Alliance Winning AV (On AV Weekends Only)

You keep saying its a map issue, but you keep mentioning how PLAYERS have changed their PLAYstyle, and the relatively skill levels of the PLAYERS changed.

Sure sounds like a PLAYER issue to me

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Players playing differently can reveal things about the map, yes.

I really hope you’re acting dumb on purpose.

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15 years ago people sucked and didn’t know how to play the map.
They know how to play the map now and know all of its faults and strengths. What anyone with a brain can realize is the map is HEAVILY horde favored on this version of AV.

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Just like how Alliance can also continue to reveal new things on the map too. If they tried obviously.

PS. Horde and Alliance knew about the strength of IBGY even back in Vanilla. It’s just that Bridge/AS and SPGY >> FWGY and RH/no choke and the alliane played to that strength

Well, except for certain weekends apparently.

But it’s irrelevant either way. This is how it was in 1.12, balanced or not. The point I’m making in my posts is as soon as TBC hits (which presumably will have 2.4.3 version of everything), we’ll see a complete 180: Alliance will dominate and Horde will be whining and complaining. You can’t please everyone. The map is what it is. Deal with it.

Sure, they can. And if it turns out there’s some sort of trick that changes everything, that’s relatively simple to pull off in a PuG, I’ll concede the map is fine.

Until then, I’m gonna go with what I’ve been saying, because you frankly aren’t very convincing.

Alliance has to play significantly better than horde for the same results. It’s not balanced.

Of course they do. The alliance players have to contend against AFKers and rep bots. Thats why this magical AV weekend the win rate goes much closer to 50-50, 60-40, or 70-30 whatever the number is. And thats just from simply trying. Imagine if there was a strat you figured out.

So figure out that trick. It took Horde 15 years to do it. You have all the time in the world

EDIT: As I typed this, my AV has consumable and world buffed Horde. Wonder why you lose AV? This is why

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We did, it was called premading. And then they removed it.

OH WOW no one has ever tried consumables in PvP before!

What an idiot.

Lol. do you honestly think the average AV afking alliance bot will use consumables? Thats funny.

You’re absolutely delusional or biased.

nah man I’m sure none of the people playing on AV weekend thought to bring consumables. That’s definitely what the problem is.

Can’t believe I’ve let a joke like you take this much of my time.

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How about you engage in discussion then calling every post you dont like as a troll.

Of course some do. That’s why their win rates are better on AV weekend when they actually try. But how do consumables mean its map imbalance? If anything it proves my point much further since using consumables is a player made decision. Funny that the same consumable popping Alliance players also have high ranks and good gear… pure coincidence right? Definately a map issue

No, it proves nothing. I don’t think you know what proof is, lol.

“We use consumables, that’s why we win!”

“We use consumables too, it doesn’t help that much because the map is unfair”

“But you win more when you use consumables, therefore there are no map problems at all!”

sure, that’s what proof is.

In AV? no you dont. Not the average ones anyway. The only Alliance players that I’d expect would bring buffs and consumables in AV are the ones that are regularly doing WSG/AB on a non-AV weekend.
The AVERAGE Horde AV player does though, because the AVERAGE Horde player plays to win.

Oh I wasn’t aware you worked at blizzard and had data on who uses buffs and who doesn’t.

You’re talking out of your butt, dude.

What is up with the alliance strat this weekend for rushing IBGY… the worst of all options for you.

There are no good options unless the horde team is complete garbage so it honestly doesn’t even matter anymore.

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There are good options. There aren’t great options but doing the worst thing possible certainly isn’t helping.

Are there better optioins? Sure.
Does it increase our win chance by even 10%? No.

I’d argue the 10% statistic if you have geared people willing to cooperate on a strat that doesn’t involve an auto loss. If you’re running with the same green/blue geared pugs then yeah you’re probably getting tossed.