Allow Void Elves to change their race name

Quit trying to erase void elf identity. Go ask for a separate pristine high elf race. The gall of high elfers these days. The selfishness and ungratefulness is overbearing.


I would be fine with this as well however I think adding quest lines for changing identities could be really great for roleplay and it also allows you to stay on the same character you’ve progressed with!

Starting to cross the line there…

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Wow I was flagged for trolling? This is the last time I ever post on the WoW forums.

I cannot believe the responses. Terrible.

hahaahaha thats savage

I can just imagine the rage when these people pretending to be High Elves turn purple during Entropy


Wooooooow now we’re drawing lines between normal people and High Elf obsessed? :rofl:

Yeh Talonel. We know. :roll_eyes:

Yeh Talonel. The usual. :roll_eyes:


Im going to let you in on a little secret when it comes to society.

Society as a whole is getting really sick and tired of having PC-issues forced into every corner of their lives. From movies, to games … people use fantasy to escape real life, not be reminded that somehow everything is bad and offensive to someone.

You can pretend or roleplay your character is whatever you’d like. You dont need to advertise to the word that your character isn’t straight via some ‘sexuality slider’ during character creation. The lore doesn’t need go full-blown woke either.


First off, people have been asking since the dawn of WoW for an actual high elf race! Second because Blizzard decided they wanted to try to make a “unique” race as oppose to just giving high elves we now all have to deal with the cards we are dealt. Which means hoping for as much customization for void elves as oppose to wasting another allied race slot.


I didn’t say they were “well-written,” I said they were good. How many people are actually playing this game for the quality of the writing? Characters like Thiernax, Qadarin, Pelagos, etc. are all likable and well integrated into the story; it’s just popular to get butthurt any time they add LGBT characters in the game and that’s probably why you’re going along with the trend of just hating on them

Why is this even flagged. People are that terrible here?

Anti-high elves have always been terrible and petty. :woman_shrugging:


It’s the song that never ends…


I really don’t think it’s realistic to ask for such an option unless it’s an option every race has for their sub races, and I’m not sure Blizzard is willing to develop features in support of that kind of RP minutiae. I could be wrong though.

Me personally, I’m fine having my racial tag displayed as Void Elf. If I want to go into deeper RP, I can use addons to change my displayed racial tag to those who also engage in that level of RP and use the same addons.


In Azeroth, nobody seems to care about the other’s sexual orientation. Therefore, no movement LGBT would have been born there.

Also if you want to call your Elf a High Elf, download TRP3 addon.


There were calls to have their void name changed to high after void elves were implemented. It’s been around awhile.


…Flynn and Shaw were characters first and their sexuality is not thrown in our face.

Pelagos being trans is literally mentioned like once, period, and it’s not mentioned again. It’s about as casual as can be.

Chromie’s been in the game since like vanilla, and her being trans was only confirmed recently, and only hinted at over the years.

There are no characters in WoW where being LGBT is their personality. There are however, MANY where being straight is.


As much as I would love to see High Elf being an allied race, but this seems like it’s not going to pass.

Also there are plenty of Void Elf fans who want their own identity, which would be unfair to them.

You can still change your identity as High Elf using MRP3/TRP3 if you are in RP server. So I don’t think this is necessary.


Can I introduce you to something called Total RP 3… lets you set your race to non-playable ones… you’re welcome. Also allows you to set pronouns and add other such details to your character via RP.

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Here ya go. :point_down:

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