Alliance should destroy Orgrimmar

I’m imagining a rebuilding of Loraedon’s capital where the second Anduin starts to talk about healing and togetherness and whatnot, he and the alliance delegation are ushered outside the gates, where they immediately slam shut.

UH… undercity was sacked…

It wasn’t. The Alliance never really made it inside the actual city, they only sent some covert troops that got killed during the evacuation. The city got blown up before the Alliance ever really got to sack it.

LAst Time I checked Undercity is not there. And there is a big cinematic that shows, the alliance attacking it. that is my story and I am sticking to it. Alliance got their silly little brick city smashed by Death wing, and their silly little tree burnt down. Ogrimar and Undercity has been attacked and sacked. Seems pretty even to me.

I know it is hard to see the truth from so far down near the dirt. Do you need a box to stand on to see it?

Sacking means to loot and destroy. Right? The Alliance did neither of that. The city was “destroyed” by Sylvanas when she turned into a trap for the Alliance and the Alliance never got inside the city or if it did, they didn’t come out cause while Jaina might have used her superpowers to fart away the gas outside the city, the city itself still got gassed, so if any Alliance made it in, they didn’t make it out.

A. Alliance attacked…

B. City is Destroyed…

No one cares about c-y

Z. Alliance destroyed Under city.

It is just like Japan and pearl harbor in WW2.

Japan attacked pearl harbor.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima get nuked.

No one cares that America kind of started it with Embargos and blockades and kind of locked Japan out of any and all resources. Basically forcing Japan’s hand.

Have they?

Sylvanas destroyed the Undercity.

Tomato toemato…

Orgrimmar, and the horde more generally, is a lot like Russia.

A dumpy, crooked hellhole of a wasteland filled with imbeciles who only understand the world in terms of oppressor and oppressed, and yet for reasons only fellow imbeciles can understand, still think the aforementioned wasteland is the best place in the world.

Meanwhile, the rest of the civilized world asks “Yeah, they’re dangerous, but would it even be worth all the trouble getting rid of them”, while a couple of guys in suits dream of exploiting their resources properly.

I should think the alliance would be like “nah”. I mean, they’ve already shown that they really won the war. The horde is history, the alliance won, but I’m guessing the members of the horde won’t face reality and continue dreaming of a glorious past that never was.

The Alliance nearly went up in smoke with that city. That’s worth noting, I think. Sylvanas baited them into the city and then detonated the plague bombs she had set up as a trap. The only thing that saved them was the Hag of the Sea swooping in on her super-powered ship and saving everyone.

I love the Horde, but I hate Ogrimmar. Thunderbluff or Silvermoon City should be the capital.

Bomb it to hell and back and make sure to kill all the goblins that built it. Hate the Horde goblin faction and their spikey architecture with a passion.

We haven’t seen any new faction cities for a while. I hope that Midnight changes that. Silvermoon and well, what’s the name of the goat city agian? Anyway, they deserve to be pulled out of TBC and into modern WoW.

please be Sylvanas, please be Sylvanas…PLEASE be Sylvanas.

God no. I’m not as down on horde elves as many since they’re not exactly getting the love the Alliance ones are, but… hard no.

They absolutely need to start re-doing cities using mid 2020s tech/models instead of mid 2000s.

I sent a cake to Orgrimmar, and secretly put in rocks in the middle, but I forgot they liked that. My evil scheme, foiled again!

They said they did. We’ll see if the lessons stick I suppose.

I’d say I agree with you, but the Alliance is just bad…

Remember what Stormwind Nobles did to the Stonemasons Guild?

I mean… she only did so because the Alliance was attacking, and about to take it or sack it. It was lost either way because of the Alliance. So… I’m still blaming the Alliance.

Precisely. Or at least have it so that the “victim” isn’t a victim at all, and forced the “aggressor’s” hand, and mistakes end up being made, as they tend to in war.