Alliance warmode pvp quest gives ilvl400

There now they can stop talking about that time horde got the warfront before last raid tier.


Mmmmm. These threads are gonna be extra salty today. Yum


Now it’s our turn to complain. Ahem…


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(puts out a lovely little tray of cookies including salted caramel blondies)

This is meaningless to me since well… I’m not going to do that PVP quest.



Uhm, something about Alliance getting a step ahead in the next raid tier, which with modern day speed run Alliance bias getting world first faster then Horde.

Something sommething, WoW devs purposly timing these quests in Alliance favor.

I think I did it right, right?

Either way, what bothers me the most is that Alliance still gets that 30% buff and free gear, while on every shard I get onto Alliance is way more populated then Horde (For every 1 Horde I count at least 3 Alliance.) So why they still get all this free stuff is beyond me.


Get dat cash loot money alliance.

Yea I’ve said this all along there’s no automated system that switches any rewards, blizzard just lied and manually set the rewards. And I’m also willing to bet they just look at the total number of toons in warmode, not the total active in warmode.

The difference is that at the start of the expac horde had many more people in it before everyone realized how bad this expac was and unsubbed leaving their characters still in warmode. Just a bad design flaw from blizzard but I don’t think they are competent enough to actually fix it. They will just wait until horde complains enough like the alliance did and then finally manually change it.


Also, love rez timers for wpvp…

So on Oceanic there’s a nonstop bloodbath at Horde docks in Zuldazar. I suggest everyone get in on the fun


You mean Horde is not getting it?

Blizzard’s incompetence never ceases to amaze me these days. It’s like they do it on purpose now.

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Yay! No one punt this gnome.


Alliance is also getting Warfront loot first too. The WB up right now for horde doesn’t update until next reset for us and Alliance is “gathering resources” to do the warfront which will already have higher ilvl. Then they get the world boss the week after…

Complaining about the warfronts is unreasonable though. Like a child who complains about stuff simply because it doesn’t go their way. That part is just RNG of your region.

The i400 gear though is a valid complaint and Blizzard is incompetent if Horde is truly not getting it.

Not even surprised that you’re alliance. You’re a joke if you somehow think that it’s not unreasonable when horde loses a world boss. You would literally be complaining about the same thing if it was the other way around.

Alliance basically gets 3 weeks of free loot because you know they’re not going to fix the PVP quest and if they did they wont remove it from people.

Meh its only a item level 400 cloak still better than my 380 cloak lol

So you are happy that the already outnumbered horde (since 8.0) on an oceanic server gets farmed by 2 alliance raids. Dude you are part of the problem

The warfront rotation is an ongoing process of several months based on contributions from both sides. What kind of person actually complains about a side getting it “first” while also taking that into consideration? The fact the rotation is at the place it is right now is Alliance’s fault just as much as it is Horde’s. Had contributions been done faster or slower on either or both of the sides, then tables would have been turned.

It is however, outside of my control as a single individual. Just as it is outside yours and also Blizzard’s as devs. So I ask you, do you honestly think you’re not sounding like a whiny baby by complaining over THIS? You should respect yourself more.

You literally don’t even get to have a legitimate opinion on the matter because your faction isn’t the one getting screwed by Blizzard. You can say what you want but it does not change the fact that you would be on this forum complaining as well if you were horde or this situation was the other way around.

It’s not even the fact that you get 3 weeks of free gear that does it but the fact that horde literally get nothing this week when it’s up.

Oh your server. That’s even better and shows how much of a waste of time this is trying to argue with somebody this ignorant.

Most of my post is not even an opinion, it’s just me stating a fact. If you can’t see those as facts you are not a particularly bright person. On the other hand, most of your post seems to be based on make believe assumptions of what I would or would not be doing had the tables been turned.

You’re welcome to search for other posts of mine and realize how pathetically wrong your assumption is. Or, you know, you can just put your ignorance on display even harder by complaining about my server instead. I suppose that just makes it even more humiliating for you when we compare our two characters.

Does it when I don’t have time to dedicate to raiding or the fact that this isn’t my main? Are you going to act like Uldir is some form of an accomplishment after all the nerfs and RA stacks literally carrying people? It’s basically 5 pieces of gear worth of free stats. It’s actually hilarious. Two of my friends that are not even that amazing let alone capable of not dying to the easiest mechanics are both 7/8 because RA stacks carried people to places they didn’t deserve to even be at since they’re able to fit a raid schedule in.

You’re actually a meme.