Why can’t they? What does that have to do with last patch’s content?
Remember how I said we split a 25-man group into 2 10s? That means we have more than 10 people in a group, meaning sometimes people have to sit out a week. You’re missing our mage who volunteered to sit out, and our warlock who wasn’t able to make it
It’s stale and outdated now. It’s no longer fun to do, it’s a chore if you have to go back. Just like you didn’t go back to the previous Tier in any expansion unless you absolutely had to.
Adding people to the list only makes it make less sense that you have Embers already if you’re only finishing your groups first staff this week. So I don’t really know what you’re trying to get at.
People shouldn’t be forced to do old Content. Your argument that theirs BiS items is irrelveant, since you apparently can’t even kill the bosses that drop them.
Awesome, glad you agree then that we should keep things that give people a reason to go back to previous raids
So, do you understand that people can do multiple steps at the same time, or don’t you? Because you’re giving me mixed signals
Woah woah woah, is someone holding a gun to your head and making you build another staff? That’s not cool, man!
You’re literally looking at a log that’s killed all 7 bosses in order to scrounge for some kind of a point. Not that that matters because, as I’ve made abundantly clear multiple times, I’m not arguing for my own sake in the first place
Our raid leader was suffering from a lot of burn-out on top of others running into issues of not being able to make it to raid, so it was easier to split the group and have a bit more flexibility in case one group cancelled for the night or needed people to fill in
I also think a few of them aren’t planning to continue into Pandaria, but I’m not sure about that
Well if blizzard didnt add catch up mechanics then people would go back to the older raids but since the gear is easier to get from doing H+ dungeons that makes running the older raid content obsolete.
While this is the case most of the time its overlapped because people join groups while on different stages.
Well thats exactly what your wanting people to do here you want to finish the staff so you want others to come and do the old content with you in a 10man no less which takes even longer to do then 25man.
Burn out this content was like 15 or 16 weeks long just wait till Dragon soul we are going to be in there for 6-7 months.
Did you just completely ignore the part where I said it’s stale and boring and people don’t want to do that? It’s not fun? it’s a chore?
Yes, and by that math, if you’re only on your first staff - you wouldn’t be on Embers yet. Do you not know the quests in order? You do Embers first → Cinders → Sucks. So you can only have 3 people on it, you’re saying you have 3 casters and healers, why would you have embers yet if that’s the case?
I’m telling you, that if you don’t have a staff yet, you’re basically going to have to go back to get one if you want to be competitive at all. As I said, we have upwards of 14 staffs already, you have none (apparently). So no, I’m not being told that, but if there was an easier route, I’d gladly work on it on an alt. But I don’t want to run another month of collecting items in Firelands.
That’s because you have no legs to stand on. I’ve already called out why you can’t argue. You just came back to the game - you’re stating that BiS matters when your group can’t even kill the Heroic bosses that drop the BiS items you want (by your own admission) - you’re arguing for the sake of arguing and just wrong about everything you state and then try and belittle me. It’s weird.
Again, by your own admission, the things I’ve stated would help you. It would even help you complete your lore fantasy Firelands fully to be fair. Sounds like what your groups really laking is Legendary staffs.
Not at all, the staff is a glorified trophy for me, if I finish it cool, if not who cares? Like I’ve said multiple times, I’m not arguing for myself
Burn out in general. I joined up with the group in TotC, but as far as I’m aware he’d been raid leading since at least TBC
Then, don’t do it. You said yourself you don’t need a staff, and you seem stuck on the idea that people are only out for themselves
Yes. I just finished embers, our mage and shadow priest (not warlock, that was my mistake) are on cinders, our shaman just finished sucks last week, and will be getting their staff this coming Tuesday
Why would they give it to you over the Priest healer or Druid who run if you’re a melee? They can both use it.
This again, all points to helping a group like you. Which makes it weird that you wouldn’t want help, since you’ve clearly been struggling this entire phase?
I"m in favor of more people being able to acquire the staff, since so many people already have it. You are against that, therefore, being against people.
That’s absolutely not true, they absolutely want the staff. It’s their BiS…
Yes, it is. I even tried to get the Druid to start taking the embers before me, and they said they didn’t want it. I’m not sure why a casual guild being casual is wracking your brain like that
If you’re a casual guild - why would you care about BiS items from Firelands that people have to go back to in Dragon Soul (For bosses you can’t even kill)? If you’re casual, you’re not worried about that.