Alliance, stop kicking Shaman Tanks

Just heal like you’re supposed to and it’ll be fine. :wink:

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A caster-cleave centric team with an abundance of T4 gear took over an hour to do Heroic Shadow Labyrinth, because a Shaman tried to “tank” and gloriously struggled. The very first felguard drops him from 12.3k to 3.5k Health in an instant. On the first boss he’s OOM in the first 35-40 sec and the pair of Warlocks are having to just stop casting to let him stay on top of threat.

On the packs before the 2nd boss he just straight up doesn’t tank them ahahaha, the Mage does all the kiting and he just sorta backpeddles and tosses out Frost Shocks. He literally holds aggro on nothing while two Warlocks, a Mage, and a Priest hop around kiting.

He dies to a SINGLE mob in the 2nd boss’s room as well.

Yes. What a wonderful showcase of a Mage and Warlock.

Well done!

Given all your other baseless assertions, I don’t think you can even put a number on this, let alone state this with any confidence, especially when you follow up with:


“They are for sure worse!!! Buuuuut I’m not sure how they even work so…”


Are people still trying to argue shamans can tank?

They can’t. At best they can hold threat and act as a punching bag in normal dungeons for one-off bad pulls.

Earth Elemental is a great temporary tank. Shamans themselves are not.


I just saw a vid of a shaman tanking H Arc. They made it through but it seemed like a real struggle for no real reward. The mobs were barely tanked as threat gen seemed pretty low, and his mitigation was pretty bad.

Possible? Yes.
Would I have a shaman tank for me? No.

It seems like a case of trying to force a square peg into a round hole. It’s not something I’d personally enjoy.

BUT, we’re all paying our own subscriptions so more power to the shaman who are trying to live their dream.

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Great video to show why shamans are not tanks. Its amazing how brain dead some people are that they think getting carried by 4 other players means you are doing that “role”.


You’re not tanking at the point. Your just another body getting carried by 4 other players.


Thanks! And yes, it was a great video. You got the other part wrong, though. I don’t think you actually watched the video.

But that’s fine. If your DPS ever pulls from anything in the game, I’ll try to remember that that anything can’t possibly be a tank.

He literally does not attempt to Tank over half the mobs in the instance. He pulls with Chain Lightning, drops an Earthbind Totem, and the Frost Mage and Curse of Exhaustion spamming Warlock take care of everything else. They botch those pulls and have to RUN OUT OF THE INSTANCE TO RESET because if things get too spread out there’s no hope for them to win.

That’s not Tanking.


No taunt no tank very simple

As opposed to figuratively?

Look, I’m pretty much not reading much of anything you write. Haven’t for a while. It’s not that you might not be right or wrong, but it’s more of an attitude thing. That’s why I take the opportunity to poke fun at it.

Most of the intent and action taken by players wanting to tank as Shamans has already been made clear to you. Not sure where your anger and frustration is coming from, but I’m just going to continue to poke fun at it and post videos just to show that people really don’t seem to care about what you say.

They’re having fun doing what they’re doing, without regard to the meta or anything some angry Druid says about what they are “literally” doing.

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Your feelings got hurt, got it.

They want to call kiting and dying to trivial mobs “Tanking” and no one accepts that except the handful of snowflakes that think they’re breaking a mold. You can keep your post-modern “words mean whatever we want them to” nonsense.

Having fun doesn’t mean they’re Tanking. EZPZ


It won’t work no one will bring you lol better of bringing an arms warrior with a sword and board.


I mean someone accused Fasc of being pendantic and he freely admitted it. I imagine his issue is less about trying to oppress the shaman than it is about the usage of the word “tank”.

No one can control your language, but I just think many of us disagree with you on calling a shaman a tank. The videos show the mobs are immediately dispersed into different CC or snared. The majority of the aggro is not on the shaman 3 seconds into any pull.

I’d say that these are tankless runs, and that a properly specced and geared shaman can be part of that strategy.

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You always resort to this. I wonder if you’ve had anyone actually admit they had hurt feelings or maybe this just inspires them to refuse even further to listen to you and double down on what they’re saying just to spite you.

Has saying this ever actually convinced anyone that you’re correct?

Aww, look at you playing white knight for WoW’s rigorous terminology. Indeed, how dare people use it inappropriately! Good on you for taking a stand on WoW’s colloquialisms!

I always wondered when someone would be brave enough to take up that fight. Now I need not fear anymore.

Or it does because they’re tanking and your view is very limited. Which it is.

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This is what I love about the concept. Naysayers just go with “Stoneclaw can’t taunt!” and folks who have experimented with the class show how there’s a bit more to it than that.

Awesome! Love it!

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They’re not really tanking though. Words have meaning.

They’re pulling into CC and then acting as DPS. Most of the mobs barely take a second look at them.


You quibble about tone and then do really dumb and petty things like spam a bunch of old threads of mine because I irritated you. If that’s not hurt feelings, I don’t know what to call it.

If you want to play the “no words mean anything” game by all means, but don’t expect normal people to treat you kindly.

This is a post-definition jungle Enigmuh, you can be anything if you just SAY so.

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Well, rus flim qurlikc, but snull twad pinelbins.

Well, I do think someone is irritated.

Wait, is this a game? I thought WoW was real life!

Hey, you make it sound like this is some kind of role-playing thing!

Post-moderns are dumb.