Allow Void Elves to change their race name

Where did I say I want to inject homophobia into the game? What in the name of sanity are you talking about?

I am talking about the reasoning behind them thinking there are no people that would ever “come out” in the lore, and the hypothetical reason people might be in the closet in the lore… THEN I went on the explain why even if this isn’t true, people can still come out in the game.

And I’m not a troll dear. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them a troll.

Did you legit read the post I’ve said above? If not, then don’t twist my words.

I said I don’t want void elf and high elf to change race name. If I want high elf, I’d rather have a separate allied race.

Not really. I’m not really in the loop with the fanfic/shipping community enough with this whole… “shipping war” business. To be quite frank with you, while we all have our personal headcanons or stories for the characters and such, or wish to see them together with other people… i just find that community in particular to be weird. Not all of them, and not terrible mind you… just weird, because there is weird people in there with their weird ideas and so on.

You are correct that people do care, but i’m just more weirded out on why you bring them alone in this conversation here.


Because it’s a huge base I can point to, and literally link thousands of stories and threads of discourse. It’s hard evidence that people do care.

Did I say that? Nope. You are saying there is a problem, where there is none. Let’s look back!

Even your fanfic lines bother me. And yeah, I can say that. Like I said, how many npc do you really get to know? Why would retconning Anduin like so many suggest be a good thing?

You want more exposure, they wrote some pretty organic stuff I appreciated. Changing characters to pander bothers me to no end. It’s a fantasy game, use your imagination, we don’t need characters opening with their orientation in a Teen game.


When void elves kneel down do they become “Low Elves”?


Well fair enough on that, but how them caring means we should have more representation exactly? I mean don’t they ship them because they just want to see them together?..

Also isn’t there straight relationships in that community they want as well? :thinking:

I know how to turn them into Low Elves. :stuck_out_tongue:

Step 1. I lock them in my basement. :grin:


You’ve never seen me post in the “make Anduin gay” thread then. I disagree with that change in particular, because he “fits a stereotype” that I don’t think should be reinforced. I think he should remain a soft, non-toxic example of straight/white/cis masculinity. If you go back far enough in my replies, I’m sure you’ll see it. I think characters can and should evolve, and the writing team has made good choices so far, imo, both with WoW and Overwatch.

Your personal pet peeve of seeing a character change in that way isn’t really that important, sry to say. The writers decide, and so long as they what they decide makes sense, I have no problem with characters making it known who they spend their time with.

Thats how you make Drow though.


I’m sorry, but… what’s wrong with the other male characters here that aren’t Anduin??.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Nor is your need to change anything, so why are we here? Oh yeah discussion. Which means I have the right to disagree too.

It’s not a pet peeve, it’s reality, and I wish more of you would realize this. Yes you are special, but you forget the everyone else is too part way too much. It’s common these days.

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Nothing, except that his father was one of the most aggressive, angry people on the face of the planet… which would be fine, except that a lot of the male representation in WoW fits the “He-Man” hulked out stereotype. I’d like Anduin, one of the few soft spoken, sensitive male characters in the entire game, to remain the way he is. If they change him, and it makes sense, I’ll eat my words.

You do have that right. But you are discussing stopping something Blizzard are already actively doing. I am discussing just letting them continue on their current course. You’re fighting the current, therefore your argument needs to be stronger. And again, your pet peeve about characters being changed is not more important than what the creatives at the top have already decided to do with the characters they’ve created.

Inclusivity is a priority for them, because it’s a priority for the audience, which means it’s a priority for investors. You are likely in the minority in your opinions here, so… :woman_shrugging: Dunno what else to tell you, I guess.

Don’t bother to try and reason with them. They are the perfect I’m right your wrong, do as i say not as i do. Change everything to fit my narrative the rest do not matter.


Show me where I said this T?

Never did, I am ok with how they are adding this organically, I don’t want a random NPC to out of nowhere to be telling me about their partners, whether straight, gay, whatever. It doesn’t need to be there, really hasn’t been since inception.

And I am not against that, honest to Bob, got pepper sprayed in my youth marching for gay rights, believe me I understand the struggle back then. Now it’s just cries for attention, like I asked you earlier, when you meet random people do you open with I bed X? No.


My daughter is like this and often wonder if it’s her trolling me. :rofl:

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That is in no way what I was suggesting they do at all… Who said “random NPC”? And if you’re okay with what they’re doing, why are you annoyed? And why are we arguing? Tess Greymane is also (L)GBTQ+. It’s not the focus of her character, it’s not even in the game, and yet the representation still makes me happy… This is all I am talking about. This is all I have been talking about. The Tracer comic, the Soldier reveal, Flynn/Shaw, Theirnax/Qadarin. Blizzard has been responsible with their character creation in-so-far as LGBTQ+ inclusivity goes. So what exactly is the problem?

What is your problem wanting more? I can ask you the same.

These threads are getting old. And let’s be real, it got bites from people thinking it was a HE thread, most didn’t get to that last line which was the agenda push.

Yet I am still here feeding the bridge people, I’m out. Blizzard you guys are doing it the right way please ignore this feedback.

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When you meet Theirnax/Qadarin, that isn’t how it goes at all. What you are describing is bad dialogue writing… They reveal their relationship organically and subtle. Would more examples of this not be okay??