Alliance war effort box is awful

Perception: good for rogues and druids
Stoneform: good for rogues and hunters
Escape artist: good for druids and mages
Will: good for warriors and priests and locks
Torrent: good for mages and locks and priests and druids and shamans and pallies.

Horde racials have more baseline coverage than alliance so, if you are horde, your racial is more likely to be of benefit in any given match than if you are alliance.

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ya, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s why such a disproportionate amount of horde pvpers are undead.

Thatā€™s pretty hyperbolic, these boxes dont allow you to do targeted farming for materials. They donā€™t give nethers despite the lies that horde are spreading and they donā€™t allow you to farm recipes. Again, why do you care what the economy is like for alliance players? If you arenā€™t willing to offer something up to the minority faction in exchange for having instant queues from retail features then why should you have instant queues at all? There are consequences to playing the dogpile faction and if weā€™re going to just sideline those things there needs to be something significant in exchange for the alliance

In a meta that is VERY rogue/druid centricā€”you guys cover more than you give yourselves credit for.

Iā€™ve known plenty of Horde players over the years who selected undead because they thought they looked cool. Honestly, undead have some pretty slick animations.

Iā€™m sorry your brain never developed any wrinkles :frowning:

Iā€™m not disagreeing that there should be a good incentiveā€¦I just think GPH equivalent of your standard farming is over the top. 30-40% seems more fair.

Or just bonus honor/marksā€”that would be the way.

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I think they should just reduce the cost of respecs to 50 silver, for Alliance only, on PVP servers, only.

But if they just want to play horde for all the unique looking races then why are they picking the one that looks like human more often than not?

Undead looks a lot better in cloth, human looking or not. Thatā€™s a big problem with alliance over the years. They constantly get screwed with races. You got an elf and humans of different heights and weights.

They all look like human, esp the anthropomorphic cows.

What part of we neither need or want honour or marks because we are capped on what we wanted is so hard to understand. Equal pay for equaul work or keep your hour+ ques.

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So Blizz should make a change simply because you specifically chose to roll the faction that literally everybody and their mother knew would be overpopulated and have long queues?

Oh wait, they literally did. :roll_eyes:

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While Undead may be dead humans, thatā€™s where the similarities end. Their animations are completely different, and theyā€™re the only race that looks like theyā€™re literally rotting off of their bones. Pretty unique race for an MMOā€¦ I canā€™t recall a single other MMO Iā€™ve played over the years that featured something thatā€™s actually a playable zombie.

Well I assume since you are participating in events that reward mainly honor and marksā€¦thatā€™s what you guys would get as incentiveā€¦

See my logic?

Iā€™m sure wotf has nothing to do with it.

Iā€™m sure that WotF has something to do with it for some players, but not all players. Itā€™s like that for any playable race.

If you really think that accounts for

Then you are naive.

Iā€™m simply suggesting for you to be open-minded. For example, I have a 70 gnome warrior, but I didnā€™t choose gnome for Escape Artist, I chose gnome because they make absolutely hilarious warriors. I chuckle whenever I charge into battle looking like an angry toddler wielding a 6-foot-long hammer.

When you are honour capped with 100 of every mark and all the gear and gems farmed from the pvp vendors will you keep BGing?

Why doesnā€™t alliance want to do BGā€™s for 0 honour and marks is what you are asking here then getting salty at the possibility of us getting a farming replacement to not be penalized to BG again.

What is the logic in BGing for 0 honour and marks?