Alliance, stop kicking Shaman Tanks

An honorable profession

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Oh boy, your feel feels got hurt because you posted a stupid video and you cant handle being wrong so you come with this passive aggressive nonsense lol. You are a clown.

Pity, those things just weigh you down.

What discipline? My prior life as an engineer I got a Master’s in ChemE but I was only a lowly water/environmental engineer that did water/sanitation surveys for the State.

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Almost got it there, bro. Very close.

Oh no, I typed something wrong, better point that out over your pathetic arguments to shaman tanking. Shows you’re even more of a clown lol

Joke’s on you because I never made any arguments. I just linked videos where other people said and demonstrated stuff better than I ever could.

I’m jealous, then again I’d probably lose alot of my profits from “taste testing”

You linked a video that was entirely in Russian and is no doubt just the banter between the GM and his guildmates


Mainly airplane parts, and then medical devices for just a bit. I did have to do a big dumb study on DI water droplets one time. I spent weeks putting carefully measured tiny DI water drops on a piece of metal and measuring the droplet angle. Put it all into matlab, made a bunch of cool looking charts, and then promptly filed it in the bottom of the filing cabinet on the off chance an auditor ever wanted to look at it. That’s pretty much the job of a QE
generate paperwork for a hypothetical auditor lol

Oh, is that why you spent the last hour or so trying to turn this into a philosophical discussion?


or lawsuit!

Quality reports are just a-chock-FULL of surprises for Plaintiffs and Defendants alike. Did the inspector note the specific defect that actually caused the crash? He did? WELL HOT DAMN YALL KNOWINGLY MURDERED MY CLIENTS!!

Or the opposite, where extensive quality testing revealed no flaws and no issues and no defects and then something insane happened and now I can’t get my attorney’s fees or treble damages and now I’m sad

You claimed that a video, entirely in Russian, was a video:

You’re laying argumentation at the feet of people speaking a language you don’t understand and expect us to take you seriously?

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A video with Russian people tanking with Shamans is obviously a case for postmodern philosophy!


Nope, your own hang-ups are entirely your own and have nothing to do with any video you’ve posted.

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Love the knee-jerk assumptions.

Nothing knee-jerk about it.

Oh I guess I was wrong.

or was I?

You are right, he sure showed me by admitting stoneclaw is basically useless. It doesn’t have a true taunt, so its only potential purpose is to absorb a single melee attack.

It won’t get you an extra chain lightning, since the Enh shaman likely chain lightning on pull, and will be on CD, it’s not really going to slow down the whole pack of mobs either, just whatever one is in range first. After the pull Stoneclaw is entirely useless, because as I said, it doesn’t have a true taunt. Your healers healing aggro would overtake it.

So yeah, you could maybe get a lightning bolt out, but guess waht? The stoneclaw using a GCD means you could have typically already lightning bolted anyway. You’d get more benefit out of an Earthbind slowing them down and clumping them to make the mages kiting all the mobs you are “tanking” that much easier.


Probably the tank shortage. And like the poster said, sub BRD they really are fine.

Wait, you mean you are responding to a post I made almost 2 months ago when the game was still only a week or two old and tanks where all over the place at that time?