Allied races not showing up on character creation screen

I also have the same issue. I am thinking maybe the game still thinks you need to be exalted with the race faction.

I don’t think that’s it, I am exalted with the Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei and I still can’t make them.

Bliz has responded to tickets mine included.
It is a known issue that was popped up again after a maintenance like a week ago. They have the tech team working on a fix apparently (is what I was told) and hope to have it fixed before SL launch

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Still supper annoyed thats its been 4 days for me and nothing has been fixed about this. Like so many people have reported it… super annoying


I was really hoping I could get one of my allied races at least close to 50 so I’d have a horde character I really liked going into Shadowlands but I still have one I can play. Just annoying that I can’t make any new ones beforehand :confused:


im having the same issue too. :frowning:

I saw this as a solution in another thread. Maybe worth a try: Allied Races not appearing - #2 by Perl-anetheron

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how do you graduate out of the newcomer chat?


I went to try the newcomer chat fix. Logging in, however, I went from having the character I unlocked the allied races with selected, and then into character creation - and the missing races were there. Even the ones I have yet to unlock, they are just grayed out.

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What is the newcomer chat fix?


It seems like the problem might be that your account is marked as a “newcomer” and that is what is causing the issue. I haven’t had a clear answer on what makes a newcomer on WOW and how to get out of it. I’ve heard you have to level a character to 20, level a character to 50, play a certain amount of hours, and a few other things, so I don’t think anybody really knows. I may just open a ticket and see if I can be taken out, since I’m definitely not a newcomer.

So solution for me is that if the game thinks you are a newbie but you are not (like you completed the campaign on a character) make sure you check all the servers you have ever played on because for me, i had a worgen druid that had “disappeared”. Once I clicked back on that server (it didnt show up that the character was on the server until after I clicked it) the allied race part of creation appeared.

I have completed the Allied race achievement for some time now, but after this weeks patch I am no longer able to see them listed in the character creation area. I am able to still log in with the few toons I had created from those races. I logged in an went to Stormwind Emissary to my check my banners, they all still show that I have access, and I check all my achievements and nothing has changed there requiring extra steps. At charter creation I see all races except the allied races, they are just not there, not even the greyed out versions telling me I need to complete achievements for them.


Unfortunately that didn’t work for me. Guess I will just have to wait on my support ticket to see if I can be removed. Hopefully that fixes the allied problem, been waiting for a week now.

Send a ticket explaining that the error occurs because the character does not leave the novice rank, detailing this post to those who managed to solve it, asking that they please remove the novice rank since the character is level 50, and their answer was we are investigating what happened. Nice

Guess I’m not alone here. My problem still persists. Hopefully they will fix this soon.

Hey folks, Change servers, go to create a character, Don’t Create it, then change back to the server that you want to create a character on. This worked swimmingly for my wife’s account.

From what I have found out on my end I had to get a character back to level 50, this level crunch dropped all of my mains to 45, after I got to 50 I was able to make a new nightborne. Someone may have dropped the ball here. (also find the banners for the allied races and make sure to click on them.)

mines now fixed all of a sudden after 3 days of waiting!

should say that i am no longer a newcomer