Allow Fire Elemental Totem to reset with other raid CDs

Exactly, like on Patchwerk, get unlucky and tank 1 shot? There goes your parse for the week with the wipe and restart. Having random stuff cause wipes and no fire ele sucks, and it will only get worse. Naxx is easy, almost no wipes. Imagine when Ulduar and hardmodes come out? You will be negatively affecting your entire raid DPS because every other wipe (maybe more depending on how fast) you won’t have your biggest DPS ability. It’s an annoyance now, it will be a big problem later…


Agreed. Not getting to use fire ele after a wipe or only getting to use it every other boss just feels bad. Plus its not as if fire ele is making sham op. It just brings us closer to the higher dmg classes


Yes please. Would be a great change to reset on deaths in raid


Bump, and agree. Waiting for this cooldown on Sarth 3D attempts is tedious.


Maybe… but they already made the change so… Apply it uniformly or not at all.


The first time I realized that fire ele didn’t reset with other raid CDs I was very confused.


Bump. Seems odd that fire ele is omitted from the reset. Would love to see this change.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s disheartening and demoralizing knowing I’m going into a fight and am about to do 600-1.2k DPS less because a substantial cooldown of mine doesn’t reset like other players’ does.

After checking logs I had a fire elemental do more or comparable damage to our unholy death knight’s gargoyle, yet they’ll be able to use gargoyle every fight. It’s also an entire thing right now with shamans trying to snapshot powerful fire elementals, adding more fun and complexity to a class. Shamans have to choose which specific fight(s) they want to do the most damage on. And God forbid you wipe and don’t have your elemental up for pull number two.

Really hurts a class that’s already viewed as baggage and undesirable.


I’ve been frustrated about this for the past few weeks and I’m glad to see that others share my sentiment. Let’s be honest, Shaman does less damage than many other classes even if we’re able to use Fire Ele (theoretically we should do less damage than quite a few more powerful classes). As stated by OP, this just helps keep the class relevant and also enjoyable.

I see no negative from letting this reset after every boss, even if it were to take into consideration using the glyph to do so.


For sure should be implemented, wouldn’t make shaman some insanely viable spec or anything of the sort due to that. Just given that everything else resets and fire ele doesn’t, it FEELS terrible.


Okay, then let’s put Gargoyle on a 10 min cooldown and not reset each fight. Let’s see how that would go for DKs.


I agree. Lets do that. Dk garg is too powerful


Blizz, however, is not going to do that, so we’d like our cooldown to reset as such.

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And cut the cost of magma totem in half while you’re at it

Bump for Change(dot)org petition.


I hate using fire ele because of how cumbersome and retarded the flaming Koolaid man tends to be.

But i see no reason to not reset this CD like so many other DPS CDs get cleared on a wipe or a kill.


Army too thanks


Army and Infernal should all reset as well. It’s silly that they don’t.


You realize enh shaman, dks, and locks are already top dps, right?

Making their op cds reset every boss is another buff to these top performing classes.

Blizzard should revert this cd reset change.

Silly claim to make. Fire Elemental is essentially up for every boss, but it’s just a pain to use because it has no wipe protection and the 5 min cd doesn’t fit in cleanly with an efficient run. You’re still going to use it for most bosses, you’re still going to parse with it, but it just feels bad when a wipe happens or you go a little too fast and it’s not up for the boss next door.

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