can have rightfully so comments on the CMs and the Devs, but we all know that management is a big factor in their lack of responses. This is not to talk right of the lack of interaction, but it’s important to know where it’s coming from.
I already know the reputations of Microsoft and EA when it comes to customer engagement is low, but BlizZard managed to sink beneath them. So yeah Microsoft is going to be an improvement.
Especially when they find a way to have more players enter the door and that is when more engagement with the community will occur for WoW.
IMO, the whole idea needs a lot of changes, since only a portion of that small sample actually interacts and the lack of blue response. I still think that we already have subforums for everything and Blizzard just picked a smaller sample but now it feels like a small GD with a lot of threads and few interactions.
I honestly agree, they have told us they themself agree they can do better, which was 2 weeks ago. I keep having the feeling that there is something higher up restricting them, but that’s just me speculating.
I’ll (and others) will just keep on pushing till my time on the council runs out ^^
Eve’s csm has had to allow the selection of truly massive PITA’s like Mittens in the past. The mittani their real player name (mittens was the nickname). once leader of goon swarm alliance.
I don’t know much about you, but you probably have not been nearly the pita they have been to the game.
Got kicked off in time, but was voted in. TOS violation with soft ban for a time as I recall.
That is blizzards m.o. “we think we can do better” has been their motto since 2004. Ill let you in on this open secret, they never do better and always fall back to silence. The fact that one blue chimed in twice today out of desire to communicate is a laughable notion. They got called out and are trying to save face.
I did not elect anyone. They do not represent me and their creation made me lose even more respect for Blizzard as a whole because its a CLEAR publicity stunt.
I have read a handful of their “discussions” and I have not seen one of them come remotely CLOSE to arguing for anything I would agree with (with one exception by Cyrios on rep grind for old flying, which got NO replies from other council members) and I frankly do not know anyone in game that does not view this whole thing as a total sham.
The idea there is a group of people meant to represent us, yet they are doing as little to engage with us to find out what we want, as the developers are.
Blizzard employees always pride themselves in working for one of the best gaming companies in the world. But what they do forget is that we are the community and not them. We support them financially and we do have a say in how we want to experience our invested money.
We have seen what happens when the player base does not appreciate the egoistical gameplay changes: They leave and it taints the brand for being not flexible enough, while allowing the game director and other people in similar top positions to develop a game which does not suit the needs and requests of the players.
It became better with Dragonflight, but this is just a reaction because how much Shadowlands ruined their whole legacy. The Jailer should have been made non-canon, it really ruined Warcraft 1/2/3 with it.
Personally I’m not gonna target the Community Council. They raise good points in their secluded country club of the forums and more power to them for wanting their voices to be heard read.
I’m not, however, gonna pretend like it was going to make a difference to the amount of Blue responses when the CC was introduced. It certainly helped vet a lot of posts from the dross that gets posted in General, but it’s still just more text on a screen (but now in yellow) for whichever Blue gets the job of scrolling the forums between official Blue posts.