Allied races for Alliance are a joke

Void elves and Dark Iron dwarves are cool. The other ones are meh. I think the female Kul Tirans could have been designed better. The fan art/models I saw for them were pretty amazing. Robot gnomes should have been a customization option.

Edit: I completely forgot about LF Draenei.


They are kind of lack luster Alliance side.

I really like the mechagnomes, and the dark iron are cool but beyond that it is just eh.

Fat humans, slightly glowly Draenei, light blue elves. I suppose if you are a big elf fan the last ones are cool.

Kul Tiran males look like the guys from World’s Strongest Man. KT females look like frumpy Karen from HR.


Complete desagree with you.

Kultirian is me favorite allied race, i like their body type. looks like those strong man, fat but muscle too. Their druid forms are the best.
Void Elf are handsome and has the best heritage armor in my opnion.
Mechagnome are super cool, I love steampunk theme. I hope one day tinker class becomes true.


Alliance is a joke, so it works out perfectly the allied races are a joke as well.

You’re absolutely right that they’re a joke! I’ll just shamelessly plug my own version of this thread here.

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They did? How do we do this?

Void elf DK > all

I am a Shaman. I’m infinitely more mobile than a DK.

I think Dark Iron Dwarves and Void Elves are amazing but I agree the other three are blah.

I was created by Arthas.

You by his intern.


These aesthetics just dominate all else, a little TOO easily :muscle:t6:

Calm down, Bolvar. We know that’s you.

bro I can’t blame you for feeling threatened or replaced or disenfranchised; perfection has arrived :muscle:t6: :boom: :boom: :boom: :point_down:t6:

Which means Horde stuff gets rushed out unfinished, while Blizzard takes their time making a masterpiece for the Alliance.

See: Stormwind
See: Alliance garrison
See: Boralus


I thought Allies would have got the Snake people , they would have been awesome. If Void Elves had a different model would have been better but all of them horde and allies are copy past basically.

To be fair … when Ali got worgen, Horde got … goblin. This isn’t a knock to anyone who likes the goblins. But I’m not a fan. I tried playing one and the ear piercing screeching when being hit or attacking was enough for me to pay to do a race change.

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So did I! I basically made a few Horde alts as this system went on. First a Nightborne, then it was a Zandalari, and now it is a Vulpera. These 3 won out of every set of Allied races IMO. So now I have made the switch and going to see how it goes.

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ah alliance salt… there is nothing quite like it.

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This is definitly subjective. Imo its pretty even. Void Elves are a cooler version of the most popular race in the game (or at least BE used to be, idk if it still is). Goats are one of my fav races, if I switched to Alliance thats the first thing I’d make. You see lame goats where I see white demons. Regular dwarves aren’t really my thing but the Darkiron look is pretty badass imo. I agree Fat Humans kinda suck BUT they have thee best druid forms imho. I have never been interested in making any druid until I saw those badass forms. I almost want to switch to alliance but I don’t want to have to grind the rep to unlock them. Mecha gnomes are like reeeeally cool. One of the most interesting designs to date.

I do like some of the Horde races but I couldn’t care less about moose/cow hybrids or tiny furry fetishes.

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