Allied Races are Now Unlocked for Free

I came back about 3 months ago from a 9 year hiatus. And I was super interested to playing the newer races but didn’t know I had do certain questing progression to unlock them. I knew then it was going to be a long grind to unlock all of them especially since I hadn’t started the other expansion questlines.

First one I did was Vulpera, since I had begun the BFA questline then literally couple of days later I find out that they were getting unlocked during the PTR patch notes. I was excited but also bummed cause I knew it was going to be a loooooong wait before it hit the live servers. But still I decided to wait it out and now finally that time has come. I’ve been wanting to play the allied races for a good while now!

Thank god, now I don’t have to constantly hop on my main to send gold to new alts :dracthyr_love_animated:

Was announced like a months ago. This is a you problem at this point. Noone cares. If you have the time to unlock all allied races pre this patch you arent even the demographic gaming companies cater to at this point.

get your money up

Who are you talking to? Nobody’s said anything against the change here.


As soon as I can play a Vulpera druid, I will be. However, the wait continues.


The mounts shouldn’t have been locked after the expansion they were released in was over anyway.

It makes no sense to gate such a coveted thing behind hours and hours of old content.

Some of those requirements were wasaaaaaay too much for a reskin of a current mount.

Sorry for the sass, but the races were a reward, the same as any mounts or xmog. Why is it okay to farm those, but not races?

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actually so happy i can finally play a mechagnome

didn’t play in bfa when mechagone area was relevant so never unlocked it (didn’t have flying in bfa until df)

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GD will still find a reason to makes posts about GD complaining.

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I’m confused. I obviously have characters that are over 60, yet for some reason Kultirans aren’t coming up as a playable option and it’s making me do some quests.

I thought the only req was level 40?


I had the same impression. It wants me to run all over Stormsong.

From a different thread -


Good find, thanks for posting.

If I had a nickel for every new player each expansion, then I’d have about $2.25. If I had a nickel for every time a hypothetical new player was used to forward an argument, then I’d have about $1000.

Could you speak up? All I heard was small, squeaky noises.

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Figures 124 people had the idea to make a toon called Rocket and most are prolly Vulpera.

Every time I have a good idea…

Ears still ringing from Kezan blowing up?

Nope. A couple bottles of Kaja’Cola fixed my ears after that.

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Do I need a lvl 40 alliance character? Or will my horde mains work for automatically unlocking the alliance ARs.

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was in the release notes. Just sayin’

You’ll need a level 40 Alliance character to unlock Alliance ARs and level 40 Horde character to unlock Horde ARs.