You already have an entirely unique elf only class, make up like 20% of the total playable races and make up a huge chunk of the population. Other races and stories need exploring too.
Good thing I never said “we should get these races as opposed to anything else” then. Because I didn’t.
But video game development is done on a budget. If they do another elf race that means they’re doing it instead of something else. That’s EXACTLY what you’re saying.
That’s twisting my words and I don’t appreciate it. And it’s also wrong. Just because I want something added in And enjoy a concept doesn’t mean I’m demanding it right away or again, don’t support anything else.
Last I checked it wasn’t selfish to advocate for something to be added to the game but apparently that’s the attitude nowadays.
Also, source that they can only work on one thing at a time? Or are we now just making stuff up to fit our narrative. Last I checked, there’s multiple stories going on at once. Oh yah, twelve at once and more in Legion. But yeah wanting this stuff “takes away from others”. Sure.
“You wanting this means I can’t have what i want!” --selfish. Put in the work to build a community and story then on what you want added. It’s better than putting down what other people want because it’s doing the opposite of being thought provoking. “No more elves!” Is a baseless reason.
so what would you like to see happen, mr. complain-without-a-plan? as it stands, forsaken/belves/goblins and nelves/gnomes/worgen don’t have allied races of their own.
also, i love it when people try to act like all elven races are a collective. so when one elven race gets something, they’ll act like its content for the other elven race.
THANK YOU. Hit the nail on the head. It’s the “but all elves are the same!” Mentality. By that logic we shouldn’t ever get anything even remotely related to any other race either.
each faction has 3 races that need an allied race. if blizzard is anything like me, they’re thinking nelf worgen and san’layn kill two birds each, gnomes get mechagnomes, and goblins get something idk. then they can branch out to other races like ogres and broken, which based on ion’s comments about kul tirans, would take a very long time to implement.
I would rather them focus on bring visually interesting races to the game rather than slapping a new coat of paint onto the night elf and blood elf rigging yet again.
That’s all I am saying. From the realist point of they have X amount of people available to work on this type of stuff, I don’t want them wasting more time on yet more elves. We have plenty of thematic options for elf players right now.
Demon Night elf, Regular night elf , Undead night elf via Death Knights.
Demon Blood elf, Regular blood elf/highborne with bonus golden eyes, Undead blood elf via Death Knights.
Then you have the Nightborne and Void Elves
Thats basically 8 possible themes within the subset of elf choices.
While DK basically gives any race that participates with them a second aesthetic. You understand my point. Adding an “undead blood elf” Vampire motif is pointless in the already existing visual noise of the species.
i can make your exact argument for literally every race in the game. seriously i can. your argument also basically boils down to “i’m tired of the base races, so any race that has yet to get an allied race, too bad. i’m arbitrarily deciding that all allied race development shift to something new that i haven’t specified yet starting today.”
chances are the final allied races for the remaining base races are already in development anyway. then after that, other races will get implemented.
Adding more elves to horde doesn’t really make it seem all that hordish anymore.
Also next expansion will probably focus more on the twisted neither. Only allied races that could come of that are the two types of ethereals. You have some players wanting hozen, jinyu, vykrul,ogres and vulpera.
You’ve also got the formerly allied burning legion races, The Elves who became the Satyr and Naga still in the runnings, etc.
Its elves, all the way down.
I would support Night Elf Worgen… if they weren’t so heavily Druidic themed and had a much more unique theme of their own.
Personally, I really want the Nightbane Worgen to join the Alliance and maintain their cult-like mentality and shadow practices, make them a good solid ally to Void Elves and Dark Iron and a much edgier counterpart to regular Worgen who I feel have gone too far with losing their edge and are just straight up Night Elf otaku cursed human druids now.
Any allied race the alliance gets needs to be more aggressive and sinister. But sadly the devs focus more on horde then alliance development. Whats odd is the horde gets trolls that have different transformations for there druids. Yet if I recall the nightelves also had druids of the fang, scale/snake, and others. Even druids that had raptors. The devs never even touch on those aspects of nightelf culture. Night elf druids could have more development/abilities. Not saying as an allied race but added more options to the class.
Both factions get development but I think the issue is the devs are only interested in selling us cheese and packaging it like a gourmet meal. Worgen should be the counterpart to Undead in terms of narrative weight and the type of theme they bring to their faction but instead they are just Night Elf sidekicks. Tauren should be the noble spirit and the good side of the Horde, but that translates to their leader being a doormat.
There is so much wasted potential in this franchise that I’m glad I stopped caring about it a long time ago but when threads like these pop up and the discussion about new races happens it just brings me back to wanting to see the writers do a good job and actually make up what they promise about the races we have at the current moment.
I’ll just kinda summarize what I said on this topic when I saw it on the WRA forums to avoid looking like I’m trying to be a negative nancy
Night Elf Worgen are just Worgen that are originally Night Elves, no real distinction between the two to call for an Allied Race, but would be a really cool customization option (I know, you could make the same argument against the Mag’har Orcs. And I’d agree with you. Mag’har orcs as an allied race rather than a customization option was a mistake. Fight me.)
No complaints with San’layn as an allied race though. Would be really nice.
The only way the concept could even be remotely interesting is if they were full-on very brutal and savage Worgen that resembled Ralaar’s Druids in mindset. I would worry Blizzard would just make them basically Night Elves who happen to be able to turn into Worgen, rather than a race of Worgen with a much stronger feral mentality and less civilized nature than Gilneans.
There is also the issue that I consider Lightforged and Highmountain to be the most boring allied races, they should have just been customization options, but at least I like some of their different tools they bring for armies in faction invasion areas. Maybe Night Elf Worgen could do the same, I wouldn’t mind if they had a more savage style of Druidism with emphasis on more predatory plant-life, but I’m skeptical.
I think this still goes more with the whole “Customization with WoW needs to be better” thing. Still, I’d be very tempted by Night Elf Worgen with the ability to have their own very unique shapeshift forms.
Cat form? Freakin’ wolf.
Bear form? Freaking big wolf.
Moonkin form? idk, larger wolf man, idk what they’d do
Here is what I want from Worgen Allied race and Undead Allied race
a. Worgen => Green Dragon [you know that’s with no wings and are like humanoids, Drakonids]
b. Undead => Lich with legs
With adding to allied races, they could work on adding more customization options to pre-existing ones. Sorta like unlocking skins. Without having to go threw the whole process and time it takes to make an allied race. Some want wildhammer dwarves, just add a way to unlock the customization options for that race. The same could be said about San’layn for bloodelves,and Highelves with void elves. The stuff already exist in game it just needs to be added and applied to the character creation and or barbershop.
If you rather have a said race as allied race. It’s gonna take up more development time before it goes live. They gotta think of racials along with other things. Wow is getting old how long are you willing to wait to have something for allied race rather then just adding the options to customize?
- That could easily change. Not much reason for void elves to have hair styles and aesthetics blood elves don’t. Funny thing about elves though, three of them seem to look-a-like. High elves, blood elves, void elves, all different but look the same, only with a slight change in eyes, skin tone, and different perspectives of the world. I find it funny that people prefer high elves over void elves. It’s probably just me, but I find the idea of a people dabbling in the destructive power of the void more interesting then a dying breed of elf. Still, everyone’s got their tastes I suppose. Doesn’t change the fact void elves are the allied race Blizz decided to go with.
- If you feel they’re a poor payoff, then I recommend looking at the part they played in the siege of Under city. Lot of oppurtunity and possibility as an allied race, even if they were just created for this expansion. What I’m getting at,…yeah, there will always be other options for allied races, but they’ll only have presence if the story demands it. We went to an alternate reality to fetch the mag’har as an allied race. It was there that Blizz revealed the dangers of the light. Why couldn’t we just gather uncorrupted orcs from our own reality? Because we needed to be shown the dangers of the light, and the story possibilities expanded. Each allied race expands upon the current races and the world that they live in. They are used to explore another aspect of Azeroth yet undiscovered. That is possible with nelf worgen and San’layn. If we recruit nelf worgen, we could catch a glimpse of old god activity. The old Gods could be trying to corrupt these worgen as they sleep, with the intent to use them against the mortal races of Azeroth. If the burning of Teldrassil was not enough to spur them to action, then our actions to save them will definitely want them to have us as allies. And with the scythe of Elune, those who are still lost to the beast inside can be restored. The druid order hall campaign literally has you go around freeing and restoring night elves from the curse. Or, maybe after all this time, these worgen had found a way to restore a part of themselves in their captivity and isolation. Either way, they’d have free will, and free will means they’d be playable.
As for the San’layn, I honestly think we only got to see a glimpse of them in what was revealed in-game thus far. I still think they have a bigger part to play. Afterall, Sylvanas has plans for them, it wouldn’t make sense for Blizz to say that the Alliance just killed all of them. Remember those bomb quests? The ones we planted on Zandalari ships. Came in real handy in the long term, didn’t they?
- In recruiting these two to the faction war, you are essentially having monsters fight one another. Remember, these two have been far removed from their respective cultures of origin for some time. In that time, they could have adopted their own culture, their own beliefs, their own powers, their own unique traits that would differentiate them from the worgen and undead we play now. Remember, they were isolated groups up until now, any numbers of changes or things we never knew about them could arise in their reveal. In this way, they’d fit right in with the other allied races. They would be their own people, who chose their sides in the faction war, even though they shared no real connection to the conflict until we gave them a reason to think otherwise. If this doesn’t peak your interest, then I don’t know what will.