Why can’t you just let us have fun? Why make wow suck so hard?
They take very little effort to unlock now since most of the requirements were lifted.
Just play the game and unlock them. lol
I just want to pick it and go, I don’t have the knowledge or time to do it. I have a little time to play now but blizz forbid I want to have fun. I am about done with this company.
Unlocking the allied races is hard.
Time doesn’t equal difficulty, it equals monotony. And even then, I unlocked them all in BfA as soon as they were made available. It’s ridiculously fast to get them now by comparison.
You’ll get no sympathy from me. No offense.
Which is why you don’t have the unlocked.
Some of us had to grind HARD to get something you are asking to be just handed.
How about doing a LITTLE work now that they made it WAY easier than when we did it?
Not to mention I want to play horde over alliance, I would have to level a horde up just to unlock the races. No I refuse. Blizz is done getting my money.
Why does actually playing the game have to require me to actually play the game though!!!
I understand it can be frustrating when you have limited time to play.
Here is a guide that covers how to unlock all of them though. You can pick whichever you want and blow through the requirements in an evening in most cases.
It doesn’t solve your complaint but I hope it helps.
They only need one zone campaign each and an unlock questline. It’s not much to do.
If you lack the time for that then you probably wouldn’t have time to play them very much even if they were unlocked for free. Just do it a little at a time! You’ll get it eventually
I DONT HAVE A HORDE TOON TO UNLOCK HORDE RACES! No I refuse. Blizz needs to fix this.
Which race are you wanting to unlock? If it is Nightborne, you can satisfy the requirements with an alliance toon. Otherwise, you’d have to have a horde one.
Sorry, it’s just the way they have it designed.
“I don’t want to do the work, but I want the rewards” Mkay.
Ok? Then what’s the point here?
Probably shouldn’t play MMOs then
its a race not a reward. no thanks I refuse to pay blizz another red cent.
In the time you’ve wasted crying about this on the forum, you could have looked all this up.
But you didn’t.
Well then you won’t get Horde allied races.
Sorry, but if you’re not willing to put in the bare minimum of effort required (which is just to level a Horde character to level 50 and do some basic questing) then you should not have access to the Allied Races at this time.
There’s nothing for Blizzard to fix. They can’t fix your laziness.
Wrong. It’s a reward for winning their trust via the questlines. It is, by definition, a reward.
Bye byes
I agree it’s pretty lame. I still don’t have most of the allied races.
The above, but do you even need to get to 50 now, since you can complete the zone achievements for BFA in chromie time with a brand new fresh char? (Unlocked them all in BFA, so I can’t check if you still have to be 50 to do the racial unlock quests)