LOL, whatever you need to believe sweety.
I unlocked them all in BfA as soon as they were made available. It’s ridiculously fast to get them now by comparison
Yes, you unlock the faction you play, naturally back in BfA. But if you wanted to, let’s say play Alliance, when you’ve always played Horde, it’s an absolute pain to get Dark Iron Dwarves and that unlocked.
Maybe it works if you faction changed a character, but if you levelled new characters as the other faction half way through SL, you’re left behind, and doing this old content, you’ve done a million times, but on the other faction, is NOT FUN. To get to Mechgon on new toons on the other faction from what you played the place back in BfA. You have to go all the way through all the Nazjatar unlocking first. Which you have done a MILLION TIMES, just on the other faction.
I spent ages on it. Then I was sent into Blackrock Depths, I go along with it, cos I am think, then I will almost be done.
Nooooo… after that, I then have to go get more stuff from MOTHERLODE. Which I of course, at my level couldn’t LFG for. And that’s not something you can just fly to and do. That requires unlocking. At which point, I gave up. I had had enough.
So please don’t say these things are just naturally unlocked playing the game. I levelled in dungeons. If I have to spend one more day in Nazjatar, I will end myself.
As did I. Though there are still 2 I haven’t leveled for heritage armor yet.
Google is a thing and it takes like a couple hours at most to unlock the AR. Y’all b!tch about anything
No, no. I did the work on both factions and unlocked them all. Not just Alliance. All of them.
I don’t have sympathy for people complaining about current allied race unlocks when I got them all when it took the longest possible amount of time with the most possible work.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Nazjatar intro quest doesn’t take long at all. Especially now that it isn’t current content. Accessing Mechagon doesn’t require the full completion of Nazjatar - that would be worth getting mad over if it was.
Also, your Horde rep for Mechagon carries over for the Alliance allied race. Unlike what the Alliance got with Vulpera.
The dungeons were cut from the requirements, yet the OP is still complaining about it.
And yes, the dungeons were awful. I hated doing the Kul Tirans and Dark Irons because of that. Especially because the Horde didn’t have to do any.
Strawman. I never said that.
I did say it was easier than it was, and that remains the case.
Won’t happen.
We can do without a player with that kind of attitude.
I agree that it’s not much effort to get them these days, but frankly, if I want to play a character, I just want to play the character. It was always dumb to have to go through content on a character you don’t care about to get the ability to play the character you actually want to play.
It’s less bad now that it’s “old content”, but it was incredibly dumb when it was current. Literally leveling a throwaway character to max and grinding for 3+ weeks only to never log into it again if your goal was to roll an Allied Race (and you didn’t want to spend money on it).
Why do you deserve allied races then?
Just wondering because everyone else stood in line to unlock their allied race and it seems like you wanna skip the line…
To be somewhat fair, to the OP, if you haven’t played the game, in awhile and are now returning to the game and want to play an allied race, the work for it is a little bit longer than just one achievement, and it’s rather tedious. Not impossible but extremely time consuming. I will be using the Nightborne race, as an example:
6/10 on the troll. Hook line and stinker.
I was 7 or 8 when the first one released, so all of the cheesy “deeper meaning” phrasing got me at a young age lol. It’s more nostalgia at this point, but the first one is really the only one I care for, as the sequels were hot garbage
I’ve been off and on since 04, and after 08/09, the breaks were longer due to college. I’m honestly not even sure how many times I’ve cared to log in during the anniversary, safe for the time we got a mount and the lfr MC raid
Aw, aren’t you cute!
Can we really though?
If that’s the case all you’ll get them to is level 20.
I still don’t have nightborne or KT. Thing is, I don’t even remember how to start Suramar let alone remember which character is actually, you know, on it already. KT I never did enough of the boralus storyline either, and again, I’m not looking through 20 characters to try to discern which one is furthest, and at the same time I’ll be damned if I’m doing either of those from the beginning. I hate that expansion and I hate those quest chains.
If I wanted to play those races maybe I’d feel differently, but here’s the thing, if they were auto-unlocked I’d probably at least try them, and what could possibly be wrong with that? More alts is more time played, after all.
Ugg, Coming in as a new player to those expansions was a painful experience, trying to figure out how to even get to the quests that start the quest to start the achievements sometimes. You should get college credits for getting those races unlocked prior to the most recent update.
I can never seem to get Mechagon unlocked on any new characters either. I like the zone, but already have mechagnomes and totally played the place out (though I do still need the wheel) so it’s hard to get motivated to find out what arcane thing I’m doing wrong.
I can’t even remember how I did it. I spend almost as much time begging for someone to help me get through the instance. lol
Good news is I do have two races I couldn’t get into the instance with, so I guess I can reap some of that benefit.
I think a Monk - big human may be neat.
Now all they need to do is at least make it possible to unlock flight in BfA with one character from level 10-50. Not asking for a whole nerf, just some cushion where it makes sense.