Allied races for Alliance are a joke

i find it amusing how you claim my thread is a joke and “playing on a tired old meme” yet you respond with not just a few words but a whole essay.

Statement : Seems like you care more about my opinions than i do yours.I mean…look at your response…dissecting everything and adding your opinion to it. Which i have no problem with, except your last comment regarding my thread being a tired old meme. If you enjoy playing allied races that show no creativity then by all means go ahead. I on the other hand don’t and i would have enjoyed it if blizzard added more effort into the alliance allied races instead of the plain re skins we got instead.

Also dont waist your time responding with some smart remark or “statement” because im not going to respond to you again. I hope you have a good day :slight_smile:

Statement: Classic sign of a troll “You disagree with me therefore I will not respond.” This just further invalidates your initial point. I dont mind that you wont respond though, I dont have time for trolls unwilling to have a discussion.

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I don’t understand - at all - why that’s not a completely fair question. Azshara, world class Highborne arcane slinger turned megalomaniac leader of the group who were the proximate cause of the Sundering. Elisandre, world class Highborne arcane slinger turned megalomaniac leader of the group who hid under a dome for 10,000 years and allied with the Legion. Thalyssra, worldclass Highborne arcane slinger who…

Tyrande’s follow-up…

…is hardly a slap in the face considering it’s being said by Elune’s High Priestess. Night Elves haven’t trusted the Highborne or their descendants for over 10,000 years, her position was completely consistent with that.

“All right, lass, I got one …”

adjusts belt

straightens out beard

pops neck

wipes nose

inhales, holds breath

leans in

raises one finger

makes eye contact, pauses

“… MechaGnomes.”

bursts out in laughter

sips :beer:


It’s not very tactful. If you go around openly questioning people’s motives and comparing them to the worst villains your race has produced you can’t also then act surprised when they don’t side with you over the people who are super supportive and understanding.

Let’s not forget, this is the same Tyrande who allowed mages back into night elven society. At best she hates segments of her own population, at worst she’s a massive hypocrite who’s singling out Thalyssra.

Hey, even though I don’t play one, from a story perspective I have mad respect for the Thalassians who stayed true to their heritage, their leader, honored their fallen, and fought to rebuild their shattered nation after the Scourge. Blood Elves earned that respect.

Shen’dralar, for breaking away from Azshara and managing to survive in the post Sundering world while not being led by a megalomaniac arcane slinger…even though it was mostly hiding in Dire Maul…earn a sliver of that respect. Still, it’s not like they are universally accepted or welcomed. Personally? I don’t think we ever should have had Mage as a class.

Nightborne? Hiding away under a dome for 10,000 years while the rest of the world got to deal with things like the Cataclysm? Nightborne? Most of whom followed (based on ingame play) first Azshara and then Elisandre and peacefully co-existed with the Legion? Maybe Thalyssra won’t go down that road…but her two predecessors certainly make being concerned about it justified.

They were never going to be asked to ally with the Night Elves.

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Night elves did the same thing. Leaving seclusion in 10,000 years isn’t any more impressive than leaving seclusion in 10,010 years.

The Nightborne fought Azshara, the Nightborne fought Elisande. The fact that Tyrande has some beef with mages doesn’t mean mages are just going to accept that treatment.

Imagine it from Thalyssra’s perspective. She fights Azshara, she fights Elisande more desperately than Tyrande ever fought Azshara and then your ancient kin arrive to help save you. You expect it to be a joyous occasion and you’re all ready to rejoin their society but then they show up and say they don’t trust you and suggest you’re exactly like the people you’ve fought twice.

LOL blizzard openly admits that they screwed the horde over in the quest to unlock Mag’har orcs. A dragon literally tells us that in basically every other timeline Garrosh became the greatest hero the horde had ever seen.

@moiste “I have an issue with the fact that a majority of the allied races that the Alliance have received are nothing but copy pastes.”

If you’re going for LOOKS only, I think that personally it is a matter of perspective. When I see the horde allied races I feel the same way except for the Vulpera.

Void Elf = reskin of a Blood Elf
Nightborne= reskin of a Night Elf
Lightforged = reskin of Draenei with tats
Highmountain Tauren= reskin of Tauren with larger antlers
Dark Iron = reskin Dwarf
Mag’har Orc= reskin Orc
Kul Tiran = reskin/reshape Humans
Zandalari = reskin trolls that stand up straight
Mechagnome = gnome with parts

I feel like we all got shafted when it comes to Allied races, personally.

Horde gets: Drug-addict elves, Tauren with antlers, brown orcs, lepper trolls, and furry goblins.

Alliance gets: Void elves, Draenei who have been fighting the legion for a thousan years, Dark Iron, humans who can become into swamp things, cyborg gnomes.

There you have it. It all depends on how you see them. If you like horde’s races that much, maybe you should faction change? Because both ARs are reskins.

Kul tirans are the only ones that use a brand new model. They are not a reskin in anyway.

Horde got cute foxes Alliance got diaper gnomes

But there is no favoritism at all at Blizzard. Pay no attention to most devs only playing in Horde guilds /Bagdhad Blizzard


First of all; every race should be available to both factions.

Second of all, Kul Tiran humans are VERY cool!

If Blizzard had any imagination, brown orcs would’ve gone to the Alliance and the Horde would’ve gotten Dark Iron Dwarves.

Statement: from a night elf perspective you are correct. That is a fair question to ask. But try thinking of it like this.

Example: You are the new German leader after WWII, and one of your allies walks up and says “I remember where you stood in wwII. How do we know you wont become the next (you know who) and start the next (you know what)? Only time will tell…”

Query: would your thought be “I want to throw my lot in with that guy!” Or “wow what a jerk, I’ll find a new ally…”?

Statement: I am fairly certain you would not want to work with the person comparing you to the worst of the worst and doenst hide the fact they hate you.

Statement: I am sure that there is more to it than just one sentence as well. For example there are world quests where tyrande blatantly says to use nightborne as cannon fodder if I remember correctly.

Conclusion: It does make sense that the Nightborne would not want to join the alliance. Now why they arenl staying with the horde during all the sylvanas stuff, who knows. So much for trying not to be the next Elisande.

That is my only issue with Void Elves. They were literally made up on the spot, I would have much rather had an existing race with some interesting back story. As a race VEs are fine, they just lack the depth that I would have liked.

They are a playable race for the Horde, that is why.

Damn Blizzard , Alliance players are running out of tissue boxes . They need more . Also they need more dippers too .

If it bothers you so much then join the horde side. But if you’re staying alliance then stop whining and accept what you got.

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Suffer well!

They are lesser DKs