Allies wanna win AV? read if ur Ally - revised

That’s sort of incorrect, because one of the major changes impacting this happened at the same time the premade queueing was disrupted - that is, DR switching from 25% to 10%. It’s this change that made kill value way way higher. Were the premades still running at full effectiveness now, I think you’d see them acting in a very different manner because of that change.

I don’t disagree with you. There were very few leaders in premades that understood how to adapt strategies create winning games. The rest would find the formula of the week and never deviate from it.

Most of the premade mindset is still from the last formula they used (win fast/lose fast/defend nothing).

I think to some extent that is true (regarding alliance mindset). Although it is correcting itself over time as a result of a) premaders being done with the grind, b) premaders moving to wsg premades, and c) general alliance players learning that those old strats no longer work. When you keep smashing your head against a wall eventually you realize you are not gonna break through the wall, and so you find another way.

I can not stress the importance of holding SHGY. If you need to turtle for an hour until you can SFGY, so be it. Welcome to AV. Its a grind and a slugfest. Better hold your ground and swing first. Most of the games I have been in lately have been very competitive, but it mainly comes as a result of the general AV player base needs a captain/coach to lead them towards a common goal. I imagine most games lack that person with sufficient knowledge, understanding, and willingness to lead an AV game (it’s also a lot of work).

Honestly Hordes Pugs feel like a premade most of the times because of that queue time. Players are in large part very experienced and the chat is filled with required tasks like “need more D on IBGY”, “incoming 5 at Galv”, etc, and people actually follow orders without question or bickering. I think everyone look at the map, see what’s needed and perform the tasks appropriately. I don’t see much AFKers and rarely see useless actions. It’s not that the skill is really better, but it is a nice teamwork effort most of the times. Surprising for a pug, really.


Glad to see that what makes sense to me also makes sense to more knowledgeable people.

Another thing I wonder about and would love to hear a knowledgeable discussion on is:

Let’s see the teams were both past the middle and assaulting each other’s bases vs. recalled defenders. Doesn’t A have the advantage in that scenario, given their more easily defensible base? H would probably want to try to push away the A offense even at the cost of losing their own.

So can A work toward that scenario? Obviously just derping past no longer works since H has figured out they lose if they do that. Sooner or later though if H wants to win they have to go on offense.

If horde ignore alliance, then alliance wins. This is what it was the first week of AV release. Run to the end and win… and alliance always won.

Horde recognized this and will never ignore alliance.

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I wondered about that. And it looks like the same filtering process on the A side, since it won’t be accomplished via queue times, will have to be accomplished via repeated roflstomps.

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This 100%…

alliance have yet to adapt.

this is more or less what alliance does when it’s even close to winning. But it requires straight up outplaying the horde by a huge margin.

SFGY is useful and killing galv prior to IBGY is usually not a good idea.

I agree with everything you’ve said, however if we don’t get and hold a tap on SFGY before horde CAPS SFGY the alliance turtle at SHGY can last until DR runs out, druids are released due to turnins, and then alliance follow the druids to mid and lose SHGY. The druids at best seem to work as a distraction for us to get a foothold either at SFGY (if miraculously still contested) or maybe IBGY if we end up at a SHGY. You’re absolutely right that SHGY loss = stump of shame farm for us. The few games I’ve won this week (about one a day) have been with a 5 man who lead the pugs to do the hold SHGY-get SFGY method. Unless you get lucky and have well geared players with fast mounts that can all get to SFGY immediately losing SHGY means reinforcements are cut off to all other objectives.

Did you just brag to a bunch of 30-somethings with jobs and children, that you no-lifed Classic for the past 12 weeks? You do realize that over half your grind was completed in the era of cheese wins and low Alliance populations.

Heck, you’re probably one of the people that transferred to a completely dead server just so you could be #1 with less than a million honor every week.

By the way, my life is better than being a GM or HWL so is my health.

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If that is the case, then elite A ninjas can derail offensives because the H team will send back large numbers to re-cap, which is the best chance A is going to get to push forward in the main battle.

We got us a winner!!

As someone who did the original grind your strat is 100% correct. There is a reason capping SFGY for either team used to be an vote AFK kick. Ally’s need Horde to Rez. there so IBGY can cap. The SH choke and IB choke can be impossible to get through. SFGY can work but only if you don’t lose SHGY first. Horde your strat is simple and you pull it off flawlessly. Until our side understands the importance of SHGY keep racking up easy honor. SFGY can work but you all have to buy in and not die or you are going north. Now, your starting cave needs moved to where it belongs…

Any strategy where capping a forward GY isn’t the absolute first step is a horrible strategy.

Not only do you establish a foothold, behind enemy zerg, you now deny reinforcements by controlling the associated choke point. OP is bad and should feel bad.

  1. Have two monitors
  2. AFK at graveyard
  3. Play a real game or watch netflix on the 2nd monitor
  4. Repeat till exalted

I’m rich irl… i don’t need to work. WoW is the sport I play. I grubhub/dd $50-100 food everyday. I’m in superb health with 6+ abs. Don’t eat meat, that stuff makes your IQ drop by 20+ points.

Ding ding ding!!! I can’t believe an orc has a so much smarter…

Lol, Calling me bad. I’m also a multi rank1 gladiator and Harvard graduate.

If you graduated Harvard with such a piss poor grasp of game theory, I would immediately demand your tuition refunded.