Allied races for Alliance are a joke

Honestly i didnt care much about this until 8.3 landed. So lets compare the 2 factions allied races.

Horde gets , Nightborne , Highmountain Tauren, Brown Orcs, Zandalari Trolls and the newest edition Vulpera.

Alliance gets…Purple blood elves, Blessed Goats, burned dwarves, Fat humans and the newest Edition…damaged gnomes… . . . . . . . .

The worst part about this is the fact that a majority of the Alliance Allied races are garbage and the only one that i actually looked forward to was the Kul tiran SKINNY human but hey we didn’t get that. We just got the large ones which isnt bad but the lack of options when it comes to body types for that allied race is its biggest flaw.

The horde literally got the icing on the cake here. Now here comes the mecha gnomes… These are just stupid gnomes that have metal arms and legs that you cannot even transmogrify over. The racials are great but thats it…you gave the horde a brand new race and you just gave the Alliance a massive “screw you” Its like your development team put in all the work to get the vulpera out as a playable race and then you looked at the clock and decided…ey copy paste some mechanical arms and legs on those gnomes and ship them out. Who cares its just the alliance anyways lulul.

This shows a complete lack of effort when it comes to allied races for the alliance faction. As a fellow alliance player and as a blizzard customer for over 16 years now i am disgusted by this and this is very disappointing to be honest.

Based on the allied races that the alliance has gotten in BFA i have absolutely no faith in blizzard to actually give us a good allied race in the future. That will be reserved for the horde I’m sure.

You could have given us lightforged forsaken. It actually would have made sense but no. Instead we got a quest where we watched Jaina say BYE BYE to Calia Menithel.

Seriously what a joke.

Also if you are horde and you are going to come in here and gloat and blah blah. Good on you. I am actually jealous of you guys and ladies getting yet another great allied race. I hope you enjoy it.


I mean, I like the void Elves, just wish they’d had more of a background so it wasn’t pulled out of nowhere and were pulled from Queldorei populations instead of the Sindorei one.


This thread again? :sleeping_bed:


I could swear someone just made this topic the other day.


When you put it that way…I can agree you guys got shafted. Good thing I swapped to horde :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup, same, Alliance is a sinking ship, time to jump to Horde.

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I agree, i like them too, but they are nothing but a copy paste whereas the horde got a brand new race…nightborne with lore that makes absolutely no sense to an alliance player. We helped them in their time of need and yet they just go horde because eyyyy Elune lul.


I dont play alliance anymore but the only one that seems weak is the gnomes. I thought theyd be almost all robot instead of some hybrid humanoid.

IF blizzards ingame service fees weren’t so ridiculously over priced i would have jumped ship along time ago.

Horde helped them too. And Tyrande was a straight jerk to them (while Lady Liadrin was sympathetic and welcoming). I’d go Horde too if I were them.


There was exactly a 0.0000% chance that was going to happen. Anyone who thought it might was delusional.

Alliance complaining about racials has been one of their biggest forum hobbies for the last 10 years. They get a race with great racials, and suddenly its STILL a “screw you”.


So your only qualification for a good Alliance race is literally “it has to be pretty/cute”. I find that interesting.

No, it would not have made sense. Maybe you should branch beyond “I want a Horde race”.


Slightly different title but same theme.

maybe you should learn how to read ? I have no issues with the racials. I have an issue with the fact that a majority of the allied races that the Alliance have received are nothing but copy pastes. I also never said i wanted a cute race, i just want something DIFFERENT …NEW…understand ? Never did i say it had to be horde either. But thanks for dissecting my OP. Maybe next time try and read it properly first.


Oh. Your issue with the Alliance ARs is that they are copy/pastes?

Are you going to seriously pretend that the Horde didn’t also get mostly copy/pastes to the same degree the received?


You know i forgot to thank blizzard for the ignore function. I will thank them right now. Thank you blizzard for adding an ignore function on the forums. I will go ahead and use that right now to ignore Akston on the realm Area52.

This is the mature response I 100% expected.

Cry about something that doesn’t exist, and when you get called out on it…ignore.


you know, on one hand im tired of seeing this thread too, but on the other im tired of getting mashed 7v1 at every rare during the new assaults because everyone and their brother would rather play horde.

It’s damn near amazing how a player of the opposing faction seems to always downplay and insult their allied races, while praising the opposing faction’s allied races like top quality cheat codes…

Do you lot really hate your factions that badly or? Just play the opposing factions allied races then.

Sheesh, seeing these threads is getting annoying.


Maybe if Blizzard added the same love and attention to the Alliance faction than they do horde things could change. Also i am aware that these topics are on the forums allot but maybe thats a good thing because if blizzard actually looks at these forums they might notice that the Alliance factions players are not happy about constantly being shafted.


Specifically, what attention do you want?

You claimed that the Alliance gets a “screw you” on allied races based on many of them being copy/pastes. Ok. Lets work with that.

How many Horde ARs do you feel are copy/pastes?

Both sides get mostly copy/pastes. Thats one of the reasons they spit out so many.