Allied races for Alliance are a joke

Horde gets: Tauren with antlers, drug-addicted night elves, leper trolls, foxes, and, as you said, brown orcs.

Ps.: void elves are the best race so far and with the most potential (unfortunate, we all know blizzard will just waste that potential, but still)


How dare you! They’re all awesome! Especially dark irons! I just got my heritage armor for my lady last night, and it is amazing. Female DIs have incredible customisation options. And just great proportions. I never realised before I rolled her just how well most armor fits on them.

And mechagnomes are just delightful! What could you possible not like about a cyborg?

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I like all of the alliance allied races more lol.

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Do you know why the alliance is always screaming and foaming at the mouth that horde has the best races?


Blood elves are the super models of the wow universe and they are soooo jealous of it. Why do you think there is so many void elves?

Somebody’s never taken a good look around a Horde garrison.


The only Horde race I’m jealous of are the Tauren. I’d love to play my monk as a Tauren but I’m not willing to give up my guild for it.

Dark Irons are amazing.

Their hair literally glows. Their eyes glow. They can tunnel all over every expac in one of the best racials ever conceived.


Fixed it for you.

Honestly, if you personally don’t like them it’s fine, but claiming one side got the better deals is way off…

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No one deserves that.

God the Horde garrison sucked.


I do see the point that some Alliance have had over this. At the same time, I guess I have a bit of a different perspective for it, that perhaps Blizz was trying to show some appreciation for gnomes since they’ve been theyve been picked on for a long time, etc. Now this is reaching of course, lol. Trying to see the positive. I dont have any gnomes or mechagnomes because the race is so small that when running, the ground flies by and motion sickness! lol. I dont have Vulpera for a similar reason and didnt do the rep!

100000000% agree to this. Not being able to transmog pants (with legs) on a trashgnome is really bad. Sure I can transmog robe-like pants but I dont want to see that on my melee characters.

Subjective topic is subjective. Just smile, nod, and carry on.

I would downvote this if I could, OP. We Dark Irons are pleasantly toasty thank you very much, not burnt.

My Kul Tiran rogue is just a plus sized supermodel, bless her heart. She’s gorgeous.

As for those mechagnomes, well… they have . Good racials?

Agh, who am I kidding. My new main is a fox rogue. But you leave DI’s and KT’s out of your tirades, ye hear? /jabs finger at Moiste


Particularly, I don’t think the Alliance AR are bad. I my opinion Void Elf is the only allied race that was poorly made since they lack a good backstory and had no lore devlopment to this day, I have this feeling Blizzard only quickly made them to fill a hole.

Well, about Mechagnomes and Vulpera, I do think the Alliance got screwd on this one. Mechagnomes are a good AR in my opinion but they really fall behind when compared to Vulpera. Just imagine if Alliance got Saberon, a whole new race using the Worgen skeleton and Horde got Lightforged Undead, with customizable glowing limbs and new hairstyles, I think the Horde would feel the same way.

I agree, I think horde got the better end of the allied races deal. I have been playing alliance but am slowly slipping back over to horde side. Not every likes the new race though… Yesterday someone spit on my Vulpera =( Very mature lol.

To each their own I guess. I don’t really care that they don’t have any established lore. I just care that they look absolutely amazing. Spacial Rift and Entropic Embrace have gotta be some of the best looking racials in the game. Also, Void stuff is just cool. It just is

You guys love to say how the Vulpera is a “brand new race” but completely forget that Kul Tirans are the actual new race, their skeleton isn’t even the same of any regular race, they’re entirely custom, not to mention the effort into making their awesome druid forms, not even the zandalari (reskinned night elves/female trolls) have druid forms that are so cool and well made, they’re just reskinned dinos.

That whine over ARs is fing annoying, especially how you guys only cry over what’s convenient and completely ignore what isn’t.

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What makes a different race isn’t the skeleton their model is built, it’s their biology defined by the lore. Ankoan, Jinyu and Nigh Elves all use the same skeleton but they are all different races established by the lore.

Sure Kultiran have a different whole new skeleton and model, but they are still biologically human and historically related to humans, thus they’re not a new race. We can’t say the same about Vulpera, they have nothing related to Goblins except that they share the same skeleton for their models, which imo, isn’t really important when defining a race because this is only a technical feature, Blizzard reuses the same skeleton in a bunch of models.


I’ll try to summarize.
No. It doesn’t show lack of effort on the alliance side, it’s aesthetic and completely subjective.
How can you say “the majority of the allied races that the alliance received are nothing but copy pastes” when it’s almost the exact same thing as horde.

Highmountain - copy paste
Maghar - copy paste
Zandalari - -not- copy paste, but neither were kul’tiran
Vulpera - kind of in the middle, they use goblin skeletons but otherwise unique, alliance got mechagnomes which are more similar but have different voices, animations, emotes (so really what you’re nitpicking is 1 race having a different model with all else equal)

If we’re going the subjective route, imo

Dark iron > mag’har
Void elves > nightborne
Lightforged = Highmountain
Zandalari > Kultiran
Vulpera > mechagnomes

as far as what the races added to their respective factions, that’s how I see it, obviously just opinion though but I’d bet that the numbers are similar to this as far as which ones are played more. I see tons of void elves and a decent amount of dark irons, not many of any of the first 3 allied races the horde received.


Despite Blizzard claiming that allied races were not sub-races, that is exactly what all of them bar one turned out to be. Every single allied race, with the exception of the Vulpera, is a sub-race of a core race.

Stormwind Humans = Kul Tiran Humans
Darkspeak Trolls = Zandalari Trolls
Gnomes = Mechagnomes
Blood Elves = Void Elves
Night Elves = Nightborne
Tauren = Hightmountain Tauren
Dwarf = Dark Iron Dwarf
Draenei = Lightforged Draenei
Orc = Mag’har Orc

Literally every single one of those allied races could have just been an extra customization feature, since none are an actual distinctive race. Don’t confuse rigging and skeleton with “new”.

I feel sorry for the Alliance too, at least the Horde got a brand new race in the Vulpera.

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