I think people should be able to farm the legendary staff drops using the new dungeon difficulty currency. The reasoning is there are going to be no random Firelands runs happening anymore and the staff is BiS for casters. Guilds are going to be slowly losing raiders because Dragon Soul is the “MoP waiting room”. It would be nice if new recruits or rerolls could get caught up quickly in this regard as it is quite a pain to have to keep running Firelands just for quest drops.
How I think it should work is each dungeon equates to a normal 25m boss kill in Firelands. So if it takes 5-6 weeks to complete a 25m staff, it should take 35-42 dungeons. You would still have to get your portal opened and kill the mini-boss there, and eventually culminate in a Rag kill. And you couldn’t purchase items unless you were on that part of the quest.
Optionally, increase the drop rates in Firelands such that it takes 1 clear to get 25 embers or 1000 cinders or 250 essences (ie. 3 clears in total).
And this is why there will still be Firelands runs.
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sadly i have to agree on the no and if your lucky you can do most of the parts in 3 raid clear in 25 man if ur lucky ir ur doing 10s then ur out of luck do 25s
My healing mace catch up vendor says no.
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Literally 0 reason to not do it at this point. People who don’t want it are just being weird gatekeepers. They already made it easier, what would it change to add it to dungeons? My main already has it, and the thought of having to run Firelands for several more weeks just to get another staff is lame.
Legendaries are meant to be a way to attract people to raiding. No
There will only be “all staff items res” runs and they will die off real quick.
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Couple items are still bis for some specs in firelands in Dragonsoul outside of legendary staff. Moreover with the 30% nerf I know my guild is planning to keep running it on some alts.
That makes sense if the legendary can be obtained from the new raid.
It would make no sense for it to come from the next raid. As Zoumz points out, there is still gear from Firelands that is bis for some specs. That gear is what entices non-casters to continue running it, and the legendary entices casters to continue running it. It’s a simple and natural way to keep otherwise outdated content relevant
No one is going to be running a 25m unless it’s an organized guild run or a GDKP. The average player is going to see “LFM 10m FL staff items reserved”
Not gonna lie but it sounds like you were joining pugs to try and get the legendary staff.
In which case its not surprising you didnt get one.
Since it’s not retail and just classic I’m down with this option for people to get staff
It makes sense for it to come to the vendor and have to buy the components that you get in the raid drops, for the same reason old raid gear coming from those drops is available on the vendor. Like someone said, the groups who are running it are just going to HR the items, or they’re going to charge to make it.
Yes. People are attracted to the current raid, not the previous one.
Incorrect. Like I said
Legendaries stop being Legendary when you can just buy them. If they’re as openly available as anything else then there’s no point in giving them their own equipment category
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you want a 5man legendary?
They are nerfing normal by 30%. You can legit 5 man it like a dungeon at LFR DS ilevel. Every fight besides beth can even be 1 tanked.