There’s some maintenance tomorrow though, maybe we’ll see our problems all fixed then?
I hope so… It’s kind of frustrating lol like HELLA frustrating.
yeah agreed this is not a good way to start promoting SL
All allied races are not showing up on my friend’s account, even when I tried logging from my pc. The entire allied races for both factions are just missing.
thats the extact issue
So i got a response from the team within 2 hours ( almost unheard of that quick of a reply) they told me that it is a known error and to watch out for updates or patch notes soon
thats good to hear that my ticket is still out 17 hours later at someone got some anwsers
Same issue on my side, the ONLY thing that could work, is to have a character and buy a race change, and then keep press random until you get a Vulpera ( or Void elf, which you want )
That’s right now the only “solution” I found so far…
I’m able to get back on the servers again. Did anybody happen to have their problem fixed during this maintenance? I did not.
Having the same problem!!! At least good to hear others are too and it’s not just me. )^: I hope they fix this as I wanted to make a vulpera, haha
Still not fixed after the “urgent” update they just did. bruh im so tired of this…
Yup. You’d think after 3 days of this they might have fixed it but I guess I can’t play the allied races I worked to get
Still have the issue, also.
I am experiencing this as well. I unlocked Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei last night only to met with disappointment. Was hoping this morning’s maintenance would fix it
Same with me. Opened a ticket… Guess I will just keep checking and see when they fix it.
My sons account is unable to see allied races while my account can… It is like this on both of our pc’s. Opened a ticket on his account. Hopefully they get it resolved soon.
Same issue here. I have been dying to get into the game and create a new Void Elf to experience the new levelling experience. I had unlocked Void Elf and Lightforged Draenei a while back when you needed the exalted faction as well, and I have characters of those races already made and in my character list, but I cannot create new ones. They are not available on the creation screen.
Same deal for me. Even after the urgent update none of the allied races are selectable. Sent in an in-game bug report, hopefully something is done soon.
I posted on Twitter and got the following response. Not exactly helpful, but at least it’s on their radar right?
@BlizzardCS Hey guys, is there an issue with creating Allied Races? I have Void Elf and Lightforged Draenei unlocked (and have characters of those races made) but I want to create a new one and neither of those races are available to create. Thoughts?
Blizzard CS - The Americas
@BlizzardCS Replying
Yes, there seems to be. It is currently being looked into but I don’t have any more information at the moment. Hopefully, it can be resolved soon. ~V
same deal with me and my friend