This proves your point how? It showcases that you’re wrong no one wants to do a previous Tiers content that they’ve been running for weeks on end.
That there needs to be something to entice players to continue running past-relevant content…? Do you…not understand who you’re arguing with here?
People don’t want that. They’ve already been doing the content for weeks on end, adding something to force them to do it makes them want to do it less.
Honestly looking at your shaman, assuming that’s your main, you actually QUIT Firelands and just came back to the game last week. You’d be a perfect candidate for a catch-up mechanic added to the vendors!
Embers/Cinders added to vendors - Still have to do the nexus event and the mini boss - Essence suck questline changed to one of each of the bosses (it’s roughly this already, could make it a group wide effect too as it jsut creates more since only one can suck each boss) - a kill of Rag would entice a lot more people to do it, plus make people who always wanted it a chance to get it, with still keeping the same Lore Fantasy. It would just remove the bloat of having to do Firelands for weeks and weeks when we already have to do dungeons in the same manner.
Casters want their legendary, non-Casters want a handful of pieces that are still BiS in DS. I don’t understand why you keep wanting to go in this circle
I’ll take you ignoring my comment about you just coming back to the game as true then since you completely avoided it and think people want to do old content that they’ve been doing for weeks already.
They don’t want to go back, hence them adding all those items to the vendor already.
People would still have to go back to finish their questlines. They just wouldn’t have to run it over and over again to get the Embers/Cinders.
I ignored it because it’s irrelevant, but fine, I’ll humor you. I’ve missed maybe 3 weeks of Firelands total since it launched, and that’s entirely because of others in the group having something come up. I myself have been present for every week
You seem to have some misconception that your guild is the average experience. The truth of the matter is, most people playing Classic are casual dads that haven’t been full clearing heroic in an hour from day 1
Assuming you’re still in the same guild you were when you did last Tier - you quit the game. They logged every single week, you have a random boss kill for one boss this entire Phase.
You actually don’t get more Cinders/Embers on Heroic then normal, we actually saw higher numbers drop on normal bosses then on the Heroic versions. They upped the drops so it would be easier to acquire, so, we’d actually have them faster (and easier) if we stuck to normal at that rate.
Yes, this again, would make my point more valid of removing the bloat of having to run an ADDITIONAL raid every week (that’s old content and the vast majority of the gear will go to DE/Vendor - are some BiS, sure, are most? No). You’d be able to build it over time, you only got a few hours here and you can run a dungeon or 2? You could be working towards it still, even if you couldn’t make a firelands raid that week.
Finally got your Embers? Head on over to Borean and get that SOLO Nexus Event done.
Finished the Nexus event? - Run a Firelands to kill the Mini-Boss. Could just go directly to the Mini boss - could be a full run as it’s separate from the rest of the bosses if someone can open the portal - the choice could be yours.
Killed the Miniboss? - Time to collect embers - could be from your Miniboss run if you went and turned in - could be from purchasing the currency via vendor. The choice is yours!
Got the cinders? Time to turnin and do a full Essence suck run + Rag kill (this usually only takes about 1 run)
You still have to do the Lore aspects - you still have to do the mini boss and run Firelands at least once if not twice. You just don’t have to fight over the Embers/Cinders - “LFM FL 10 MAN - EMBERS/CINDERS/SUCKS/BOES/BIS HR”
Check again. We split our 25-man into 2 10s because the raid leader was burning out a couple of weeks ago, the person logging in our 10 has a habit of forgetting to do so, and the one logged heroic kill we have is literally the only one we’ve done in the first place. We’re planning to try out Shannox this coming Tuesday
Point being, your whole argument that I’m “gatekeeping” (nevermind that the staff itself isn’t content to be gatekept, the raid that’s involved in acquiring the staff is) makes zero sense to begin with, because I’m literally the type of player that most likely won’t be getting the staff unless it were added to the vendor, because I play enhancement and so am at the very bottom of my guild’s list of staffers, of which we’re literally only completing the first one this coming Tuesday. So who exactly do you think you’re arguing against, again?
I have no idea - because everything you’re arguing against makes it make a lot more sense to add it to the vendor. Literally everything you are saying it just “because it shouldn’t be added” instead of actual reasoning. What’s the point in not adding the Embers/Cinders to the vendor besides you just saying so?
If your guild is only NOW completing one, they haven’t been raiding this entire time. Even on 10 man.
Raiding every week on 10 man - even on NORMAL - would make you almost 4 staffs in a 12 weeks period. We are 15 weeks in.
And that sums up this entire argument. You can’t comprehend that the value of something being what it is is partially tied to how available it is
And again you think your guild is the average experience
I don’t get at what you’re trying to get at? Are you saying you’re not killing all 7 bosses in your weekly clear?
Your raid on Feb 11th they killed all of them. Feb 04th raid that you did with logger “Draveus” had all 7 finished, the week before that you didn’t kill Rag, so you got 6/7, which means you still got a majority of them. Theres a gap of 5 months in the logging, but i imagine you’d still be killing most of the bosses, especially with the parses that some people have (unless you just came back to the game, which is what I assumed).
So again, I don’t get at what you’re trying to say. People would still have to raid Firelands, people would still have to go through the quest chains, it would only make it more on the individual person, instead of making it about having to raid Firelands for weeks and weeks.
The catch-up mechanic of adding the Cinders/Embers to the vendor and changing Essence to a better system then 1 per person, would only help people in your case. It would only help people coming back, it would only help alts because they just got leveled up and want to switch for Dragon Soul/MoP and it wouldn’t stop people from running Firelands. As I said earlier, my guild has AT LEAST 12 - we don’t care either way. It puts the AVERAGE person at a disadvantage, not us.
As I said earlier, you’re grasping for straws.
Our first Rag kill wasn’t until we split into 2 10-mans. Our first Baleroc kill wasn’t for about a month I think. Week 1, we only killed Rhyolith and Alysrazor
If context helps, we’ve got one staff finishing Tuesday, 2 mid-cinders, and I just finished the Nexus solo stuff yesterday. I’m not sure how the other group is progressing but I know one of them was right behind the person getting their staff Tuesday before the split
I’m starting to get the feeling you don’t even know what that actually means
As I said earlier, if you’ve been raiding this entire time - you’d have multiple staffs completed already. By your own admission, you were running 25 mans before going to 10s, so you’d already have started at least 1 staff (depending on how many weeks you did 25 man, you’d have enough embers pretty early on to move to the next steps). So don’t really believe this tbh.
You said you were the bottom of the list - why would you already be doing the Nexus then if you’re bottom of the list and are only just now finishing your FIRST staff? You need Embers before that, and there’s only 2 more collecting parts that you have to complete, and you can do those without finishing the raid. The only time you have to finish the raid fully is to kill Rag for his heart?
It sounds like you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about and are just arguing against adding the Embers/Cinders to the vendor just to argue.
Adding them would only help people in your case, not hurt them. You could still run your 3 bosses of Firelands every week (maybe more with a 30% buff???) and eventually finish your staff.
Do…do you not understand that multiple people can work on different steps of the quest at the same time? I’m last on the list and so I was the last one to gather eternal embers. I got my 25 embers Tuesday and did the solo stuff yesterday, everyone else that’s ahead of me is already on a later step in the questline. This coming Tuesday, one person is finishing Dragonwrath, one will probably finish collecting their Cinders, and I’ll get my Branch of Nordrassil
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Blizz nerfed Firelands by 30% starting Tuesday. They nerfed the pace of getting th staff by a considerable amount. Most 25 man guilds have gotten all there raiders a staff. Same for 10 man raiding guilds.
I do understand that, how are you still on your first staff when there’s only 1 caster and 2 healers in your 10 man? One of which can’t use it.
Nothing you are saying makes sense. Again, it sounds like you quit and just came back and have no clue what you’re talking about.
The only people who don’t want it added to the vendor are being weird #nochanges - it does nothing but make it easier to catch-up. Because at this point, it’s not a legendary item, its a common item you’ll need to be considered for Dragon Soul. As I said, our raid has at least 12, the more I think about it, I think its closer to 13-14.
Why would you want to handicap yourself even more if you can’t even clear the current content? You do know Dragon Soul is harder right?
You continue to grossly misunderstand my point and I don’t know how I can make it any simpler for you: I don’t care if it would help me specifically, I care about what makes a legendary legendary: that being the commitment to the content that it was relevant to
Whose logs are you looking at? There are 3 casters in our group, that’s why I’m 4th in line
It’s not though, as I said, ALL our casters have them - we have healers who have them.
It was already nerfed. Adding it to the vendor changes nothing.
You’re being weird #nochanges and it’s cringe.
I’m looking at your Logs - you raided last week. You have 2 Ferals - a Rogue - a Frost DK - A blood DK - A holy Pally - A priest - one Ele shaman - and you on enhance. You raided with 9 people.
Who are your 3 casters?
Clearly not