Allied races for Alliance are a joke

I’ll take the Zandalari over the KT any day. New rigs don’t matter, nor do the amount of resources spent on them, if most find them visually unappealing. Yes, they have awesome druid forms, but Dino-druids are cool AF too, even if it’s technically a re-skin. Only thing I like better about KT is the cultural aesthetic.


I like how fat humans get bonus versatility. AHAHAHAHAHA

I play both sides and have to agree, Ally has been getting the short end of the stick with allied races.

Likes and dislikes are subjective. I think AR’s should’ve been cosmetic and that’s it. Not an actual race. Here are my likes/thoughts.

Nightborne - Terrible. NPC’s are what I was expecting and instead get shriveled purple people eaters. Don’t like.
HM Tauren - Can’t play Tauren and they look basically the same. Don’t Like.
Mag’har - Cooler version of Orcs only because of tats and brown skin. Like.
Zandalari - As tall as Tauren and with a more balanced physique. Like.
Vulpera - I wanted Sethrak but after playing them I can stand them. Neutral like.

Void Elves - Cooler Blood Elves. I don’t like Elves but I would take them over any other Elf in game. Neutral like.
LF Draenai - Best of the Alliance core races but these look just like them. Neutral like.
DI Dwarves - Not a Dwarf fan. Don’t like.
Kul’ Tirans - Cool heroic humans. Like.
Mechagnomes - Don’t like Gnomes but like mechanical things. Reminds me of a tinker race only don’t understand where the full metal head is. Like

tbf LFD and void elves were the definite winner over Nightborne and HMT, imo DID are better designed than Mag’har (Mag’har are cool but they’re literally just the NPC skins from WoD, DID are an entire new skin), it’s Zandalari and Vulpera where Horde scoot ahead.

I feel like people are ignoring the fact that the Alliance got the better ARs for the first two releases. It’s just the third and fourth that aren’t as good.

It’s not as if people going out of there way and asking a basic five year old if a race of corrupt, gluttonous pig men who attempt to eat you and their own daughters with three storylines about them stabbing you in the back over and over and OVER again was a sale. It’s like comparing everyone liking Lion King and chibis over those ugly teeth dolls. Sure, I’m guessing the realistic rotting teeth might cost more, but it doesn’t take a six year old to point out “fatty people bad race hehee”

Oi! You shut your gob.

Oh don’t be tripping now, I love fat guys from Cornwall personally. It’s just that everyone else has terrible taste.

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What in the world did you just say to me? I’m confused.

I 'ate Horde.
I 'ate foxes
I 'ate Zandalaris

I love boats
I love the wife
Love the sea

Simple as.

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They’re basically just Jabba the Hutts of the human race when you think about it they’re even fatter than male pandaren, who, surprisingly didn’t do as well as lean kung fu or fashion model panda races from other games. They deliberately fattened up the Pandaren monk pet from mei size to having the body shape of a ffing bowling ball lol, and then did it again and expected it to sell? They could have easily just made vrykrul or norns with cool druid forms to balance Vulpera. I get the druid forms are cool and Drustvar had some good storylines, but it’s s little unfair when they got used as human models any ways.

I’m sorry you’ve got terrible taste, but Kul Tirans are dope as hell.

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If you think Kul Tirans are fat you’ve either never seen a fat person. Or never met a strong person.

The way it played out was Tyrande saying we’ll see if we can trust you, (because it was the Highborne, now Nightborne that kind of screwed Night Elves 10K years ago). And how Thalyssra reacts seemed awfully thin skinned to one comment after you know the Alliance and it’s heroes played pivotal roles in freeing them from the Legion. I mean what really matters, a little bitter truth or saving you and your people?

Yeah, its not like thalyssra nearly died for her cause or anything…
Being questioned on your motives is rather screwed. Why do that when you can join a group that understands what you went through?

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A bitter truth would be more like “Tyrande was needlessly rude to the future leader of a major political power and then acted surprised when said leader later sided with the power that showed great respect and cultural appreciation towards her and her people.”

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Horde allied races are a joke they get
Dried up night elves
Dirty orcs
Strait spined trolles
Tribal cows
And furry goblins

And Thalyssra proved Tyrande’s point. Her pettiness to Tyrande outweighed her debt to the Alliance and the heroes that helped her when she was near death and her people were subjugated. It was thin skinned. I’m not saying Thalyssra should not have joined the Horde, I’m saying Blizzard should have had better writing for it. As it stands it makes Thalyssra seem petty, petulant and impulsive.


On the model of strong men, John Cena, army marines and Gi joe Kul Tirans are much closer to semi retired sumo wrestlers on a doctor diet. Sure they have a arms and a pot bellies with room for guac and twenty five boxes of Twinkies and the MacDougals drive through,

but On a island with fish how can they even get that bulky? 15$ for a pound of sushi is like 170 calories with spicy siracha sauce. It’s as if they just ate the other boat man for their diet.

I ignore that and I think the reason Nightborne joined the Horde over the Alliance is because blood elves understand what they’re going through and night elves exiled their kind along time ago.

Tyrande being “rude” shouldn’t even factor in.

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