Alliance should destroy Orgrimmar

Yea, and you get it’s bad to use plots and things as an excuse to abandon the foundation and whole point of a franchise, right?

Says who? Ion has never said that. Way to just lie to support your agenda.

It’s still warcraft. Doesn’t need to be the rts to retain the foundational elements integral to the game since its inception, not just in the rts, but the mmo as well…

Lmfao. Not a single thing I said in the post you quoted breaks any rules. Nor does saying being unable to handle fictional extremism in a video game is a sign of fragile mental health.

It’s sad you have to run away and abuse the report system when you are challenged rationally, and coherently.

Sounds a lot like you decided that for everyone.

Fact is, it’s not and they know it. When the nostalgia starts setting in, they’ll do another faction conflict like in the good old days. And I think you people know it.

i feel like your idea is simultaneously incredibly awful and yet exactly something blizzard would do, and i’m not sure why…

I agree with the HMP for once…

Only so we can get an Orgrimmar that doesn’t look like a Garrosh theme park.

It was an alternate timeline and as such not a player faction.

Again, horde plot armor.

Just as bad as horde players mad alliance characters are the main focus for the first time in 20 years in WW.

It is over and I’ll laugh when there’s no faction conflict. And I think you people know it’s not coming back and are out of copium.

Wont happen. We have Vulpera. They will bite your ankles while orcs and 10 ton Tauren bash heads in with an even heavier hammer. Alliance don’t stand a chance now.

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It’d lose the faux deth metal look that edgelord Garrosh forced on it.

You are getting personal here. Because there’s no way in any situation that they’ll abandon the faction conflict. That’s you people speaking out loud your little fantasy in hopes of making it a permanent reality when it’s simply not and it will only be when this game has had it’s last update and that update is peace, which even then it probably won’t be.

Like I said, the moment this peace stuff goes on for too long, people will speak up, will remind Blizzard why this game is what it is today, which is, in part thanks to that conflict and we’ll go back to it just for the sake of nostalgia, the same way we did in Cataclysm and in BFA.

Kneecaps, not ankles. We’re four feet tall, not one…and hobbling their knees is more effective anyway.

Heck, if you count after the Wrathgate as well as BfA, the Alliance also marched on UC twice.

You mean like the Humans, Orcs, and Night Elves coming together to defend Mount Hyjal from the Undead Scourge? Or like the Alliance and Horde coming together to stop Illidan? Or to stop Arthas? Or Deathwing? Garrosh? The Iron Horde? The Burning Legion? N’Zoth? Sylvanas? The Jailer? The Primal Incarnates? Xal’atath? This franchise has gone on for more than two decades of the Alliance and the Horde putting aside their differences to fight a common enemy.

I think you people are very confused about what’s happening. Actually it’s not that surprising that it’s the very superficial people asking for this peacecraft stuff.

The factions, the Horde and the Alliance have rarely truly came together in some mass hug and wooped the bad guy. That happened only 3 times to my knowledge and two ended badly. The Death Wing fight, the attack on the Wrath Gate and the Broken Shore battle.

But according to this guy, we came together to fight the Lich King. Nevermind that one of the bosses in the Lich King raid is the other faction. He skipped over that fact, just like he skipped over the fact that if both factions offer their individual assistance to a thrid party that accepts both of their help, does not count as coming together.

No seriously what it it with you people and this peace crap? Why do you insist on it when the game has ALWAYS had this conflict as part of it’s identity? What the hell makes you want to kill that aspect so much? I’m honestly curious.

I am not fussed either way… Warcraft, Peacecraft, I am just a dude in this world. Both can be done well, both have been done poorly.

But I will say that having the War between Factions does add some stakes to the game. It raises the level of conflict. It makes friendships across the Factions mean something more, while they are tested.

Like when Sylvanas told Baine he can’t be friends with Anduin anymore, in Before the Storm. I mean, that was funny, it was like a parent scolding their child about being friends with the rich kids on the other side of the tracks. But it adds some tension for the cross faction friendships and cooperation to overcome.

If everyone is friends and cooperation is the default, it lessens the opportunity for drama between the Playable Races.

Warcraft or Peacecract can both be done well or poorly, I do not think one is innately better. But I will say conflict between the Playable Races has more impact on the Playerbase than conflict with some third party.

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LOL its done dude. It’s not coming back. Let it go like Elsa says. BTW Robert Downey JR voice "What do you mean, “you people?”

I think you need to stop using this “you people”. I think we, the people should report this guy.

No, it can’t be. Because if the conflict is removed from Warcraft, it’s not warcraft any more. And how would you write a good peace mode? Just out of curiosity?

Can’t blame Hordes people. They just follow their leader order. I know it’s sad.

First, there was justice. Garrosh is dead, Sylvanas is in the maw saving souls for who knows how long, Nathanos gone and forgotten (seriously what the hell was that for?!), all our active leaders are now basically alliance bootlickers.

Second, you’re comparing a quest hub you never went to, and a tree you never went to, to our main capital. Hello?

My response to you.

Point to me “asking for peacecraft”.

They’ve done it every expansion thus far which is about one year in-game time, so once a year.


Oh, I didn’t realize the gunship battle was the entire factions fighting one another… Oh wait, it was just two commanders and their gunship crews fighting one another.

Just like you skipped over the fact that Varian comes in after the fight and tells Muradin, one of the faction commanders of said fight, to STAND DOWN.

It does.

Are you always this angry and upset?

Again, point to me on “insisting” on their being “peacecraft”. I’m sorry if pointing out the facts is damaging to your narrative.

Third time’s the charm, or so they say… Ahem. Show me very clearly and specifically where I am “wanting to kill that aspect so much”.

Same… Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll ever get an answer to any of my questions as you clearly have your agenda and just because I pointed out the truth you branded me as an opponent. For the second time, I’m so sorry you are this angry and upset over pixels on your computer screen. I recommend logging off the internet as a whole for at least one week, going outside, and touching some grass.

Because that’s what people want, all conflict removed. Right… You’re delusional. I don’t know if you heard, but the next expansion is titled The WAR Within.

There’s still “wars” with other factions, not just between the Alliance and Horde. I pointed out many of them, which of course you just blew off because yet again it doesn’t support your narrative. Textbook confirmation bias. Please keep your mental illness to yourself. Cheers.