Allow Void Elves to change their race name

The amount of people not realizing, this is just a bumped thread over a dead topic still amazes me that they don’t bother looking at the dates of the threads.

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Absolutely not.

Uhm… what?

What a weird thing for anyone who’s actually gay to say.

The given rules this forum uses is counterproductive. If someone posts in an old topic or makes anew does not really matter. Imagine if we would start a new topic every time because the official “forego”-timer is 30 minutes after the last reply.

If it bothers the developers so much, then just include the EU-forums options that topics close after one month of last posting. It’s not the fault of the customer if you leave your doors wide open.

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Blizzard should add the race tag option for high elves but also for wildhammers, eredar, sand trolls/black troll, darkfallen…
They can later add other race tags with their customizations like forest trolls, dragonmaw, taunka, frostborn, highborne…


There’s RP addons for that, it’s really simple and fun to see others creations. “Total RP 3”

Blizzard may officially add it to WOW !

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It’s not the first time they implemented a popular addon into the game officially.

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Exactly :+1:

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Hello me from two years ago! :dracthyr_yay_animated: