Allow 2 Expansions back Elite PvP sets to be able to be bought with Conquest

Everyone has that ability

Okay, but they are currently at lower mmr for a reason

If you can’t beat prior season glads, you were never going to make it

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Sure they do. This is a competitive game, there can only be so many people at the top.

Nothing u just said in that comment is relevant

I sort of Agree.

I think there should be off colors available through certain means.
Like the new Legion Mage Tower Transmog sets?

But with the same model and affects. Like the WoD gear would be -awesome- But I don’t want the exact same gear. It would take away it’s specialty. People actually took the time to earn that gear in content, we shouldn’t take that away from them.

But recolors? Hell yes


Not everyone has the ability to hit 3K or even 2400.

Some people could make it their life goal to legitimately hit 3K and never get close.

Some people have far more talent at certain things than others.

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But they deserve retired xmogs for what reason?


To throw scraps at us so we actually want to play the game.

So we will actually have a reason to play

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Why would anybody fret over 3k in particular, though? :dracthyr_a1:

Also varies from top 1000 to impossible depending on the season.

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I just threw a generic number out.

I’m just not following how old elite sets will enthuse you to play, when current ones aren’t doing it. Unless you’re suggesting old elite sets be free, which I just don’t agree with.

It’s just a recolor

Whatever guys, enjoy the dead season I guess

The only way the model comes back is as a recolor yes, but to the others complaining for the exact sets; no.

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If you need old stuff that others earned for free just to play the game you should prolly just quit

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You are getting your wish every single day

My wish won’t come true until I stop seeing your blue letters come up bubba

Until then, I’ll keep looking for shooting stars at night

Do you know where that ignore button is right?

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Cant wait for u to leave

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