Almost 1 year from the Community Council...Did it work?

Last live chat was August 18th (Classic Hardcore), previous Live chat July 14th (Evoker Augmentation), Live chat May 25th (Wrath classic).

We need more live chats around any topic, so maybe they can address the huge amount of threads created compared to the blue response more frequently, remember that It took almost 1 year, 1 council rotation before the first live chat. I remember that because I pushed via forums and other media those calls.

They only chat about the topics that they were going to do anyway.

Can anyone actually point to something that the CC has done objectively to improve the game or communication with the player base? I don’t follow them other than when I went in and read stuff in the beginning. I still feel it was nothing more than a PR move… and personally I can’t think of a thing that has been changed for the better due to their influence.

all the trolls that got in at the beginning sure did not help that’s most likely why we dont see any of the knows forum folks as well i imagine blitz sees anyone with a post count after all that and thinks no way lol

This is because the EU and NA forums are still separate :slight_smile: - Normally those of us with a level 10 toon are native Europeans, since the council only takes place on the NA forums we are forced to use these :slight_smile:

You know why they seem to ignore everything but 3 pillar content threads, it’s because that’s all Ion and Co care about, I can guarantee you that if they could, this current Dev team would turn WoW into an instanced based lobby game. No more leveling, no more world, just log in, sit in a lobby(city) and search for your next raid, dungeon or BG group.

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It was always just a version of the dummy office thermostat — something to make people think they have control, so as to stop annoying management.

Funny thing is, the factory where I work, the thermostat for the production area is in the maintenance shop, so the maintenance crew determines the temperature, and that shop is right next to the entry/exit door so it’s always hot.

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Done? I have no idea. But I have seen communication improve quite a bit. So, there is that.

But, I don’t think Blizzard needed a CC to listen to the community. I think they were listening the entire time. I think the CC was created to give a face and solution to a problem which may or may not have existed in the first place. Literally so that people would see the CC and think “Oh! Now they’re listening, thank you!”, even though they obviously already were listening to feedback.

But, as I said, I think Blizzard is at least more vocal about receiving their feedback, and they demonstrate this in a number of ways.

They mentioned on there that because every blue post gets insta posted on blue tracker sites, it means everything they say is gospel.

Then the internet trolls come out and pick it apart.

Blues just need to lead the discussions. Let us talk and they steer the conversation forward. Even if it’s “we can’t address this now” or “we hear you and will be back with an answer soon”

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

What did the council ever do? WoW is no longer a community focused game, its an e-Sport. Did you really expect to be listened to by IONCO?

I doubt that this version of Blizzard even likes RPGs. I mean they focus on producing team combat stuff, not producing the next great RPG.

The current situation reminds me of how a group of former WoW developers got together to develop a new MMORPG that was More Challenging called Wildstar. It died in short order. I guess more people just want to have fun than want to be challenged.

The esport part is emphasized because it’s what happens when you have a marketing driven game. Worthless for the game itself, but it’s also there to PR cover up nasty stuff like weekly systems that exist just to have corporate rent seek subscriptions.

The game gear progression needs to stop being catered around weekly synchronized drip feed that FOMOs so hard. It’s given the entire concept negative interest, so Blizzard has to troll players into playing DOA content with cosmetic bait rather than a meaningful experience/grind.

Wish I could post on my main, but I’m from the EU, so I have to use an NA character :slight_smile:

Anyone notice not one but 2 responses from a blue on the CC forum today? LOL :rofl: what a joke. Keep that appearance up Blizzard after getting called out. You aren’t fooling anyone.

I am happy regarding this and hope it keeps up. Some communication is better than none. :pray:

With that being said, I know quite a few of us are more so readers than posters (Hello!), or post on a non-yellow text character. We each represent different communities and niches of the game. I always check here because it is interesting to see opinions outside of my community, and post on behalf of them such as upright Forsaken from this very subforum.

I have been pinged before regarding several different ideas people had who know my niche when it comes to CC posts, and have presented them. Should you have any ideas you would like one of us to post, shoot me a ping here and I will provide it to the CC. Community Council does not primarily communicate internally within the forum, so you are not seeing the constant talk going on between individuals.

With that said, I really advocate for pinging someone from CC to post on behalf of your interest, especially if it is liked by other people to demonstrate its interest. We can only do so much, and each of us hopes the Warcraft team will read our post and even comment like what occurred with Chime in two threads within the last 24 hours.

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Thanks for replying to the post you angels.

Tbh I don’t know why people think you guys would have so much control. Its always been obvious the council was just a pr move

That would likely exist even with an “election” (ie basically just making the CC the content creator discord 2.0), and yet I got invited despite almost certainly having annoyed some devs over the years.

For topic ideas, yeah. Just don’t expect the CC member to directly copy over whatever opinion it is you ping them with, because that is not the point of the CC. It is not a group of elected officials representing their constituents’ opinions, it’s a group of people invited to provide their own opinions.

Not entirely, but yea, that’s a big part of it.

When I was on the CC, I was asked which toon I wanted as the CC toon. I could have easily chosen a level 1 toon if I wanted.

I don’t know if they did things different in the second wave though but I assume not.

A good example of this was Mirasol, who used a low level toon because she was recognizable on it as it was her MVP toon, and wasn’t her “main.”

I found Cyrios’s post in the CC forum about how not all council members participate in the discord kind of dismissive of the issues people have with the discord, because casual players get bullied out of the discord. It happened to multiple people before me, then myself, and then at least one person after me. (Again, during the first year). Hell, the person after me was so bad they left the community council altogether (as well as deleted multiple posts in the CC forums) and the entire CC got a warning email telling people to respect each other. (I Might get in trouble for posting this, but honestly I didn’t sign an NDA so shrug)

The “hardcore” players (AKA Mythic Raiders and such) would quite literally tell us that our content doesn’t matter and we need to shut up so actual feedback can be given about what matters. I know that it has happened again in the 2nd year as I have multiple friends in the CC this year as well, and they’ve been telling me about all the drama between the types of players just like I experienced.

And the fact the Blizzard employees in the discord just sit idly by and let one group attack another and force them out of the discord because they feel their opinions are unwelcome and invalid is disgusting.

Sorry to hear of that situation - can tell you it’s now very different. I haven’t witnessed any form of bullying since I started out in the council earlier this year. In fact, we kinda value any form of posts now, even if we don’t come all from the same player group. As you might know I can’t go too big into details, but it’s very different now as you described.

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Unless they got berated after some of us left, I’m finding it hard to believe, because at least one of the problematic people are on wave 2 of the CC as well.

Someone I retained screenshots of, of him telling me that “LFR doesn’t matter” and telling me to shut up so feedback on the actual raids can be given.

This was during a conversation me and another casual player were having about LFR gating.

And yet when I said this when I was CC, I’d have people attack me saying “NO YOU REPRESENT THE COMMUNITY, YOUR OPINIONS DON’T MATTER.”

It’s really a no-win situation.