Alliance should destroy Orgrimmar

Yeah, since its a player faction. How entitled have you Alliance-boys become to even say that. Plot armor cause we can’t kill a player faction.

So they force us to reroll Alliance or do they just delete our accounts?


see, people ? that’s why we kill alliance.

It’s also why I don’t get the complaints about the faction divide. People say it has handicapped us against the big bads and for the purposes of story continuity that is actually a good thing whether they accept it or not.

If, by coming together, we can now easily defeat all of the threats to Azeroth where does that leave the story?

It leaves it over with.

If, by coming together, we can’t easily defeat all of the threats to Azeroth what does that mean?

It means the faction divide wasn’t really holding us back.

I’m a death knight.

I honestly don’t know, why people want peace in a game that’s based on a war, explores several wars, but I have theories.


Bring back war and genocide please.

In a half dozen quests during the Purge of Dalaran, Vereesa sends you (the PC) out with specific instructions to kill the city’s dragonhawk flightmaster (so they can’t be used to escape), two separate groups of Sunreaver guards, and four separate named NPC civilians…and those last were not combatants in any way or form. She simply wanted them ‘taken care of’ because they were politically opposed to the Silver Covenant.

Not ‘captured’. Killed. She used the ‘purge’ as an opportunity to see her rivals eliminated.

How many of them do you imagine had kids?

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Hard to say with elves.

They multiply like rabbits.

Heh! So if I adopt your take on this, I won’t have to feel any remorse when saying Vereesa should be put down before she has a chance to breed again.

All of the Windrunners are a scourge.

Absolutely Not Nope GIF - Absolutely Not Nope No GIFs

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Technically, I never said you needed to feel remorse at all.

I mean, when I needed to roll back the male human population I did so with no reservations. Even IF they were buried up to their necks in the ground, and I had to smash their heads in with the only tool the quest provider could give me - A shovel.

I mean that was a really good quest! We need more like it.

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Oddly kind of like IRL.

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Those that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms”

― Robert A. Heinlein, [Starship Troopers]

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A direct attack on the city would require the full might of the Alliance, which a group of extremists won’t have.

Not everything in video games is a 1:1 comparison for irl.

In single player games like rdr2 and so many others that I can’t think of, you can choose if you save everyone, only some, or kill indiscriminately. You decide if your character is good, evil, or in the middle. Horde players did the burning whether they wanted to or not. Alliance players had a city burned by the horde whether they wanted it or not. It didn’t give players on both factions to decide how they/their character would react. If horde players were given the choice to support or be against it and alliance were able to stop the burning if they wished then it would have been fine. But since WoW is an mmorpg, they can’t have as many endings as single player games.

I’m for it. Maybe we’d actually get an updated Org out of it, instead of the half finished mess we’ve had since Cata, with its multi-expansion dookshow outside the front gates.

I’m good without extremists, there is enough of those right now in society; We don’t need this kinda of parallels to the real world.

Says you. I say otherwise.

Then we can destroy it’s equivalent of storm wind. Sure.

Even Ion only said it’s unlikely. He didn’t say it couldn’t happen. Ion has the wrong impression of why people didn’t like the faction war in bfa.

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