Cmon, why think small. Aren’t you actually a self-made multibillionaire who played in the NFL, MLB and NBA and dated the entire Victoria Secret catalogue?
You don’t get it… I don’t care… However, maybe try a real sport tough guy. Put some of those vegan fed muscles to work.
…6+ abs…
Oh and BTW dude, start your own thread. Way more interesting/valuable than the OP.
This is the strategy that was used on private servers when I played Alliance. It seemed to work pretty well.
It was like a known thing to just skip SFGY.
Like this guy said
…people would rage and yell “WTF…WHO CAPPED SFGY?!” when it happened. And then the Alliance would just kind of roll over.
Nomatter what we do, Horde will always camp Stone Hearth farming kills until they cap the GY, they then move down the road North fighting us until we are all in Battle @ SP GY.
This goes on for maybe 30 mins while Horde circumvent the entire defense and bridge hopping up the back of the Southern Towers hill exploit.
Then we have to separate to take back Relief and towers and horde ultimately get SP GY and then they zerg game over.
How exactly can Horde “camp” literally right next to where your reinforcements rez?
Horde reach Balinda before us, and both paths around her are filled with Horde, we usually get wiped on 1 or both sides and then they know we all spawn at SH, they then farm us unless we ghost run back to SP.
In either case, they move forward run around back of Dun Baldar and hop up hill grab our towers and cap the Relief.
Oh Alliance adapted alright.
« Let them win » is the new meta
Buffs from killing Bal and Ally not killing Galv… duhhh.
Some good stuff here, but basically the main thing is defense. The main reason horde can defend with 30 is because alliance has no one on defense, so 10 Horde can cap all the towers and GYs uncontested and eventually kill Van.
Remember the quote from 300, “ give them nothing, but take from them everything”.
You have to defend all your towers. If horde want to cap a tower, make them have to take 10-15 guys from their 30 man turtle and send them on O to cap and protect the towers.
You have to fight, forget about racials or superior pvp faction. They have just as many baddies as Alliance does. 95% of undead mages are horrible and just backpedal while spamming arcane explosion when attacked. Same thing with Tauren warriors and Orc shaman, 90% of these players are the same people that played male human mages/warriors/paladins that want to be the master race pvp faction and rolled horde but are still bad at the game.
Hell I wiped the floor 1v1 with a r10 shaman on my quest and dungeon geared fury war…
Again, it’s a myth that horde has better players overall. You just have to TRY
Yea, I have a 51 pally alt and solo capped IBT and defended it against a 60 shaman. The ally just are wanting others to hold their hands and walk them thru the park like children.
Case in point I won over lunch (i was a scuffed game though…) and we had SF the whole time. Alliance cannot afford to give up either middle GY for free.
Pretty much. We need them both on Ally because the run from IBGY to Stonehearth is shorter than the run Ally have to do to get back if Stonehearth is contested. We need SH to defend SF because we need SF to defend SH. Now, if we get IBGY we can let one of them go. But until then, we need them both and letting horde have it for free is shooting yourself in the foot.
From Horde side of the map, it’s a nice to have but not needed. Horde should take it just to keep it out of Alliance hands.
The REAL objective should be for you to have BOTH. This way you keep the horde from moving forward while giving yourself a more forward position to work on IBGY. The complaint has been that we support the IBGY cap faster from our cave then you can from SHGY, yet the strategy completely ignores SFGY.
If you are able to manage to cap both SFGY and then IBGY, once the cap is announced at IBGY anyone who has been defending SHGY should mount immediately and ride south to defend the cap at IBGY.
I have been saying this for weeks here in various ways, sometimes I included capping SFGY and sometimes I suggested stealth capping IBGY in-between our rezzes. In both instances it is paramount for those defending SHGY to mount up and ride to support IBGY as soon as combat has dropped.
Geez, once you cap IBGY the game for horde is essentially over. The only issue you will run into is horde defense trinketing from cave to support FWRH cap. You can literally get in front of us if you tie us up at the cave, even preventing the trinket thereby having free reign over the entire map.
One of your main problems is the zerg/hphp mentality, many times I have seen people say to not cap gy’s and towers because it takes too much time. This is why you lose, your priorities are whacked. So instead of maxing honor draining all that is available by playing the long game, you lose and then come here complaining the map is imbalanced.
If anything we have a choke advantage of 2 to 1 as Im not sure you can consider spgy a choke, even though we tend to attack it head on. Very rarely do you see anyone going around past the mine or under the bridge and attack the gy on that side. Either way, it does sort of present a semi choke on the front end of the bridge and the stronger choke on the other side.
I would sort of equate the base side of the bridge to our choke at ibgy and the front side spgy choke to our tower choke in our base. I think our two chokes are a bit stronger, however yours are back to back and present a much tougher slog through the final phases of a push whereas you can almost bypass our base choke by throttling us at our tunnel.
That’s the same for Alliance. If SH falls and Alliance doesnt have an offensive foothold south, its over. Its all but impossible to push back out of the Alliance base against the terrain advantage attacking side has coming from SH.
Now. The terrain can be heavily defended to delay quite well, but delay doesnt win the match without an offense that its buying time for.
Same is true for Horde. Once Alliance have pushed through their initial barrier, it’s just a matter of time before the match is over for them if they dont have an offensive push north already.
The biggest difference is, it’s almost impossible to get an offense back out past SH on Ally side. It’s not too hard to get a Horde offensive team back out after IBGY falls.
Nah I dont really care about winning or losing. Either is fine as long as it is quick.
In all the years that I have played, I always preferred the alliance to have sfgy to split their force. This way our defense can farm them while offense steadily pushes their defense back. I do not believe SF is a win either way, it is merely support early on for the alliance push forward, for the horde however instead of spawning back at IBGY and being able to support defense when we die, we get stuck in no mans land. If we are rezzing at SFGY, that means they have defended and pushed us out.
I dont like SFGY for the horde, to me it only makes sense for the alliance to support their initial push on IBGY. Once they have IBGY, provided they have SHGY still, there is no more importance to the alli but perhaps now a reason for those horde who can get back through to offense to cap.
Otherwise as horde, I rather rezz at ibgy every time to support defense if needed.
That’s the same for Alliance. If SH falls and Alliance doesnt have an offensive foothold south, its over. Its all but impossible to push back out of the Alliance base against the terrain advantage attacking side has coming from SH.
While you are not able to defend the caps at IWB and beyond, you are in much better position to defend SPGY and your base. We on the other hand run the risk of you getting out in front of us. Once IBGY caps, you can push towards our cave and cut us off from the rest of the map. We have to hope to cap SPGY too to be able to then cut you off at your cave, which requires us to loop back around and up.
Now. The terrain can be heavily defended to delay quite well, but delay doesnt win the match without an offense that its buying time for
Correct and this should be the philosophy once you lose SHGY. You should be zerging that choke at IWB to slow us down as much as you can. Then the same at spgy and then on the other side of the bridge. If you lose spgy and spawn in cave, trinket to get back in front of us if you do not feel you can retake spgy.
The biggest difference is, it’s almost impossible to get an offense back out past SH on Ally side. It’s not too hard to get a Horde offensive team back out after IBGY falls
I would agree, your situation is harder to bypass at those particular chokes. However if played correctly, the only time someone is actually getting past is once you have moved on and secured the next objective. Once this is the case you should have already built enough of a lead that other team will not be able to overcome once they can move into offense uncontested.
This is why your strategies, when I was playing, made such little sense to me.
Look at all the steps they must take to have a chance at winning lmao if faction changes were a thing id gladly switch.
What strategies lmao. Ally pugs dont have one.
The premade strategies worked because a bad plan well executed is better than a good plan poorly executed most of the time. And the nature of a premade tends to lend itself towards good execution while the pugs they were up against struggle to execute any plan.