Allied races still locked?!?

So what’s really the tea?

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you have to actually level a toon to 50, unlock the race, park that 50 and start again hahaha

did kultirans yesterday, had to read guides and use wowhead tools to unlock them because game itself isn’t enough

for kultirans had to

do all 3 zones of kultiras
25 BORING quests to unlock 1 achievement
20 quests to unlock the race

it was fun to do that when that was new content now is just ugh

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If you don’t have the time to unlock them with how easy the current requirements are, then you simply don’t have time for MMOs.

All you have to do now, is complete the associated zone story for the race you want. You don’t need to do grind to exalted anymore. You don’t even need to do the dungeon requirements some races had anymore

Only ones that are kind of long now are Kul’tirans and Zandalari…and Nightborne a little bit.

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They can’t fix your unwillingness to play the game.

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You have the knowledge to use the internet and enough time to argue on the forums about it. Nothing about unlocking AR’s is difficult if you put just a little time in here and there. Time you’ve spent here yelling about something easily done.

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I’d agree with this if the races had a faction equivelent. But I want to try a zTroll and I don’t have a Horde toon.


I’m sure their number crunchers have crunch the numbers and apparently it better to have annoying time played metrics than a fun game. Better to make people not have fun but lignin every day for chores than to just be able to kogvis and do what you what.

Seems counter intuitive to be but they have probably run the numbers.

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Can’t tell if you are trolling or not. Assuming you aren’t, it really requires very little effort on your part to unlock them. Just a bit of time and playing.

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More effort has been put into these posts than required to actually unlock the races in 9.1.5.

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Hello there