Alliance should destroy Orgrimmar

Well, you see, its okay because the Horde started both world wars.

Varian declaring war and invading the barrens before Garrosh touched a single Ashenvale tree doesn’t count, he called timeout afterwards.

Genn pulling a pearl harbor also doesn’t count, because… shut up


the alliance should try

orc woyer grin intensifies

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i dont know how do you destroy exodar? i mean its pretty big piece of dirt.

fill it with water. the ocean is literally right there, you could wipe out exodar with a 2" pump and a generator.


And that was mainly due to the idea that there was only ONE dock on the upper levels, so even if Alliance and horde were working together to down the Lich King does not mean that either wants to stand aside and let the other take all the credit.

One thing some seem to overlook is even if we want peace between the factions, that does not mean we want them holding hands. Right now ALOT of Horde players would be happy if we got our own stories and such for the expansion and if we have to work under Alliance NPCS, we can at least get quests from/report to Horde aligned NPCs.

See what I mean? Superficial. So what was that then? Diplomacy? It’s really hard to talk to you people when you say stuff like this.

And that means they weren’t fighting or what?

It does not. The fact that both factions are working towards the same goal does not automatically mean they are working together, often when two separate factions are working towards the same goal, they are COMPETING.

And look, I’m not gonna play a dumb little game where you selectively pretend you don’t understand that I’m talking exclusively about the war and by relation, peace between the factions. You people want that removed, I don’t know why and given how superficial your posts have been, I’m not sure I want to know any more.

Anyway, does not matter what I say. They will not remove the conflict between factions. They might put it on pause at best, but to remove it is to cut a leg from under them and they won’t do that.

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War=Conflict but conflict does not always=war

I am actually hoping the conflict remains but it ranges from a friendly rivalry to a violent vendetta based on individual characters, like say Rodgers and her Horde counterpart are more then willing to take each other out in the fight sense but ones like Mekatorque and Gazlow just keep trying to one up each otherin tech.

This post feels like a fever dream.

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Obviously. We’ve had conflict between the factions from day one to this day. There were two actual wars from day one wow to this point.

And what I’m actually hoping for is a separation of the story when it comes to the factions because it hasn’t been working out for the Horde when we get Alliance characters involved since the Horde ends up in the back seat. We literally spent half an expansion building a new home for nelfs. Even that short story that was released a month or so back took place in a Horde city but ended up being about the Alliance.

No, I want the Horde to have it’s story, with it’s characters, the ones that are left, free from bloody Jaina, Anduin or what’s her name the void elfette.

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What I stated was just what I was hoping for the conflict, but what I really want is for as little interaction between the Alliance and Horde as possible.

As far as the “void Elfette” as you called her, 2 an fit that discription:

  1. Alleria Windrunner (always a Windrunner)
  2. Xal’atath, and with this one it is more akin to how the dragons take humanoid form to interact with “mortal” races,

The thing is, Xal’atath is the de facto 3rd party villain for at least the start of TWW, so Horde will have to deal with her as well as Alliance, best we can hope for is the same goal, different reasons.

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With the Horde the way it is now, they would advocate to forgive the extremists for the sake of better relations with the Alliance.

The human ret’s wife, Turalyon, that’s Alleria, yeah. I don’t actually mind the knife-girl cause she’s not affiliated with any faction.

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It would be an improvement.

tbf, the reason Saurfang was so desperate was he thought there was still a chance he could save his son.

Actually, he knew his son was dead, he died at the Wrath Gate, he was there only to collect the body.

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I swear there was a line about how he knew he was raised or something, doesn’t he only say that at the end of the Alliance version of Deathbringer Saurfang?

based belf take lmao

He says the line about being there only to collect the body before the Horde fight starts, and afterwards, only talks about what will be done with the body (buried in Nagrand) and the line about never forsaking Honor.

WoWpedia has no such line that you were thinking of for the battle, nor the gunship battle. So I think you might be misremembering.

We’d just open a portal above Org to drain the water, turning the whole place into a giant mud wrestling pit.

or mud fight,