Allow 2 Expansions back Elite PvP sets to be able to be bought with Conquest

No you play until ur hardstuck and then cry about reward requirements cause you cant reach them

Winning a reward is fun.

Rewarding content=fun
Playing thousands of games and getting nothing=lame

Take away the rewards and watch the ladder disintegrate.

If arena were fun for most people, you wouldn’t need to bait participation with rewards.

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And outside of this season, based on what you said, you typically win enough to get the elite sets

And this season, the elite set isn’t worth it to continue

So you dislike the elite set? Or is the game just not fun to play?

They could give you all everything you’re asking for and nothing would change

That’s what we’ve been saying, you just haven’t been listening

Try winning

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I do. I have several sets.

It’s not because it requires far too much effort and stops being fun. I log on at the end of the season and get it 100%.

But right now? I just don’t have a reason to play.

I’m would but too many 2700xp glads on alts are gating 1800 :joy:

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The more you post the more I believe you bought your account. You were never gladiator.


Cleaning up old posts! :slight_smile:

Remove the rewards from PvP and watch it die.

Oh brother

You literally just admitted u cant even get current rewards and u want older stuff added like bruh

Cleaning up old posts! :slight_smile:

Don’t believe me?

I look people up after a fast loss. 90% of the time it’s someone with glad within the last 2 xpacs

Why. Who cares. Ur the same mmr

For what purpose

I don’t know why this is an issue for anyone. RSS pretty much dried up most of my 2s queues when it released, so I don’t get elite sets in the volumes I used to.

I don’t come here and complain about it, I just live with knowing that I’m not willing to play RSS for 1800 sets so I’ll get less of them.

Not the same xp though.

Tell me that doesn’t matter.

Tell me that someone who’s been 2700 is on the same level as someone who’s never been close to that.

2700 when, on what spec. Literally doesnt matter there were 3300 rets who dont press sanc

Just a way for u to cope after a loss and say “hurr durr they unchained gladiator me no win game unfun”

Cleaning up old posts! :slight_smile:

It obviously doesn’t if they’re at the same mmr out of placements

It means that their ability to achieve that rating exists.