I don’t think the “map balance” is as big and issue as people make it out to be. But it doesn’t matter. Whether it’s due to faction stacking, map imbalances, more AFK’ers, whatever, a situation in which there is a faction-wide win rate of like 1%, is a systemic issue and you can’t “git gud” your way out of it.
If Alliance are interested in actually forcing a quicker change, then they shouldn’t be playing AV. Better than that, you should quit the game.
I really don’t care. I like wPvP better anyway. But I have no interest in dealing with the current BG nightmare, and mostly just avoid them. I’m not about doing something that isn’t fun for hundreds of hours in order to get a BiS anything.
Youre in classics demo.
I would expect retail to have a younger audience. 20s early 30s.
I dont want to take this off topic discussing the map imbalance, but imo the map imblance is everything. There is another very popular thread where you can see my thoughts about the effects of this map.
I hope you are right. Maybe you are. But I don’t think complaints will “force” Blizzard to do anything in Classic.
This isn’t a player-designed game, and you cannot “force” it to become one.
Players don’t agree. 1% of players complaining does not “force”, and I don’t think you’ll get 100% of one faction
I agree. I just hit revered and once I hit exalted I will be done. The end result is the boycott will happen naturally. The horde may make rude witty comments but in the end they are killing AV for them selves. Once alliance gets its rep a majority will stop queuing. then it will be premade wsg or nothing.
I support alliance trying to be better at pvp.
Instead of boycotting you should organize a ‘Alliance actually try in AV’ day. It’ll do you much better IMO.
The pvp’ers chose Horde in great numbers. Half the clowns in this thread are saying all they are in AV for is the rep - they are part of the problem.
There is nothing Bliz can do. Years ago they needed to maintain a balance in the “cool factor” between the factions as well as the racials and the failed on both accounts.
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Then spread the word to local allies on your server. Whjats the horde word for boycott? Grumble mokk umm dum?
Ironically, the horde cried until daddy blizz nerfed premades.
If you boyvcott pvp how will you get better?
No. I think most Hordes recognize the flaws in the maps that favor them. However, and I’m in that group, I don’t think these flaws explain a 99-1 ratio. I would expect 60-40. Afkers, bots, leachers are your problem.
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You cried and got BGs released early…NNNEEEEEEXXXT
Then how has there not been 1 horde support map balkace changes in the 1000’s of posts on this forum. All I see are horde telling us we suck and learn to play.
I don’t want to discuss map balance either, because there are 600 threads about that every day.
I was just making the point that it doesn’t matter. If the reason is “Horde players are just better”, then there’s a problem with the fact that so many PvP’ers went Horde.
If it’s due to “queue times” making Allinace have a different mentality, then there is a problem with that.
The point is, these aren’t “git gud” issues. There’s nothing individual players can do in the face of such massive systemic problems.
The best thing that players who want real change can do is to opt out of the system and stop enabling it.
Well I personally think boycotting av isn’t gonna do much of anything but, you do you. Good luck!
I think that is actually a really good suggestion if someone has the desire to put in the effort to pull something of that magnitude off.
I sincerely doubt it, though.
Two questions:
Who had a higher win rate in Vanilla, Horde or Alliance?
Is this map geography different than AV in vanilla? I know there were changes from 1.5 to 1.12, but did those include adding the map features that give horde an advantage?
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There will always been ppl that slam someone on the ground, for fun. Especially in social media like this. But Hordes have been voicing concerns and suggestions, but map change? First of all, most likely pointless to do, and secondly, as I said, we believe the biggest difference is the 40 hordes vs 25 alliances in every games, the rest being useless leachers.