It wouldn’t, though, at least not to any significant degree. Inversely it also wouldn’t negatively impact pvp. Basically you’d have a lot of current pvpers playing alts for sets but that’s about it.
If you really want to bring them back, make one old elite set a reward for 2700 each season (in 3v3 only). Boom, now people have a reason to push further than glad, and people like OP can earn it if they want it badly enough.
I like to log in and play 2s with my buddy and we play several different comps and play thousands of games a season.
We play until it stops being fun.
That’s usually around 1900-2k for me but this season it’s sweaty at 1700 or so. It just gets too sweaty at that point so I just don’t bother with it. We have barely queued at all this season.
Why can’t we earn a good reward for playing and having fun? Why must we either choose to be miserable and get the reward or quit?
How doesn’t it? You now have access to previously unobtainable things (at the expense of those who earned it with the promise it was never going to be achievable again), AND an excuse to play a lot more and get better at the game.
I think the very least anyone could ask of someone who wants Blizzard to break a promise to their player base so they can benefit, is they perform a task worthy of earning it.