Allied races for Alliance are a joke

In response to your analogy: Post-WWII Germany wasn’t anyone’s ally until years afterwards and in the meantime was a fully occupied country (for 10 years, until 1955) with stringent controls on arms and anything even resembling a military (until Germany was allowed to join NATO, also in 1955, and even then the role of their armed forces was limited by law to be strictly defensive) so I’m not sure this analogy does anything to support Night Elves not greatly distrusting the Nightborne or taking steps to ensure they would not backslide.

Statement: I was not attempting to say that the night elves should have trusted the nightborne. I said the opposite infact.

Explanation: my analogy was meant to be from the perspective of the nightborne not night elves. People try to downplay the effect that peoples words have on others, but it is reasonable for the nightborne to not want to join the faction with people who openly hate them.

Statement: It is surprising that the sat so idly by as sylvanas did all her nonsense up until 8.2 but that is bad writing, really she should have been spearheading the rebellion with saurfang and Baine from the start.

we all did

Admittedly, the diaper gnomes have amazing racials, however they’re too stupid-looking to take seriously. They have the lowest pop in the game bar nothing. Not even the horde’s moose tauren or brown orcs come close.

It’s a testament to how silly they look. Even with absurd racials, we’re not willing to play them. So yeah. They’re kind of a “screw you”.

I honestly considered playing my MGnome hunter as my raiding main for this patch because of how powerful the racial abilities are, or maybe race changing my mage or something. After three days of putting in some honest effort, I just couldn’t do it.

Me. The self avowed alliance super-fanboi refuses to play the most powerful race in the game because of how stupid they look. They’re that bad.

…it’s their pants transmog menu. I’ve got a screen shot of it for you if you want to see how dumb it looks.

It’s right here:

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I mean, we can phrase it in a negative way too. Horde got Arcane Night Elf’s, moose antler Tauren, brown Orcs, tall Trolls, and furry Goblins…

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Oh I definitely agree that the mechagnomes needs some help in the mogging area.

There are really only three or four ARs that matter in the long run: The very, very best, and the very, very worst.

Best - Zandalari Trolls and Vulpera
Worst - Moose Tauren and Brown Orcs

Their best are best because the ZTrolls and Vulpera were both extremely widely requested and look amazing. Complaints about both have to do with the power of their racial abilities, but in the case of the trolls their racials are passable. Not great, but not a deal breaker according to what census data we have. Meanwhile the Vulpera are cute enough their horrible combat racials simply don’t matter.

For Moose Tauren and Brown Orcs, they’re maligned but still not that unpopular. The brown orcs have better populations than pandaren who have much better racial abilities than they do. The moose tauren are bad, but no longer the worst in the game.

Best - Void Elf and Dark Iron Dwarves
Worst - Kul’Tiran Humans and Mechagnomes

The void elves and DIDs have good racial abilities and attractive models. For all their faults, the VEs are carbon copies of the most popular horde race and simply prove that if you’re going to steal, steal from the best. DIDs look amazing and their Fireblood racial ability is one of the strongest offensive racials in the game. I put them in the best category rather than the holy draenei because unlike the draenei we actually asked for the dark irons like how the horde asked for the Zandalari trolls.

Both of the worst races are races the horde have complained incessantly about because of their racial abilities. The KT’s passive heal was too strong and would break the game making them the best tanks in all of WoW. And the diaper gnomes are just blatently OP.

It obviously doesn’t matter in both cases because both AR’s reps are just awful. Nobody plays either race. They’re basically non-existent.

And I have definitely changed my mind that racial abilities matter except in cases where extremely good looking races get OP abilities.

Blood elves are the primary #1 example, and EMFH humans are an easy #2 back when EMFH was a trinket.

It’s why vulpera racials suck so hard the rest of your group will asphyxiate. If they had good racials, they would bury the blood elves overnight.

My Alliance main is a Lightforged Paladin, but I still think it would’ve been better as an unlockable customization (like Night Warrior eyes) for Draenei. Even Highmountain Tauren feel more different than their regular version.

Does it ever get old constantly whining and complaining with a massive inferiority complex?

You can literally flip the Horde ones to make them sound lame as well:

Crack Night Elves, Moose Tauren, Brown Orcs, Tall Trolls, Furry Goblins.

See how easy that was?

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Previous generation DeathKnights with different voices and customization.

And a actual starting zone. > Literally any new generation Death Knights.

Both factions have best and worst. The difference is that while both factions have good best ARs (VEs and DIDs vs ZTs and Vulpera), the horde worst are far better than the alliance worst (Brown orcs and Moose Tauren vs Fat Humans and Diaper Gnomes).

Just look at what little census data we have to work with. Moose tauren have twice the rep of the KT humans and MGnomes are so rare they break the site’s rounding logic.

Highmountain, Mag’har, and female Zandalari are reskins of core Horde races and male Zandalari are edits of models from around 5.2, yet I don’t see any Horde players complaining about them for those reasons.

Alliance players seem to have thrown themselves into a malaise over their allied races actually fitting the pattern of being based on core races/not being what they begged and pleaded for, combined with their ongoing resentment of some of the Horde’s allied races not being neutral.

Gnomes needed an allied race far more than the game needed another playable night elf reskin.

Kul’Tiran humans are great. Their worst crime is being a conventionally unattractive, un-“cool” looking race in the faction full of conventionally attractive and cool-looking races. But body type variety is a good thing and I like that they’re not just 100% fit and lean muscle like all the other races (aside from Pandaren).

The only issue I personally have with them on the male side is 70% of the facial hair customization being handlebar mustaches.

Honestly theres more ‘meh’ than good ones

Photo Negative Elves
Chubhumans (obviously not ogres)
Draenei who got tramp stamps to annoy mom
Brown Orcs (is that racist?)
Bullwinkle Tauren

Can’t really complain about

Heavy Metal Dwarves
Dino Power Trolls
Snail Trail Elves

And of course theres the perfect storm, us foxbois. (ok ok we could use more of our own animations, goblins are gonna sue us at this rate.)


I like my extra conquest and trolling groups of Horde.

I agree allot of wasted opportunity, corrected current lore and make Alliance Community Happy as a whole, Better decisions could have been made for the Alliance & AR Choices, I feel the DEVs are out of touch when it comes to the Alliance Community.

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The devs overall are out of touch with the entire game.

Pvpers have been asking for vendors literally for 3 years only to be straight up ignored.

No CM reply, nothing from ion.

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Fixed it