Allied races for Alliance are a joke

I’m actually the opposite I guess… I want to switch to the alliance after having been on horde forever. As far as allied races go, I think Kul Tirrans are epic and have far better Druid forms, Void Elves serve their purpose, dark iron dwarves are awesome, and light forged Draenei are epic too. To each their own I guess!

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They are good, but they are not unique at all. Thats whats so disappointing.

Doing so! Alliance stinks, so I’m swapping to Horde.

Kul’tiran are unique, just unique in a way that most find unappealing

I agree though, alliance allied races do seem to lack creativity and don’t do much to set themselves apart.

They really could’ve given alliance sethrak. I know there’s not much of a story to show them siding with alliance, but Blizzard made the void elves with less

I think a big drawback of the mecha gnomes is that they can’t use transmog. Transmog is such a hugely popular game feature, to the point people wanted it in classic. To make a race that’s denied such a beloved feature of the game as just not a well thought-out idea

They could’ve done so much more to make mecha gnomes unique, and show that they’re robotic. They could’ve given them the option to make each limb individually robotic, or flesh. This would’ve really displayed how they’re mechanizing themselves, and would’ve allowed for a lot more customization .

It would’ve let players choose if they wanted to be robotic, and immune to transmog, or let them look somewhat normal with only minor “upgrades” to their body

I understand why Blizzard didn’t allow that though, because it would’ve let players play a normal looking mecha gnome, and they would’ve been completely non-unique.

I feel like blizzard forced their robotic design and disabled transmog as a way to say “SEE SEE! They’re not regular gnomes, they’re ROBOT GNOMES!!!1!1!”


All the available data shows that the most popular allied race in the game is Void Elf, which is an Alliance race.


Neither are most Horde ARs.

I know I shouldn’t reply.


Horde gets… Drug addicted night elves, brown almost extinct orcs, moose-men, trolls with a skin condition, amd goblins in fursuits.

Meanwhile, Alliance get… Elves immersed in the Void, Angelic Draenei, Fiery Dwarves, Strong men, and Cyborgs.

I’m jealous that the Alliance got such amazing races.


What is it with you mainlanders calling us fat? I could break you half with just my hands.


In all fairness Dark Iron Dwarves are actually good, and people have wanted them for ages.

The point remains in that the rest of them are pretty bad to awful.


Well you kinda are on the chunky side…but I consider that their appeal. My issues with alliance are more population problems now than any allied race issue.

Horde’s the best and Blizzard will always favor us.

Why even bother with the Alliance? They look like elekk poodoo.

Oh hey! I’ve been needing a new fox pelt for my new coat.

Horde gets worked on first, then Alliance. That’s how Blizzard does it.

Vulpera were in the works as a new race since the beginning of the expansion. Datamining showed us that, although Blizzard denied it at the time. I’m sure Garbage Pail Gnomes were planned as well, but seem to have had their work started at the last possible minute.

To be fair though, can you blame them? When your job sucks as much as it has to suck over at Blizzard right now, which would you rather spend your time working on: adorable fox people or hellspawned diaper wearing abominations?


Well then…try and catch me first :stuck_out_tongue:

Void elves and Dark Iron dwarves are cool. The other ones are meh. I think the female Kul Tirans could have been designed better. The fan art/models I saw for them were pretty amazing. Robot gnomes should have been a customization option.

Edit: I completely forgot about LF Draenei.


They are kind of lack luster Alliance side.

I really like the mechagnomes, and the dark iron are cool but beyond that it is just eh.

Fat humans, slightly glowly Draenei, light blue elves. I suppose if you are a big elf fan the last ones are cool.

Kul Tiran males look like the guys from World’s Strongest Man. KT females look like frumpy Karen from HR.


Complete desagree with you.

Kultirian is me favorite allied race, i like their body type. looks like those strong man, fat but muscle too. Their druid forms are the best.
Void Elf are handsome and has the best heritage armor in my opnion.
Mechagnome are super cool, I love steampunk theme. I hope one day tinker class becomes true.


Alliance is a joke, so it works out perfectly the allied races are a joke as well.

You’re absolutely right that they’re a joke! I’ll just shamelessly plug my own version of this thread here.

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