Blind accessability, hopes to see at blizcon

Hi all

So with the announcements 3 days away I’m looking forward to see what’s ahead for wow, primarily I and many others are hopeing to see more accessability come to wow.
In February I will of been on the council for 2 years and wow is yet to attempt to overcome the very first point I made and the one that must be done before anything else, TTS and keyboard navigation support of the character creation, server selection and in game UI. I hope the talking into the void has been heard and worked on all this time, and yes this is more talking into the void but it’s all you can do when your stuck at the starting point.
I hope all that we see is good and what most players want to see come to the game.

Fingers crossed for everyone.


I hope so too, while it doesn’t affect me, it feels weird how TTS and keyboard navigation support aren’t in, after so many years.