Allied Races still locked is mind boggling

couldn’t they have just fired him and kept the other 899 employees? They seemed more useful then that sack of tauren droppings.

You realize that Void Elves ARE Blood Elves right? Like that was part of the questline to unlock them.
They are BE that were messing with void magic and got kicked out of Silvermoon

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Oh boohooohoo, it’s super easy to unlock the allied races in BFA… Island Expeditions, the daily envoys, war campaign just to name a few. Rep grind today vs old days are very watered down. While i never were around in Vanilla, Hydraxian Waterlords, original Zandalari (Vanilla) i am certain it was two of the most grindy reps there was.


I unlocked the ones I wanted to play, so I’m not in need of any handouts or participation trophies, but this above is the thing people tend to leave out of their arguments in favor of the allied races.

You aren’t rep grinding for something on the toon you’re grinding rep for and that is weird and faulty game design. You are grinding rep for some other toon who benefits literally not at all from anything you achieved on the grinding toon in question. You’re gearing up, earning rep, improving rIO scores, grinding HoA levels, all on a toon that you’re then going to shelve in order to play the one you worked to get your hands on. I’m sorry, but that’s just silly, and in no way corresponds to the vanilla/tbc rep grinds, because those all benefited the same character you were using to grind those reps.


Subscriber growth was actually slower in BC than in Vanilla, though, so it didn’t increase the rate of growth.

And in the old days we repeated the process in BC, Cata, and MoP. Because we still had to grind up new High Elf, Draenei, Worgen, Goblin, and Pandaren characters. So nothing is different here in that regard.

But perhaps this may help…

But you hadn’t done the initial grind in order to grind it on your new worgen, draenei, pandaren etc. character. You already benefited from achieving that exalted rep on the original character; it was a choice to change mains or raise a new alt, and also redo a rep grind. Those are two different things.

And yes, lol, the shop sells race changes. Confirm the obvious explanation of greed, thanks.


Yeah… just like they nerfed leveling in 7.3.5… a vast conspiracy to sell boosters they introduced in Patch 5.4 four years prior… /sarcasm

You’re the one who used the race change* as excuse for double grinds. :woman_shrugging: Respond to my actual debate point if you want to have a conversation.

Double-edit to add: I never once mentioned the booster or conspiracies. That’s all on you, boo.


No, it’s a shortcut. Not an excuse. That’s just your agenda talking which I do not subscribe to.

I did.

No, you didn’t, because my debate point was regarding the rep grinds not being the same as in TBC because of the separate characters, and that second character being locked behind the rep grind now, when it previously was optional to do it on one character first before choosing the new race.


The thing real annoying to me, personally, is that once you get past the stupid levels of stupid that is the rep grind to get the allied race, if you want the hermitage armor, you have to earn that again by leveling from 20 to 110.

That’s just mind boggling to me.

It’s like you’re gonna punish you for wanting this race, then punish you again if you actually want the heritage armor.

Then they release heritage armor for the classic races where they just need to quest which makes the Allied Race rep grind + level grind just…mad.


I don’t mind them but I think it’s reasonable to reduced the requirement to honored or something when the content is old. There’s no reason for it to be exalted for the Legion-released races


Which is kind of a stupid requirement when you think about it. How important is it for Lightforged Draenei to level through Blackrock Depths, when there were no Draenei on Azeroth at the time.

I’d rather see them keep the racial unlocks and drop the heritage armor, though keeping both is also fine. The Allied Races are supposed to be rare; making them easy to get may turn the game into Warcraft: Void elves versus blood elves.

There was no such thing as Allied Races in TBC. But maybe you are right. They should go back to releasing maybe 1 new race for Horde and 1 New race for Alliance each expansion. Then, in about another decade or so, we’d have about the same number of races that have been released in what, a year? I’m sure that would bring in a lot more subs.

Personally, yeah, I’d prefer the old model: fewer reskinned placeholders for content and more actual starting races with their own stories and starting zones, minus the artificial timegating to keep us from using those reskins until we can 1) grind up to them and then 2) grind them up in turn.

However, that’s not the point I’m arguing. I’m simply saying anyone who says “well we used to grind much harder for rep in vanilla/TBC/wrath” is completely ignoring the fact that whatever you were grinding for was to benefit the character you were using to grind it, not some future theoretical character locked behind that rep grind.

That’s the point, that’s the argument, not the sidebars you or whatserwarlock keep trying to bring up to me.


Citation needed for 50% sub loss

Future character or Future endevor, what’s the difference? I ground out rep with the Hydraxian Waterlords so I and my guild could progress in MC. Rep grinds were done for many reasons and something was always locked behind them.

Allied races are a new feature that you have to earn, or if you prefer, grind out. The point being that it is something new and has new requirements. Personally I’m fine with those requirements and have 4 races unlocked and eventually will have all of them. I get it that some people don’t like the way it is implemented, but it isn’t a “change” from how it used to be, just a new paradigm for a new feature.

Lol fair enough. I got them on a casual basis. With the upped rep suramar and the argus ones should be eaiser to get. I just wish you could trade dupes for another mount.

Dude, this game is full of weird decisions and people who agree with them. I asked months ago why flying in Dranor is still locked behind ANYTHING these days and was told to go git gud and grind out the rep/quests for it. It’s bonkers.