Allied races for Alliance are a joke

It’s sort of implied during the Nightborne recruitment that it was Tyrande who gave the Nightborne the flick, not the other way around.

Lol, Horde gets crack addicted elves, tauren with antlers, grey orcs, trolls with glowing eyes, and furry goblins.

Face it, both factions got screwed.

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Tbh It kinda feels like a golden child / target child of like say a narcissistic family. Both child’s fight over scraps, not noticing there’s been less for both of them than before and past devs and expansions, story telling and fun content wise had more to do and a fuller richer world. Despite world quests i always feel like so much of it is artificial, no rares to hunt for toys, world drops all suck behind a 340 titanforged socket season boe outclassed by a dungeon green. The world is empty and devoid of valuable content and there’s no worthwhile demand for any mats or decent boes.

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same went with highmountain tauren and for horde for the army of the light, we help them and now we are fighting, like what the fudge

To me, it just seems like they are either making assumptions or not listening. Imagine if there was a poll for what allied races players wanted next? I’d be incredibly interested to see the results. Because I really don’t think people would be voting for more palette swaps(gnomes, draenei, elves)! You can argue this is essentially the case for horde allied races as well.

It’s kind of shocking to me that this is the case when there are so many cool/interesting ideas within the game already. Sethrak, Waveblade, I mean even f-ing Tortollan could’ve been interesting and different.

Honestly, I quite like the Alliance allied races, especially the Void Elves and LF Draenei. That said, I do think that it sucks that the Horde got a much requested, unique, and cool race like the Vulpera, while the Alliance got stuck with mechagnomes, which imo, look horrible

Only race I don’t like is mechagnomes.

You know what really bugs me about void elves…

Why do the females have an accent and the males don’t?

Did they not live together and speak with each other? They should both have an accent or both have no accent.

Did the bliz staff not notice this before they released them?

Good god this is so wrong. John Cena is a professional show wrestler with a physique designed to look appealing rather than be functional. Marines aren’t huge and strongmannish because they don’t eat for it and it has no combat utility. Guns dont care how big and strong you are, you can just bleed longer.

Strongmen have big guts because they have to eat alot, and it takes a truckload of muscles there to stabilize the rest of their truckload of muscles. We’re descended from arboreal creatures without a tail. Since there’s no tail for stabilization, the core muscles have to engorge to help hold you in balance. Add in bipedialism and it furthers the issue.

Not everyone lives on the California coast and eats overpriced trendy Japanese food. They live on the sea, have crabs the size of you, have the tidesages who can fill nets for you. They also don’t eat lean, crappy cuts and seaweed. Look at the Samoans and how big those guys get. It’s the same concept with Kul Tirans. Island Gigantism and northern gigantism.

Fat is a relative term anyhow. It just refers to weight over the average, not total % of fat. Even then they’re 7ft+ so your BMi indexes are already hilariously outclassed. Point is fat people aren’t absolutely jacked like Kul Tirans. God you all piss me off.

and when was the last time your factions leader was the bad guy? killed in raids? Now, don’t get me wrong, I was very happy that Garrosh was an enemy for the horde, I hated that POS but still. I stand my ground

Honestly, i’m glad you guys got shafted with allied races. I think I can speak for the ENTIRETY OF THE HORDE, when we say, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I would happily let Alliance have Vulpera. No, seriously, please take them. I beg you, please, don’t make us suffer this epidemic any longer, please I’ll do anything, anything, just please, take away the mangy foxes and let me feed them to my demons.

I wish I went horde a long time ago, but all is well :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember when everybody was making fun of the vulpera because they thought they would be unpopular because they couldn’t read the room. :roll_eyes:

You want Vulpera?

I was one of the people that laughed at how much Mechagnomes sucked and happily called them Diaper Gnomes with the rest.

No more. Please trade with us. Vulpera had taken over the Horde. I’ve have my census addon active all week and they outnumber Belfs 2 to 1. Belfs.

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favor us?

that is cute

Rushed Horde Night elves
Different skin color orcs.
Tauren but they just have antlers and warpaint.
Goblins with a fox head and tail.

haha so great

Doesn’t change that Kul Tiran humans have some of the worst customization. When paired to their Zandalari counterparts. OF all the cool options they could’ve had.

No tattoos or markings.
No real face variation.
Real terrible hairstyles.
Very poor armor mapping
Unrealistic thigh gap.

On the plus side, they got skin tones that actually work well.

Horde is almost exclusively elves and foxes now. You’ve been overrun. Embrace the new normal.

I don’t want to hear about having bad customization from a walking teardrop of lard.

Statement: two can play at that game, watch.

Alliance got: Void elves, Light forged Draenei, dark iron dwarves, kul tirans, and mechagnomes

Horde got: ugly night elves, tauren but moose, orcs but brown, taller trolls, and furries.

Statement: like vs dislike is a matter of perspective. Let’s also not ignore the fact that Void elves are the most popular allied race overall and pretty much all of the alliance allied races have fantastic racials.

Statement: the transmog restrictions are hardly noticeable to be honest, and mechagnomes are a fantastic race all together. I have really been enjoying mine here and look forward to hitting 120.

Statement: this depends on your definition of new. Model wise vulpera are just reskinned goblins, where as alliance got the only race with a brand new model and rig with kultirans.

Continued statement: if you mean in regards to lore, well then by that logic the alliance got 3 brand new races as well with void elves (non existant until legion , when they were unlocked), light forged draenei (we didnt know they existed until legion when we recruited them), and mechagnomes (again, we didnt know these little guys existed until we went to mechagon.)

Reiteration: Again, Kultirans got a brand new model and rig which is something they said they werent doing. That is way more effort than any horde race got.

Clarification: Overall light forged undead are seen as lore breaking and many players are against them as a playable race. Since it was an April fool’s joke, I doubt it will ever happen. You are free to support the idea, but don’t hold your breath.

Statement: if find your entire thread to be a joke playing on a tired old meme. Alliance allied races are great.

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