Alliance should destroy Orgrimmar

we have almost destroyed orgrimmar. several times.

and every time the alliance changes their mind after thrall begs for their lives.

You needed the horde’s help the first time and Alliance npcs were wringing their hands about probably not being able to do it the second time even with help. (also you didn’t even get through the front door).

There are some vague rumours that Orgrimmar is getting a revamp, or at least a harbor.

Iron docks style harbor with train, please.

The train doesn’t even have to be functional for player transportation. I just really want the horde to have the coolest things the Iron horde built

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Only if we get to destroy Stormwind.


yes, but only because the Alliance skipped the bill for it.

We’re not warmongers, we’re just repo men.

Nothing wrong with being warmongers in WoW tbh. But if they destroy Org first
 it’s hardly warmongering. Just good, wholesome, old fashioned vengeance.

threatening the Horde with a good time?

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don’t forget when jaina alone almost destroyed org.

@ the Horde saying only if you get to destroy Stormwind, no, youre already ahead in city destruction, this is purely to get somewhat closer to being even.

Even after Orgrimmars destruction the alliance are owed one more city so we will likely have to take posession of Thunder Bluff also.

Since I am not a cartoon villain, I will allow Silvermoon to be revamped, taken off of BC servers and flying allowed.

Not really the same as burning the hippie tree city. Ogrimmar is on the same level as Stormwind.

Undercity can be a “sanctuary city”. There ya go.

The alliance has already tried to wipe out Org 3 times, and TB 2 times. You do not get more shots simply because you’re incompetent.

Your efficiency being lacking is not our concern.

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Orgrimmar is a dirty hole in the ground, destroying it would be a mercy. It’s barely on the same level as Theramore.

Stormwind is the jewel of Azeroth.

Undercity also can’t be occupied because of the blight. If the blight were somehow to be negated I would accept a full alliance reoccupation of Lordaeron as payment for Teldrassil.

You know Ogrimmar is on the same level as Stormwind; They are faction capitals. As far as a “jewel”, Iron Forge is much more fiery and awesome. Carved into the mountain.

Disgusting, I am appalled

didn’t they do that in a panda raid?

Literally wouldn’t even notice the difference unless you told us, checkmate, nerd! :wink:

I think the Alliance owes the Horde a city since the Horde was dragged through that nelf tree drama and even were kind enough to give back the werewolf city.

God that would be amusing. Seeing a guy like you forced to help the Horde build a shiny new city.

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SoO blah. Sounds like dancing on mailboxes

Why not Siege of Iron Forge? Siege of Goldshire? Siege of Darnassus! We could set fire to it with catapults. I mean, no one lives there.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Which is why you make both the aggressor.
It’s that shrimple.

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